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Data processing



There are FOUR ways of PROCESSING

Real-Time Processing STRAIGHT AWAY

Data files are updated as soon as new information is entered.
Flight booking so no one can reserve the seats you have. In-Flight navigation programs
Advantages Quick updated automagically and straight away. Disadvantages Expensive processor needs to be constantly on task Cant handle large quantities of data

Batch Processing ALL IN ONE GO

When lots of different data is stored up and then all processed together at a later date.
Working out wages at the end of the month

Advantages Cheap for larger volumes of data Quicker of larger volumes of data

Disadvantages Slower than Real-Time Processing

Transaction Processing ONE OFF SPECIALS

The opposite to Batch processing These are updated by request of an individual. This copies files from a master file, and processes the data on its joner.
Managing Subscriptions
Advantages Quick Disadvantages Expensive

Interactive Processing TALK to the Computer

Updated by an operator on item at a time, in response to prompts given by the computer.
Cinema ticket booking

Advantages Quick Specific

Disadvantages Expensive pay man to operate Human Error

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