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Dharma and Psychotherapy

using the Buddha's teaching to overcome mental-emotional suering

The Buddha was a spiritual psychologist and psychotherapist, and in teaching the Dharma he wanted us to have a better understanding of the human condition and the nature of mental-emotional suering. Mind training and cultivation, mindfulness help us to deal more eectively with our mental-emotional states, to react less and instead of being overwhelmed and confused by them maintain patience and peace.


251 Dundas Street, London, ON Stevenson & Hunt Meeting Room

JulyLibrary 14 Central

7-9 pm Thursday


No registration required.
2 hours free validated parking in Citi Plaza during Library hours.

Along with Buddhism, BHANTE KOVIDA has studied Indian history and culture, Hatha Yoga and meditation, classical Indian music, and Science. He took ordination with Venerable Balangoda Anandamaitreya, a noted scholar, teacher and meditation practitioner in Sri Lanka, in January, 1991. Since then he has traveled the world studying and teaching the dharma.

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