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Images: Ind Tech Multi

Compare and Contrast Vector and Bitmapped images

Dene Interlacing

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of interlacing

Distinguish between the following le types: gif png jpg

Dene resolution:

Images: Ind Tech Multi

Dene dpi What is the relationship between resolution and dpi?

Dene lossy compression and give an example

Dene lossless compression and give an example

Demonstrate how the le size of an image that is 640 x 480 pixels in resolution with 256 colours is calculated

Dene colour depth (aka bit depth)

Images: Ind Tech Multi

List ways that you can source images: Clip art Screen capture What is the purpose of a thumbnail?

Sample Exam Questions

Images: Ind Tech Multi

1. Name a factor that affects the quality of an image on a computer screen. 2. Explain how and why this factor affects image quality 3. Name t wo devices suitable for capturing images 4. Discuss the suitability of using vector and bitmapped images in a multimedia presentation. 5. Outline ways the file size of a high resolution graphic can be reduced for use on a website. 6. Discuss the ethical issues involved with using images on the web. 7. Discuss the technical issues involved with using images on the web. 8. You need to create a banner for the top of a shop. Describe the technical constraints that you would have in developing the banner. 9. Explain the advantages of using layers within a multimedia project 10. Define anti-aliasing. Give an example of where this would be used. 11. Contrast the use of three image manipulation techniques : Stretch, skew, rotate. Use images if you need to to illustrate your response. 12. What is compression? Why would you use compression? 13. Explain factors that would effect your choice of file type for an image that was: 1. placed on the web 2. printed large scale 3. printed for a letterbox drop 4. a map 5. a photo 6. a logo

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