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Materials Engineer 1. In soil Engineering the term SOIL includes a. clay b. gravel c. sand d. all of the preceding 2.

The compressibility of a fine grained soil is a. high b. low c. it depends upon the grain size 3. Sand has a greater load-carrying capacity than clay a. true b. false c. it depends on gradation d. it depends on water content 4. The highest moisture content in the plastic consistency of fine-grained soil is the liquid limit a. plastic limit b. shrinkage limit

5. Compaction increases the strength of soil by a. expelling air from its voids b. forcing soil particles into more intimate contact c. both a and b 6. Indicates a range of moisture content over which soil is plastic a. plastic limit b. shrinkage limit c. plasticity index

7. Water content of an undisturbed soil is called a. optimum moisture content b. hygroscopic moisture content

c. natural water content 8. In the performance of Moisture Density Relations Test, the equipment used is a. liquid limit device b. sand-cone apparatus c. rammer and mold d. none of the above 9. Peat and muck are a. fair subgrade soils b. stable soils c. unstable soils d. good subgrade soils

10. The particle size distribution of a soil is determined by a. liquid limit test b. sieve analysis test c. plastic limit test d. any of the preceding 11. To prevent intrustion of soft subgrade material into the aggregate base or subbase a. reinforced earth b. rock buttress c. gabions d. geotextile may be used 12. The CBR value is generally selected at a. 0.10 b. 0.0375 c. 0.05 d. 0.20 penetration 13. One of the methods in improving the properties of a soil to make it suitable for a particular purpose is a. particle rearrangement b. sodding or sprigging c. paving

d. none of the preceding 14. A sample of saturated clay has a mass of 102.8 g. After oven drying, the same soil weighs 73.4 g. If the specific gravity is 2.74, its wet density, g/ml is

a. 1.829 b. 1.825 c. 1.827 d. 1.830 15. The dry density, g/ml is

a. 1.310 b. 1.306 c. 1.300 d. 1.309 16. Blown Asphalt are usually used for paving a. true b. false c. it depends upon its ductility

17. A mixture of asphalt cement and water with emulsifying agent is called a. R. C. cutback b. M. C. cutback c. Asphalt emulsion d. Oxidized asphalt 18. The a) Marshall Stability Test b) Immersion-Compression Test c) Job-Mix formula compares the compressive strength of dry and wet specimens of asphalt mixes. 19. The effective asphalt content is a) lower than b) higher than c) equal to the actual asphalt content. 20. Which of the following percent air voids is most preferable in bituminous mixture

a. 0% b. 5% c. 8% 21. a) Viscocity b) solubility c) Flash point d) Extraction test determines the bitumen content of asphalt

cement 22. a) Distillation b) Penetration c) Viscocity d) Ductility is the consistency test on solid asphalt. 23. a) Tack coat b) Prime coat c) Seal coat is the bituminous coating applied to an old concrete pavement to be used as base. 24. A Job-mix formula provides for close control of a. asphalt content

b. aggregate gradation c. both a and b 25. a) Flexibility b) Durability c) Stability d) Workability is the resistance of an asphalt pavement against weathering. 26. The temperature of hot mixes being delivered should not be less than its a. mixing b. application c. heating d. compaction temperature 27. A Bituminous Seal Coat is usually applied with aggregate a. true b. false c. it depends on the surface application 28. The maximum specific gravity of an asphalt mix containing 6.0% asphalt by weight of mix is 2.6. If the specific gravity of an asphalt is 1.01, the specific gravity of the aggregate is equal to

a. 2.65 b. 2.56 c. 2.76 d. 2.70 29. The weight in air of a core specimen taken from asphalt pavement is 4,128 g. If its SSD weight is 4,137 g. and its weight in water is 2,237 g. Therefore, its bulk density is

a. 2.42 b. 1.72 c. 2.28 d. 2.69

30. The bulk specific gravity of a sample of bituminous pavement taken from a newly rolled section is 2.244. If the laboratory compacted specific gravity is 2.362 and the minimum compaction requirement is 95%, the pavement is a. satisfactorily rolled b. over compacted c. in need of more rolling 31. Concrete specimen molded in a 6 x 6 x 21 beam mold should be rodded

a. 60 b. 61 c. 62 d. 63 times

32. Quality determination of concrete coarse aggregate sample requires a. abrasion test b. sieve analysis c. stability d. both a and b 33. Concrete fine aggregate should be tested for a. compaction b. stripping c. stability d. none of the preceding 34. Admixtures are used to a. improve workability b. increase strength c. retard initial setting d. all of the preceding 35. a) Compressive strength b) Flexural strength c) Bond d) All of the preceding will improve if water cement ratio is lowered. 36. Angular coarse aggregate will require more a. sand b. water c. both a and b d. coarse aggregate per unit volume of concrete.

37. Slump test could be used to detect a. increase in cement content b. increase in water c. increase in volume d. increase in aggregate 38. Greatest net water is required in a concrete mix with a. very coarse b. coarse c. fine

d. very fine, fine aggregate

39. If the concrete beam specimen is raptured during test outside the middle third, but within 5% of the span length, the formula to be used in computing the stress is a. R = PL/bd2 b. R = 3Pa/bd2 c. R = Pla/bd2 40. Concrete mix should be in placi a. 100 min b. 90 min c. 15 min, after the cement is added into the aggregates and water. 41. The fineness modulus is highest for a. coarse b. very coarse c. fine d. very fine, sand. 42. In molding concrete cylinder specimen, each layer should be rodded

a. 25 b. 56 c. 60 d. 100 times. 43. Concrete cylinder sample should be molded in

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 equal layers. 44. Maintaining the water-cement ratio, the concrete containing

a. 50.0 mm b. 37.5 mm c. 19.0 mm d. 12.5 mm maximum size aggregate will develop the highest strength. 45. Paving concrete will need less a. sand b. water

c. coarse aggregate d. both a & b, than that of structural concrete. 46. The maximum percentage of abrasion loss allowed for concrete coarse aggregate is

a. 40 b. 45 c. 50

47. For Bituminous Concrete Surface Course, if asphalt cement is used, the percentage based on the weight of aggregate should be a. 3 to 5% b. 5 to 8% c. 6 to 10% 48. An aggregate base course of 21,600 m3 will require a. 14 b. 15 c. 72 quality tests. 49. Coarse aggregate for Crushed Stone Aggregate Surface Course should have not less than

a. 40 b. 45 c. 50 d. 60 with at least one fractured face

c. absorption d. all of the preceding 71/72. Tests for fine aggregate for concrete include a. gradation b. mortar strength c. abrasion d. all of the preceding 73. Unless otherwise specified in the special provision, the type of portland cement used in paving concrete shall be a. Type I b. Type II c. Type III d. Type IV 74. During construction of a road project, if all the materials to be used are tested for quality, inspection is no longer required a. true b. false 75. The degree of compaction of an embankment in our present Specifications is based on a. CBR method b. Unconfined compression test c. AASHTO Designation T-180 d. Bulk Specific Gravity 76/77. Under Excavation for Structure, Item 106, the backfilling operation shall be done in20 cm loose layer and compacted to at least 95 Percent. 78. Soils are natural aggregates of minerals connected by strong and permanent cohesive forces a. true b. false 79. The boundary between sand and gravel is a. 0.425 mm (#40) b. 4.750 mm (#4) c. 2.00 mm (#10) d. 0.075 mm (#200) 80. Aa) sandy clay b) clayey sand c) sand clay d) none of the preceding is a soil which exhibits the properties of a clay but contains an appreciable amount of sand. 81. Plasticity test is done on soils passing a. 0.425 mm (#40)

b. 2.00 mm (#10) c. 0.075 mm (#200) sieve. 82.a) Soil compaction b) mechanical analysis c) In-place unit weight d) CBR is the process whereby soil particles are contained more closely together through a reduction in the air voids, generally by mechanical means. 83. Soils containing more than 35% passing 0.075mm (#200) sieve are classified under a. silt-clay materials b. granular materials

c. it depends on the plasticity index 84. a) Surface drainage b) chemical admixtures c) compactiond) subsoil drainage is provided for the purpose of counteracting moisture movement within the structure either by seepage or capillary action.

85. A subgrade soil with a CBR value of a) 5% b) 15% c) 30%d) 3% will require a thicker layer of subbase and base course. 86.a) Particle arrangement b) sodding or sprigging c) paving d) flattening is one of the methods of stabilizing inferior soils. 87. The physical and engineering properties of soils may be improved by a. compaction b. stabilization c. both a and b d. neither a nor b. 88. Water content of soils is generally based on the a. total weight of soil b. total volume of soil c. weight of solids d. none of the preceding 89. The density to which a soil can be compacted is related to a. compactive efforts b. water content c. both a and b d. none of the preceding 90. Disturbed samples may be used for a. sieve test b. liquid limit c. compaction test d. any of the preceding 91. A soil with a Group Index of 5 is stronger than another with a Group Index of 10 a. true b. false c. it depends on the water content 92. a) Water content b) void ratioc) degree of saturation d) porosity determines the relative amount of water in the voids. 93a) Rock asphalt b) Asphalt emulsion c) asphalt cement d) cutback asphalt is an asphalt formed by natural process of evaporation. 94. Uncrushed aggregates are preferable than crushed aggregates for bituminous mixtures a. true b. false c. it depends on the type of bituminous material 95. The apparatus used in determining the consistency of liquid asphalt is the a. flowmeter

b. viscometer c. penetrometer d. pycnometer 96. a) Solid b) liquid c) Blown d) hot asphalt is preferable for bituminous prime coat. 97.a) Distillation b) Extraction c) Penetration d) Solubility is the test used in determining amount of asphalt cement in a liquid asphalt. 98. a) Asphalt cement b) cut-back asphaltc) asphalt mixes d) asphalt emulsion are usually tested for extraction. 99. Extraction test is the procedure used for separating a. the asphalt from water in emulsified asphalt b. asphalt from mineral aggregates c. asphalt from kerosene solvent d. asphalt from gasoline solvent 100. The optimum asphalt content obtained in a Marshall Stability test is the average of the asphalt content of the Maximum Stability, Maximum density and a. Maximum flow b. Maximum air voids c. 4% air voids d. 4% flow 101. a) VMA b) Air voids c) Permeable voids are intergranular void spaces between aggregate particles. 102. The main difference between a bulk measured specific gravity of a bituminous mixtures and its maximum measured specific gravity is the a. weight of the voids b. weight of the asphalt c. volume of the voids d. volume of the aggregates 103.a) Asphalt cement b) emulsified asphalt c) Rapid curing d) medium curing cut-back is the best type of asphalt to be used for hot mixes. 104. A bituminous coating applied in an existing road prior to laying of a bituminous surface overlay is a. prime coat

b tack coat d. seal coat 105. The distance traveled by a standard penetration needle on a prepared sample of asphalt under conditions for normal penetration is 8.6 mm. The material is a. 40 50 b. 85 100 c. 120 150 d. 200 300 penetration grade 106. The maximum specific gravity of an asphalt mix containing 6.0% asphalt by weight of mix is 2.5. if the specific gravity of the asphalt is 1.01, the specific gravity of the aggregate is equal to a. 2.65 b. 2.56 c. 2.76 d. 2.70 b. 95 c. 90 percent of the maximum dry density determined in accordance with AASHTO T-180, Method D has been attained. 148. The maximum percentage wear allowed for Aggregate Subbase Course in a coarse portion retained on a 2.00mm (No. 10) sieve is a. 45 b. 50 c. 40 d. 55 percent by Los Angeles Abrasion Test determined by AASHTO T-96. 149. In manufacture of culvert pipes, the class of concrete used is a. Class C b. Class B c. Class A d. Class P 150. For Bituminous Concrete Surface Course, if Asphalt cement is used, the percentage based on the weight of aggregate should be a. 3 to 5 % b. 5 to 8 % c. 6 to 10 % d. 4.5 to 8 % 151. Coarse aggregate for Crushed stone Aggregate Surface Course should have a mass percent of not more than a. 40 % b. 45 % c. 60 % d.50 % of the particle retained on the 4.75mm (No.4) sieve and shall have at least one (1) fractured face. 152. Before placing the asphalt pavement, the gravel base course should be a. seal coated b. tack coated c. prime coated 153. Prestressed Concrete structures uses concrete of class a. A b. B c. C d. P 154. An aggregate base course of 21,600m3 will require a. 14 b. 25 c. 72 ? d. 40 155. An embankment to be constructed to a height of 600mm will have a minimum number of

a. 4 b. 5 c. 3 d. 6 layers. 156. Aggregate base course with a volume of 112,000 m3 will have a minimum number of a. 74 b. 75 c. 56 d. 62 quality tests. 157. A portland cement concrete pavement, 6.5m wide and 23 cm. thick will be constructed for a total paved area of 165,000 m3. Angular coarse aggregate will be used. If pavement will be opened to traffic 14 days. a. how many bags of cement will be required for Class A concrete? b. How many quality tests are required for the cement? c. How many quality and grading tests each are required for the coarse and fine aggregates? d. How many sets of concrete beam samples will be required? Vconcrete = 165000 x 0.23 = 37,950 m3 a. cement = 37950 x 9.1 = 345,345 bags b QT of cement = 345,345/2000 = 173 c. VFA = 37950 x 0.54 = 20493 ; QFA = 20493/1500 = 14 ; GFA = 20493/75 = 274 VCA = 37950 x .68 = 25,886 ; QCA = 25806/1500 = 18 ; GCA = 25806/75 = 345 d. 37950/75 = 506 sets 158. Per our present Specifications for Highways and Bridges, including amendments, it is mandatiry to open PCCP to traffic not later than a. 14 days after pouring b. 21 days after pouring c. 7 days after pouring d. 28 days after pouring 159. For 850 m3 of concrete paved in one day a. 3 b. 2 c. 1 sets of concrete beam samples should be taken and tested for strength (thickness of pavement = 0.23 m). 160. For 4050 m3 concrete coarse aggregate a. 6 b. 5 c. 3 d. 4 samples should be submitted for quality tests. 161. The coarse aggregate of Item 201, Aggregate Base Course shall have a percentage of wear of not more than a. 40 % b. 45 % c. 50 % d. 60 % as determined by Los Angeles Rattler Test. 162. The rate of application of emulsified asphalt used as bituminous prime coat is a. 0.5 to 1.0 liter b. 1.0 to 1.5 liter c. 1.5 to 2.0 liter per square meter.

163. Steel bars for concrete reinforcement is tested for its a. tensile b. compression

c. bending d.both a and c properties. 164. For 250 gallons of Red Lead Paint a. 1 b. 2 c.3 samples should be submitted for quality test. 165. The number of samples of structural steel (reduced section) required for 38,000 kg. Is a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 166. a.) Third - point loading b.) mid span loading c.)three edge bearing is the method used in determining the strength of concrete pipes. 167. An aggregate base course of 23750 m3 will require a. 50 b. 20 c.16 quality tests. 168. The Plasticity Index of aggregate base course should not be greater than a. 12 b. 6 c. 10 d. 8 169. Concrete Hollow Blocks are tested for its a. compression b. absorption and dimension c. tensile d. both a and b. 170. Item 306 is called a. Bituminous Surface Treatment b. Bituminous Road Mix Surface Course c. Bituminous Plant Mix (Stockpile Maintenance mixture) d. Bituminous Penetration Macadam Pavement 171. In the preparation of an asphalt design mix intended for Item 310, the proportion of bituminous material (asphalt cement) on the basis of total dry aggregates shall be from: a. 4 to 8 % b. 3 to 5 % c. 5 to 7 % d. 5 to 8 % 172. Item-------- includes general requirements that are applicable to all types of bituminous plant mix surface courses irrespective of gradation of aggregates or kind and amount of bituminous material. a. Item 306 205. The service performance of an asphalt pavement is greatly influenced by: a. grade of asphalt b. quantity of asphalt c. a and b d. none of the above 206. In bituminous mixture, aggregates account for 92 % to 95 % of the weight of the mixture, while

asphalt ( the binder of the aggregates ) accounts for--------------a. 3 5 % b.58% NOTE: The proportion of bituminous material on the basis of total c. 5 10 % dry aggregate, shall be from 5.0 to 8.0 mass percent. d. 7 10 % 207. In asphalt pavement, prior to acceptance, a sample of full depth, 150mm x 150mm or 100mm diameter shall be taken by a saw or core drill for-------- test a. thickness determination b. density c. stability d. a and b

208. In an asphalt pavement construction, after spreading bituminous mix, compaction will follow where rolling shall begin at the sides and proceed longitudinally parallel toward the road centerline, each trip overlapping------- of the roller width, gradually progressing to the crown of the road a. b. 1 c. 1 d. 2.0 209. The control of temperature during the mixing and compaction is of great significance in the---of the resulting pavement a. strength b. skid resistance c. flexibility d. all of the above 210. based on the minimum testing requirements for Item 309, Bituminous Plant Mix, General, one quality test for asphaltic material requires for every------ tonnes or fraction thereof. a. 40

b. 50 c. 60 d. 70 211. The test in emulsified asphalt which determines the resistance of the emulsion to break when

mixed with mineral aggregates a. solubility b. sieve test c. cement mixing d. storage stability 212. What Item in the DPWH standards and specification is Bituminous Tack Coat? a. 301 b. 302 c. 303 d. 304 213. In identifying project location intended for asphalt pavement, which of the following criteria is

not appropriate to recommend? a. drainage facilities is well-maintained b. location is not a typhoon belt area c. existing base course is stable d. flood-prone section 214. An asphalt cement can be a good bituminous binder material for Item:

a. 301 b. 302 c. 308 d. 310 215. Which of the following bituminous material is best recommended for sealing weakened plane and construction joints of the PCCP. a. asphalt cement b. emulsified asphalt c. cutback asphalt d. joint filler asphalt 216. The primary quality control mechanism for the production of asphalt mixtures which will have a high degree of uniformity that will satisfy job requirements is called: a. marshall stability test b. job mix formula c. immersion compression stability test

d. a and b 217. When a completed asphalt pavement exhibits too much voids, it is usually caused by the

following except of: a. rolling the mixture below the temperature requirements b. too much coarse aggregates c. too little binder d. too much fine aggregates

218. Test results from specimen taken from a recently rolled asphalt pavement showed that its total asphalt content is 5.45 % by weight of mix. If the asphalt absorbed by the aggregate is 0.95 %, the effective asphalt content by weight of mix is: a. 4.8 % Pba b.4.552 % NOTE: Pbe =----- x Ps c. 5.10 % 100 d. 5.50 %

Where: Pbe = effective asphalt content, percent by total weight of mixture Pba = absorbed asphalt, percent by weight of aggregate Pb = asphalt content, percent by total weight of mixture Ps = aggregate content, percent by total weight of mixture 219. An asphalt mix prepared in the laboratory used 30 %, 50 %, 20 % by weight of coarse aggregate (CA), fine aggregate (FA) and mineral filler (MF), respectively. If the specific gravity of CA, FA, and MF are 2.50, 2.65 and 2.50, respectively, the overall specific gravity of composite aggregates is: a.2.58 30 + 50 + 20 b. 2.45 SG oa =---------------------------------

c. 2.66 30/2.5 + 50/2.65 + 20/2.5 d. 2.77 220. If 95 % of the aggregates in question no. 45 is mixed with 5 % asphalt by weight of mix, the specific gravity of the mix (if it is voidless) is: specific gravity of asphalt is 1.01. a. 2.45 b. 2.23 100 c.2.39 Gmm = Gmb =------------------------d. 2.18 ( voidless) 95/2.58 + 5/1.01 221. If the bituminous mix in No.46 has a 5 % air voids, the bulk specific gravity (Gmb) can be computed as: a.2.51 Gmm - Gmb b. 2.27 % Air Voids =----------------- x 100 c. 2.39 Gmm d. 2.41 2.39 - Gmb 5/100 =-----------------2.39 222. If the dry stability of a bituminous mix is 3,950 lbs. And its wet stability is 2,830 lbs., the Index of Retained Strength (IRS) is: a. 50.20 % b.71.60 % Wet Stability c. 73.20 % IRS =----------------- x 100

d. 61.10 % Dry Stability 223. The voids in the mineral aggregate (VMA) is: a. the sum of the air voids and the volume of the mix b. the difference between the volume of the mix and the volume of aggregate c. the sum of the air voids and volume of aggregate d. the difference between the volume of mix and volume of asphalt

224. The distance travelled by a standard penetration needle on a prepared sample of asphalt cement under condition for normal penetration is 9.0 mm ( the penetration scale has 1/10 mm calibration). Asphalt cement is classified as--------- penetration grade. a. 60 70 b. 85 100 c. 120 150 d. 200 - 300

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