Welcome To Worship: Praesent Congue Sapien Sit Amet Justo

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TONIGHT 5:00 pm IGNITE YOUTH GROUP (6-12 Grade) CH MONDAY July 4 Independence Day CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 7:00 pm Mens open gym basketball (AU)


GILEADCHRISTIANSCHOOLisacceptingdonations for neworslightlyusedtoysfortheplayground.Itemsthat theycouldusearesandbucketsandshovels,toydump trucks,sandboxes,outdoortables&chairs,LittleTykes ridingtoys. SummerDayCampisinneedofdonationsofBoard Games,Puzzles,andLegos. Integeregestasorciquislorem feugiatadipiscing. OUR CHURCH WEBSITE is a very useful tool! Be sure to check out the following features included on the website: www.gileadfriendschurch.org - Bulletin Archives - Audio Sermons - I Have/ I Need - Printable Forms - Upcoming Events - Recent photographs GOD WANTS YOU TO STRENGTHEN HIS ARMY: Be a VBS Volunteer August 8 12th, 6-9 pm. Sign up in the lobby today or call Jenni See at 419-560-9891. WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE MORE INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR MINISTRY ON OUR CHURCH WEBSITE? Please submit a short paragraph description to the church office. SIGN YOUR CHILD UP FOR VBS on our church website: www.gileadfriendschurch.org

Welcome to Worship
Gilead Friends Church
3613 Twp. Rd. 115 Mount Gilead, Ohio 43338 www.gileadfriendschurch.org 419-946-1100 Interim Pastor Duane Rice Associate Pastor Brian Mosher Youth Pastor Mark Googins

TUESDAY Praesent July 5 6:00 am Intercessory Prayer at Trinity UMC conguesapien WEDNESDAY July 6 6:30 pm Paper sitametjusto. Princesses: Ladies Paper Crafts (CA) 6:30 pm When Gods Spirit Moves (Room 200)

SATURDAY July 9 6:30 8:30 pm Connect Saturday Evening Service (CH) *Childcare provided AU:Auditorium CA:Caf CH:Chapel CR:ConferenceRoom FH:FellowshipHall

Sunday July 3, 2011 Happy Independence Day

9:30 am SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES - Class list & map are available at the Welcome Center - Nursery provided for newborns-Age 2 in Rm.101 10:30 am WORSHIP - Nursery provided for newborns to age 2 in Rm. 101 - Stars ages 3-5: Room 102 - Planet Zero for Kindergarten 5th Grade in the Chapel following the greeting time of worship. (5th graders moving to 6th, please plan to participate in Planet Zero for the Summer).

MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR FIRST RESPONDERS SUNDAY, JULY 24TH! This will be a wonderful Sunday of honoring those in our church and community who serve on our local fire, police and rescue units. The days festivities will include a guest speaker and picnic lunch. CO-ED SOFTBALL Are you interested in playing on the church softball team? Please stop by the Welcome Center after church today and sign up.

Suspendisse potenti. PLANET ZERO TOPIC: Helping Others

PLANET ZERO HELPERS: STARS HELPERS FOR THIS WEEK: Steve & Mindy Mowery, Reuben Schwartz, Haley Barnhart, Conner Hill



Location: 68gradeinAuditorium 912gradeinChapel

MiddleSchoolandHigh SchoolYouthGroup Grades612 MeetsSundaysat5pm

everySaturday Location:Chapel ChildcareProvided

Connect:Gilead FriendsSaturday EveningService Meets6:308:30pm

July 16-19: EFC-ER Yearly Meeting July 24: First Responder Sunday August 8-12: Vacation Bible School

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