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NA@US Introduction recently watched an Indian Movie about football called GOAL (2007). The coach takes his team tothe Manchester United Stadium’ changing rocmane shows them pictues of champions. He then ass thertolook inamimorand question themseivesfheylookeclixe winners. That was the turning point for the team, the moment of change, the most vulperable yet enlightening moment for the players. They had their ‘moment of tre cling. Nothing teaches better than reflection, This book attempts to prove you with such_ moments. I asks you to be ‘uriousabovt yourself yourcalingand youre! Taking time out to plans aval ngredent to survive stay focused and aehievesuccessntoday’sfastpacedlife. Almost everybody ssuring on {he teunam of change only ta'makelthapper’. We re ying hardand harder andattimeshardest. Wekeep suring’ getsmallthrls,butwhy? Ismy‘’ really happening, The challenge's knowing thet foliowed by planing fort Tony Robbins says that thinking sa process of asking and answering ‘questions, He stresses the importance of asking the right questions to ket the right answers and therefore the right results. As they #3), ‘carbagein-Carbage out’ Mostpeopleaskiousy questions that ciple ‘heiresits an thus ther seiestem, Lousy suestions tum yur focus way from wnat you want and towards more of what you dont want. ‘Andsince weask and answer mental questions everyday, our questions Wiel great paweroverourresut Thisisa reflective jouraland deberatly ited to 36 questions. Mere are 365 daysina yeaah day forthenext 35 days (10%) nvestabout2 hours reflecting on the question and eventually answer atthe end of ‘the day. tls recommended that you read a pagein the morning, keep ‘hinkingaboutitall day and respond to itbefore goingtobed-Thermore «dub and simple a question, the greater the meaning youray beable to derive. Your fst answer to ay questions what wil stop you from ‘moving forward. hese questions expectaresponse-notananswer Hook forwardto resding your succes strles and hareit with others ferinspraton Lifeissciptes, Wouldyouratherwrkteone yourseforhavettwrtten?

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