Vulture Pattern Patrol Bike

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Vulture Pattern - Long Range Patrol Heavy Bike

While production in the Calixis sector is difficult some Rogue Traders have made a business of importing the to the sector. The combined trade route of Vulture bikes considered classics in the field combined with the Arbites specialist auctions has created a profitable market for vintage hardware. Vulture Profile Type: Cruising Speed: Structural Integrity: Armor: Availability:

Ground Vehicle 120 KPH 20 Front 18, Side 16, Rear 12 Rare

Tactical Speed: Maneuverability: Size: Crew:

20 m +5 Enormous Driver

Carrying Capacity: Personal Wargear and Supplies: Including up to two Basic weapons or 1 Heavy weapon, 2 sidearms, 10 grenades, 5 magazines of ammunition per weapon and 1 Weeks rations of Food and Water for 1 person. Weapons
The Driver may choose to operate one of the following weapons per combat round. Frag Cannon* (Facing Front, Range 90m, Basic, S/-/-, 2d10+5, Pen 5, Clip 18, Reload 4Full, Blast (5)) Minelayer* (Special*, 3d10, Pen 5, Blast (8), may hold up to 15) * Exotic Weapon Talent Required

Special Rules
Ground Vehicle: This vehicle follows all rules for ground vehicles. Targeter Array: The driver of this vehicle gains the Auto-stabilized Trait for firing this vehicles weapons. Open-topped: Enemies may target the crew and passengers of the vehicle by using a Called Shot Attack Action. Minelayer: As a Full round action, the Driver may opt to lay a mine. This requires the vehicle to be stationary on any terrain softer then rock. After the Full Round, the mine is buried 15 cm under the ground, requiring a Difficult (-10) Awareness check to spot. After moving 30 seconds the mine becomes armed; after this point any ground based creature or vehicle of Scrawny size or larger passing within 2 meters of the mine causes the mine to detonate with the above profile. Driver Restrictions: The max size that the Pilot of a Vulture can be is of Average size. Emergency Extraction: The Driver may choose to pick up to (2) two Average sized or (1) one Hulking size passengers while actively moving in combat. The passengers may hang on to the sides of the Vulture; with weight restrictions at the GM's discretion. Ad-Hoc Modular Platform System: The Vulture comes pre-equipped with a Frag Cannon Weapon Module and a Minelayer Bay Module. The Vulture is able to equip a maximum of 5 modules on its frame and the Frag Cannon and Minelayer Bay count as 2 of the 5 possible module hard points.

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