7.3 - Dispersion of Light

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At the end of this lesson you should be able to: 1. State what light dispersion is 2. Explain through examples how dispersion of light occurs.

Dispersion of light
What is dispersion of light? Separation of white light into its component colours. Any idea whom the first person to investigate about the colour of light? Sir Issac Newton

Experiment by Newton

After passing through a prism, light emerge as band of colour. The colours are: RED, ORANGE, YELLOW GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, INDIGO, VIOLET What can we call about the bend of colours? Colour Spectrum.

What will happen when the identical but inverted prism is place next to the first one? First prism White Light Seven Colour Second Prism Seven Colour White light. Newton Conclude: White light is a mixture of Seven colour

How the dispersion of light occur?

Different colour of light travel at different speeds. Light rays Denser medium bent/ refract to different angle., eg:- straw in the glass full with water
The faster velocity: bent least..RED The slower velocity: bent most..VIOLET

The faster velocity: bent least.. RED

The slower velocity: bent most.. VIOLET

Quick Quiz..!
What is light dispersion? Example of light dispersion?

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