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Microfinance to the rural poor : a case study of the SHG-Bank linkage programme in a backward district in India

Title Creator Subject Contributor(s) Degree Department Language

Microfinance to the rural poor : a case study of the SHG-Bank linkage programme in a backward district in India Sunil, R. Peasants-India; Poor-India; Banks and banking-India; Rural developmentIndis Ramanathan, A. Ph. D. Humanities and Social Science English

Degree Grantor Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Date Format Identifier Abstract 2005-06-09 PDF-701KB 206522 The SHG-Bank Linkage Programme, in India, is a leading institutional credit outreach programme. Its strategy is for the effective credit linking of the rural poor, to the formal financial institutions through the mediating platforms called Self Help Groups (SHGs). The Programme, spearheaded by NABARD since 1992, has shown impressive results over the years. The present thesis is devoted to evaluate the SHG- Bank Linkage Programme, through a case study of Wayanad district in Kerala. The Programme has been in operation in the district, since 1998. Using the survey data, pertaining to 358 SHG member households (each representing one SHG), the study has attempted to examine the issues related to (i) outreach targetting, (ii) financial behaviour of the SHGs and the households (iii) gender aspects of credit and (iv) behaviour of credit functions. Data for three years i.e., 2000, 2001 and 2002 were collected. Subject to the usual limitations of survey data, the analyses have, among other things, revealed that, (i) the degree and extent of outreach targetting has been, by and large, satisfactory; (ii) considerable extent of credit gap at the Group level results in credit constraints and inadequate access; (iii) asset and income neutrality


of credit decisions in the Group have resulted in distributive efficiency. The findings suggest for more concerted monitoring of the field level operation, particularly, using policy interventions addressed to the retail banks. There have also been evidences for the Groups transforming themselves into multifunctional grass root level people's initiatives. Restricted

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