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Experiment No.

3 Calibration of a bourdon manometer Objective:

To carry out the confirmation of the readings of a bourdon manometer using patron equipment of calibrated weights

Apparatus: 1. Manometric calibrator 2. Set of masses Experimental procedure:

1. To determine the weight of piston and masses 2. Place the equipment on the flat and even surface and connect the supply tube that connect the inferior area of the cylinder to the input of the manometer by means of a record. The output of this manometer should be prolonged, by means of a flexible tube, from the drainage faucet until its free end settled inside an empty recipient to avoid splashes. 3. Cover the piston with Vaseline for the best operation 4. Open the faucet of the manometer 5. When the air system has been eliminated, put the one way valve in the flexible tube that comes from the upper part of the cylinder. Later on, close the output faucet of the manometer and immediately later, stop introduced water in the equipment. 6. Introduced the piston totally inside the cylinder 7. Do not leave the piston inside the cylinder when it is not being used

S.No Masses (gm) Pressure in the cylinder (bar) Manometer reading(mm of H2O) Manometer Absolute reading(bar) error (kN/m2) Relative error

1 2 3 4

Graph -1 Absolute Error in function of the real pressure in the manometer Graph-2
Relative error in function of the real pressure in the manometer Relative Error Equation Relative error is determined by using the following formula: Relative error = (x x0) /x Where, x = true value of a quantity, x0 = observed value of the quantity, x x0 = absolute error

Experiments No.4 Determination of the hysteresis curve Objective:

To determine the hysteresis curve of the manometer starting from the measure provided by the manometer and the balance

1. Manometric calibrator 2. Set of masses

1. First place the given weights will be introduced in upward order of masses inside the cylinder. 2. Once concluded the series of four masses 3. After few seconds this mass should be introduced again in the cylinder carrying put the same process in descending order of the masses

Represent graphically the measure provided by the bourdon manometer and the weight (real pressure) provided by the balance

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