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Camin Cargo Computer Equipment Report

Report Of ( Lost | Damaged | Stolen ) Equipment (Circle One)

Date Reported:


Event Date:


Equipment Assigned to:


Equipment Make and Model:


Branch Office:


Polaris ID:


Original Purchase Date:


Original Cost (IT):


Replacement Cost (IT)


IT Notes and Reports:

Manager Explanation and Comments:
Notes: stolen must attach police report, damaged include images and describe situation.
Company policy states:
All equipment losses and damages will be tracked and Carlos in conjunction with the
corresponding manager will decide whether the user will be financially responsible.
Stolen equipment will be consider personal event/fault unless proven inside a terminal/job
location and will have to be reimbursed by user, the company will not place insurance claims for
equipment stolen outside job locations.
For repeat offenders, repairs and software reconfiguration due to virus infections or nonapproved software installations will be deducted from payroll as stated in our ISR policy.
Manager Approval: ____________________________

Date: _________________
Rev.3 05/26/2011

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