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Report for Lab 1.

Numeracy: Acid Rain Data

Submit the report at the Lessons tab, Lab Report Submission folder, drop box for SUBMIT: Lab 1 Report. The report is due before noon, Friday June 10, 2011. Look at all the questions in this report to get a feeling for all the work before you answer any question! <<REPLACE WITH YOUR NAME>> A. The Data Looking at Trend Maps 1. Look at the 1994 map and observe the values of pH where are they close to normal? Where are they below normal? How much of the country is below normal? <insert here> 2. Look at the 2009 map and observe the values of pH where are they close to normal? Where are they below normal? How much of the country is below normal? <insert here> 3. Now, write a simple comparison of your observations comparing the pH data from 1994 to 2009. <insert here> 4. With a simple yes or no answer, do you accept the hypothesis that emission controls improved air quality as measured by pH? <insert here> 5. Explain your answer in #4 using the data and the information in this Lab Guide. <insert here> B. The Data Looking at Annual Changes 1a. Describe (do not explain) the overall trend in pH at Farlington. <insert here> 1b. Describe (do not explain) the overall trend in pH at Caldwell. <insert here> 2. Describe (do not explain) any difference or similarities in between the two sites. <insert here> 3. Give possible explanations for any similarities or differences noted in #1 and #2 (remember to read the material in this Lab guide!). <insert here> 4. What other information might be helpful to your answering #3? <insert here>

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