2004-09 Subjective Questions

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CSTE Sep 18 2004 Subjective Questions: Part II 1. Why should you test the software. (15 Points) 2.

. Write the product standards for : Test plan, Test Script and Test Report. (15 Points) 3. Design a test strategy for airplane takeoff and landing s/w. 4. There is one application, which runs on a single terminal. There is another application that works on multiple terminals. What are the tests techniques you will use on the second application that you would NOT do on the first application? 5. 6. You are a tester for testing a large system. The complex data model is very large with lots of fields, data, and interdependent paths between them. many attributes and there are a lot of interdependencies within the fields. What steps would you use to test the system. (30 Points) Part IV 1. It is being observed that in a project cost of testing is very high. After going in detail, Test manager found that the testers are testing the software, which is not left with many defects. How will you make sure that this is correct? Any three ways? What are the disadvantages of Over Testing? (15 Points) 2. You find that the senior testers are making more mistakes then junior testers. You found that the test plan was not achieving the 100% coverage. You need to communicate this aspect to the senior tester. Also, you don't want to loose this tester. How should one go about the constructive criticism. (15 Points) 3. Your customer does not have experience in writing Acceptance Test Plan. How will you do that in coordination with customer? What will be the contents of Acceptance Test Plan? (15 Points) 4. Differentiate Validation and Verification? (10 Points) 5. Explain give examples of the following black box techniques? Boundary Value testing, Equivalence testing, Error Guessing. (15 Points) 7. Name 5 errors testers make while test planning? (10 Points) 8. What is objective of Unit Testing? Write below 3 types of unit testing methods. (10 Points)

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