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Istanbul Technical University

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Solid Mechanics Department

Istanbul Technical University The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering PROJECT DYNAMIC EXPLICIT ANALYSIS OF RUBBER BALL HITTING CONCRETE WALL

MAK 525E Finite Element Methods

Submitted by : Begm Derebay 503101511 Submitted to : Prof. Dr. Ata Muan / Dr. Emin Snblolu Due to :24-May-2011

INFORMATION ABOUT ANALYSIS BEFORE THE RESULTS Two parts are generated for this analysis. 1. Concrete wall 2. Rubber ball Material properties entered as below: 1. Concrete Density : 0.14 Youngs Modulus: 170000 Poissons Ratio: 0.3 2. Rubber Density: 0.0001 Hyperelastic material property was selected and below values were entered as data: Polynomial Coefficients: C10: 500 C01: 100 D: 0.0001 Rubber material was assigned to BallSection (Type: Shell / Continuum Shell, Homogeneous) Shell thickness: 1 Concrete material was assigned to WallSection. (Type: Solid, Homogeneous)

BallSection assigned to the part named Rubber Ball and ConcreteSection assigned to the part named Concrete Wall as well. After assembly process, in the Initial Step, boundary condition for concrete wall was given for the bottom surface fixed as Encastre. Velocity is given for the rubber ball as V1: 800, V2= 800, V3= -1200. In the Dynamic Step Field Output Request for the whole model domain, and a frequency of every 3E005 units of time, output variables were selected. History Output Request 1 is created for interaction domain and History Output Request 2 for the whole model domain. Interaction was created as Dynamic, between outer surface of the rubber ball and front surface of the concrete wall. Kinematic contact method was chosen for the analysis. Interaction property option is setted to Tangential Behavior and Frictionless. With a approximate global size of 0.8 concrete wall was meshed. With a approximate global size of 0.3 rubber ball was meshed. Result of the analysis is as below:


First Analysis Deformed Stress Distribution

Contours on undeformed shape

External work for the whole model:

Strain energy for the whole model

Total area in contact

Contact pressure distribution

Contact shear distribution

Strain components at integration points (Kinematic Strain)




Reaction forces

Stress S11



If mesh size is changed (Rubber Ball seed size cahnged to 0.1):







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