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Multimedia Project : Frog Life Cycle Presentation

Teacher Name: Mrs. Roberts

Student Name:

________________________________________ 3 Most of the stages are in correct order. Students can somewhat explain what happens at each Students can illustrate 3 stages appropritely. 2 At least two stages are in correct order. Student can identify what happens at 2 stages. Student appropriately illustrates 2 stages of the life cycle.

CATEGORY 4 Shows Understanding Stages are in the of Life Cycle correct order. The student can clearly explain what is happening at each Illustrates Life Cycle Student appropritely illustrates what happens at each stage in the life cycle. Uses Academic Language Students frequently and appropriately use academic terms associated with the life cycle in their Information in presentation is organized and creative. Student uses animated pictures and

Successfully Uses Program

Student uses appropriate academic terms sporadically throughout presentation and Student presentation is organized. 2-3 pictures show animation and 1-2 use sound.

Student uses 2-3 academic terms appropriately through presentation and journal entries. Student presentation is lacking in organization. Student uses pictures, but no sound.

Date Created: Jul 07, 2011 01:25 pm (UTC)


1 Stages are not in correct order. Student is confused about what happens at each stage. Student cannot appropriately illustrate more than one stage of the life cycle. Student does not use terms appropritely or does not use them at all throughout presentation and Student presentation is unorganized, hard to understand. Student uses no pictures or sounds.

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