الوطن 08 07 04 The Residence

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In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Friday 04-07-2008
The Country of Residence
Allah the Most High created the Earth as a residence
for Humanity. He created us from its elements, gave
us the authority to manage it and made us responsible
to utilize it properly. We will end up buried in it and
will be resurrected to return to Him:
2:30: [2:30] Recall that your Lord said to the

angels, "I am placing a representative on Earth

"20.55": From it We created you and into it

We shall send you back and from it will We raise
you a second time.
The purpose of the representative is to utilize the
Earth, develop it in useful and beneficent manner
keeping in mind to serve Allah (SWT) by taking care
of Allahs creation of people, animals, plants and all
resources. They must be protected and well
Human beings have the right to dwell anywhere on
Earth to find opportunities and decent living:

"67.15": He it is Who made the earth smooth

for you, therefore go about in the spacious sides
thereof, and eat of His sustenance, and to Him is
your return.
The major duty of man is to develop the Earth in
a useful manner, protect it from destruction and
abuse which Allah (SWT) dislikes:
"2.205": And when he (takes over), he goes
around the land to cause mischief in it and
destroy the tilth and the stock, and Allah does
not love mischief-making.
The decisions to destroy any part of the Earth
belong to Allah (SWT) for certain purposes
required by His Will and Wisdom. It is up to
Him to use such measure to punish those who
disobey Him or to manifest His Powers.
The Country of Birth:


" : : 2:30

" : :20:55



" : 67:15


" : 2:205


It the Country where you saw the light the first

time in your life, drunk from its water, eat from
its provisions and spent your early life in it. It
resembles a compassionate mother as you were
created from its soil.
The Country of Migration:
It is the Country where you found security,
chance for living, utilization of your talents and
abilities to serve Humanity. It is the Country
which provided you with the opportunity to
practice your Believes and safely invite people to
learn about it.
Both types of homeland require certain
obligations and provide you with certain rights as
You shall remember your Country of birth, visit
and express your gratitude towards it in any way
possible. Provide it with the means of its
improvement, development and assist your
native Country people.
The Country of migration deserves your
gratitude as well. Allah (SWT) made available
for you those who were given the Authority to
administer it who provided you with the chances
of education and work. You found safety,
freedom to call for the religion of Allah (SWT),
thank Him for these bounties. It is your duty to
obey its administrative laws. You shall work
together with all citizens to build it as well for
the Love of Allah (SWT)




2 :30 : Lorsque Ton Seigneur confia aux Anges: Je vais tablir sur la terre un vicaire

20 :55 : C'est d'elle (la terre) que Nous vous avons crs, et en elle Nous vous
retournerons, et d'elle Nous vous ferons sortir une fois encore.

67 :15 : 15. C'est Lui qui vous a soumis la terre: parcourez donc ses grandes tendues.
Mangez de ce qu'Il vous fournit. Vers Lui est la Rsurrection.

2 :205 : Ds qu'il tourne le dos (prendre la responsabilit), il parcourt la terre pour y

semer le dsordre et saccager culture et btail. Et Allah n'aime pas le dsordre.

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