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Thomas Caldwell Dr. Cole English 105 January 27, 2011 Darkness at Noon by Harold Krents 1.

I believe that Krents thesis proposes that blind or handicapped people can do many of the same things that people with vision can do. Krents clearly states it by mentioning some of his own accomplishments. I myself am not blind; however, I am in agreement with his thesis. 2. I would say he supports his claims by mentioning his abundance of accomplishments throughout his life. Im sure that graduating with honors from Harvard was no small task. Reading this essay was quite an inspiration for me. 3. I believe the most effective example would probably be: Either his cum laude graduation or, just the fact that he is an accomplished lawyer. I also believe that him playing basketball as a child with his father by sound was an accomplishment ignored. Krents is the man Dr. Cole. 4. The least effective example to me was the fact that he was only able to obtain work because of regulations mandated. Even with all the knowledge he has attained, his blindness still creates hesitation upon clients. The fact that he expressed frustration about that was less persuasive to me. 5. I think that if he would have given a more in-depth description of his Harvard experience, it would have gave more of an outlook on his struggles. I also feel that he only gave us a minimal description of his time at the Washington law firm. I still got the point though.


Obviously his focus was not to get his point across to the blind, but to make readers aware that, although he was blind; he was still able to fulfill his goal in life. I believe his intended audience was anyone discriminating against the blind in our society. He worked just as hard, if not harder than a man with sight.


It came across to me as if he was about to give someone a piece of his mind! I also think that he was for the most part a pretty respectful, non-aggressive soul. He probably had a pretty mellow disposition.


They do address the same issue but, at the beginning he basically said: he lets them perceive him thru their own observation though. His narcissism seems slightly less, due to the fact he is without vision. People will create their own observation of anyone usually.

9. I think it does but, it sort of seems like it is in reverse other though. He starts with the present for the most part but, goes back in time to his college and childhood days to give a reminiscent effect. It reminds me of how they make a lot of movies now. 10. I believe that disabled discrimination will always exist because it is a form of prejudice but, some of his wishes have come to pass. I am sure that in 1976 it was a lot more blatant. It would be cool to maybe one daymaybejust maybe, have a blind president.

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