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IDEA Course Requirements

First Year
Arts Immersion 1 hr. IDEA Orientation 2 hr. Campus All Arts Day 1 hr. End of Year Celebration/Graduation 4 hr. Arts in Education 1 hr. Attend a POP show 3 hr. Modeling with teaching artist 4 hr. Arts Integration 3 hr. Defining Arts in Education 3 hr. Acting Right I 16 hr. Electives (workshops of your choice) 22 hr.

Second Year
Arts Immersion 1 hr. IDEA Orientation 2 hr. Campus All Arts Day 1 hr. End of Year Celebration/Graduation 4 hr. Arts in Education 1 hr. Attend a POP show 3 hr. Team-teaching with teaching artist 4 hr. Arts Integration 3 hr. Focusing on Arts Integration 3 hr. Documentation: Part I 3 hr Documentation: Part II 13 hr. Electives (workshops of your choice) 22 hr.

Third Year
Arts Immersion 1 hr. IDEA Orientation 2 hr. Campus All Arts Day 1 hr. End of Year Celebration/Graduation 4 hr. Arts in Education 1 hr. Attend a POP show 3 hr. Mentoring with teaching artist 4 hr. Arts Integration 3 hr. Documentation/Final Project 19 hr. Electives (workshops of your choice) 22 hr.

Ways to Fulfill Elective Hours:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Workshops Pre-Show Class Classroom session with local teaching artist Additional Arts Opportunity (limit of 1) Submission of minutes for team-meeting Collection of documentation (photo, video, blog, etc.) Metropolitan Arts Councils Smart Arts Week 3 hr. 1 hr. 1 hr. 1 hr. 1 hr. 3 hr. 12 hr.

Grading Scale
This grading scale only applies to individuals who are receiving non-degree graduate credit from Clemson University. A: B: C: D: E: (30+ hrs) (29-25 hrs) (24-20 hrs) (19-15 hrs) (14-0 hrs)

IDEA: Intensive Development in Education through the Arts The Peace Center for the Performing Arts

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