Physics Holidays Home Work For Grade X

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One mark questions 1. State ohm's law. 2. W hat is the resistance of a torch bulb rated at 2.5v and 500mA. 3. what is the S.I unit of electric potential. 4. When length of wire is doubled,what is the change in resistivity. 5. Should the heating element of an electric iron made of iron,silver or nichrome. 6. What is commercial unit of electrical energy. 7. Define an electro magnet. 8. How can it be shown that a magnetic field exists around a wire through which a directcurrent is passing. 9. Can two magnetic lines of force intersect each other. 10. In which wire in A.C housing is switch introduce to operate light. 11. Name a device which converts electical energy to mechanical energy. 12. Name a device which works on the principle of electomagnetic induction. Three mark questions 1. What is fleming's left hand rule.what is it used for. 2. What are benefits of earthing. 3. Describe an experiment to show that the magnetic field is associated with an electric current.

.State various uses of permanent magnets.

What is voltmeter.what is resistance of ideal voltmeter. On what factors does the resistance of a conductor depend. W hat is conventional current. What is heating effect of current.Explain.

5. 6. 7. 8.

Five mark questions 1. State and explain coulomb's law.write similarities and dissimilarities between columbicand gravitional force. 2. Differentiate substances on the basis of their ability to conduct electricity. 3. With the help of a diagram, derive the formula for equivalent resistance for a. three resistors connected in (a)series (b)parallel. 4. Explain joule's law of heating. 5. With a labelled diagram describe the working of an electic motor.what is a. the function of split ring commutator in a motor. 6. Find the value of magnetic field due to a current carrying circular wire or coil.

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