E1 Earthing Manual Scope

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Central Networks Earthing Manual Section E1

Scope, References & Definitions

Version: Author: Approver:

2 Nigel Johnson Keith Nutter

Date of Issue: Job Title: Job Title:

August 2007 Earthing Specialist Network Standards Manager

CN Earthing Manual Section E5 Scope, References & Definitions

Revision Log
Version 2 Prepared by Nigel Johnson Date August 2007 Revision and update of section for issued as Combine Earthing Manual. Version 1 Prepared by Tony Haggis Date Feb 2002 First draft.

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CN Earthing Manual Section E5 Scope, References & Definitions

FOREWORD E1 E1.1 E1.2 E1.3 E1.4 E1.4.1 E1.4.2 E1.4.3 E1.4.4 E1.4.5 E1.4.6 E1.4.7 E1.5 E1.5.1 E1.5.2 E1.5.2.1 E1.5.2.2. SCOPE, REFERENCES AND DEFINITIONS Scope Background Structure of Combined Earthing Manual References Supply Industry Standards British Standards. Railway Standards European Standards. North American Standards. International Standards. Relevant Legislative Documents Definitions Explanations Glossary of Abbreviations and Common Terms Abbreviations Glossary of Common Terms Sources of Specialist Earthing Advice List of Telecomm Companies to be notified of Hot Sites 4

6 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 13 24 25

Appendix AE1.1 Appendix AE1.2

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CN Earthing Manual Section E5 Scope, References & Definitions

Central Networks is regulated by the Authority under primary legislation of the Electricity Act 1989 as amended by the Utilities Act 2000 (the Act), the Competition Act 1998 and through the granting of an Electricity Distribution Licence. Central Networks has a duty under the Act to develop and maintain an efficient, co-ordinated and economical system of electricity distribution and to facilitate competition in the supply and generation of electricity. All new additions and modifications to the distribution system must comply with the requirements of this Manual which provides for an adequate standard of safety, network performance and reliability consistent with Central Networks obligations under the Act. The requirements of this manual also apply to any assets to be adopted by Central Networks under Competition in Electricity Connections. This Earthing Manual relates to the areas of: 1 2 Central Networks East formally East Midlands Electricity Central Networks West formally Aquila / GPU / Midlands Electricity

Where technical differences exist between the two areas they are identified in the text. Otherwise this Manual applies equally to both areas. If any instances occur whereby the requirements of this Manual cannot be complied with or where it is desired for a specific reason to depart from them, written permission must first be obtained from: The Network Standards Manager Central Networks

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CN Earthing Manual Section E5 Scope, References & Definitions


E1.1 Scope
This Earthing Manual covers the design, assessment, construction, measurement and maintenance of earthing systems from low voltage up to and including 132kV systems. At distribution substations (Section E5) the manual provides a series of standard earthing layouts. Section E8 deals with the design of earthing systems at substations operating at 33kV and above. Company earthing policy is primarily based upon ENATS 41-24, ER G12/3 and ER S34, but includes the appropriate requirements of other standards, referred to in Section E1.4.

E1.2 Background
In the past the use of lead sheathed cables was a major contributor to lowering the overall impedance of earth grids at substations. The more widespread use of insulated sheath cables (PICAS, XLPE etc..) has resulted in the reliance solely on the installed earth grid at many substations. In addition many sites now occupy smaller plots due to the reduction in size of distribution plant. When a fault occurs on an electricity transmission or distribution network, it is possible for a large current to flow in the general mass of earth. This current can cause a considerable rise in potential (voltage) on earthed metalwork, which may be accessible to the public and to members of staff, particularly those who are carrying out fault switching. In addition, without adequate safeguards, it is possible for this excessive rise in potential to be transferred onto adjacent communication cables and power cables etc., creating possible danger to anyone who might be in contact with the equipment at the time of the fault. This may be some distance from the actual fault. It is essential that the earthing and bonding arrangements for equipment associated with electricity supply networks be properly designed, correctly installed, and regularly tested and maintained. The European telecommunications industry has pushed through changes to legislation that place onerous duties on the electricity supply industry to protect people from electric shock due to Touch, Step and Transfer potentials. This legislation is risk assessment based. Each person will be affected to a greater or lesser extent to an electric shock, dependant on age, health, footwear etc.. Also the effectiveness of the earth system will depend on ground conditions, weather (soil moisture content), temperature etc.. It is a requirement that Electricity Companies design, install and maintain their earth systems to take into account the above factors.

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CN Earthing Manual Section E5 Scope, References & Definitions

E1.3 Structure of Combined Earthing Manual

The new combined earthing manual is laid out as follows:Section E1 Scope, Reference and Definitions Section E2 Earthing Guidance Notes Section E3 Soil Resistivity Section E4 Measurements of Earthing Systems Section E5 Standard Distribution Earthing Arrangements Section E6 Application of Protective Multiple Earthing Section E7 Future use Section E8 Primary/Grid Earthing Systems Section E9 Future use Section E10 Hot Zone guidance Notes Section E11 Future use Section E12 Future use

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E1.4 References
E1.4.1 Supply Industry Standards
ENA Engineering Technical Report 113. Notes of Guidance for the Protection of Private Generation Sets up to 5MW for Operation in Parallel with Electricity Boards Distribution Networks. (ii) ENA Engineering Technical Report 116. Report on Voltage Unbalance due to British Rail AC Traction Supplies. (iii) ENA Technical Standard 41-15, Standard Circuit Diagrams for Equipment in 132kV Substations, Part 9: AC traction supplies to British Rail. (iv) ENA Technical Standard 41-21: Portable Earthing Equipment for Open Type HV Apparatus in Substations. (v) ENA Technical Standard 41-24: Guidelines for the Design, Installation, Testing and Maintenance of Main Earthing Systems in Substations. (vi) ENA Technical Standard 43-89: Auxiliary Equipment on LV, 11kV and 33kV Overhead Line Supports. (vii) ENA Technical Standard 43-94: Earth Rods and the Connectors. (viii) ENA Technical Standard 50-18: Design and Application of Ancillary Electrical Equipment. (ix) ENA Engineering Recommendation C55/4 Insulated sheath power cable systems. (x) ENA Engineering Recommendation G12/3, 1995: Requirements for the Application of Protective Multiple Earthing to Low Voltage Networks. (xi) ENA Engineering Recommendation G59/1: Recommendations for the connection of embedded generators to Electricity Distribution systems. (xii) ENA Engineering Recommendation G78: Low Voltage connections to mobile telephone base stations with antennae on EHV structures (xiii) ENA Engineering Recommendation G84: Recommendations for the Connection of Mobile Generators to Public Distribution Networks (xiv) ENA Engineering Recommendation PO4/1: Services to BT public Telephone housings. (xv) ENA Engineering Recommendation P20/1: Earthing policy for customers installations. (xvi) ENA Engineering Recommendation P22: Procedure for advising customers on unsuitability of water pipes for use as earth electrodes. (xvii) ENA Engineering Recommendation P23/1: Customers earth fault protection for compliance with IEE regulations. (xviii) ENA Engineering Recommendation P24: AC Traction Supplies to British Rail. (xix) ENA Engineering Recommendation S.5/1: Earthing Installations in Substations. This is the original E.S.I. standard on substation earthing and has been adopted by the Distribution Code. EA TS 41-24 was produced to replace S.5/1. (xx) ENA Engineering Recommendation S15: Standard Schematic Diagrams. (xxi) ENA Engineering Recommendation S34: A Guide for Assessing the Rise of Earth Potential at Substation Sites. (xxii) ENA Engineering Recommendation S36: Procedure to Identify and Record Hot Substations. Document produced in consultation with British Telecom, which places a requirement on Electricity Companies to notify telecommunication companies of the location of Hot substations. (xxiii) National Grid T.P.M.- P.6: Maintenance and Assessment of High Voltage Earthing Systems. (Note: not generally available). (xxiv) ACE Report 19. Induced voltages in Auxiliary Cables.
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E1.4.2 British Standards

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) BS 951: Earthing Clamps. BS 6004: PVC-insulated cables (non-armoured) for electric power and lighting. BS 7354: Design of High Voltage Open Terminal Substations. BS 7361: Cathodic Protection. BS 7375: Distribution of Electricity in construction and building sites. BS 7430: (formerly CP. 1013:1965) entitled Code of Practice for Earthing. BS 7671: IEE Wiring Regulations.

E1.4.3 Railway Standards

(i) (ii) RT/E/S/21085: Design of Earthing and Bonding for 25kV AC Electrified Lines, Oct. 1998. GM/RT 1010: Electrified Lines Traction and Bonding, 1998. This creates a formal link to the EN50122-1 limits for touch and accessible voltages and requirements for connecting parts of the system to the general mass of earth.

E1.4.4 European Standards

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) BS EN 50179: Power Installations Exceeding 1kV a.c., Common Rules. This is a harmonisation document and chapter 9 deals with Earthing. BS EN 50122-1: Railway Applications-Fixed Installations. Part 1. Protective provisions relating to electrical safety and earthing, June 1997 BS EN 50162: contains guidance on limiting stray currents by correct earthing and bonding on electric tram type systems. BS EN 50351: The influence of electric power supply and traction systems on telecommunication systems, calculations and measurement methods. CCITT/ITU (International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee). Directives concerning the protection of telecommunication lines against harmful effects from electric power and electrified railway lines.

E1.4.5 North American Standards

(i) (ii) (iii) IEEE Standard 80 entitled Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding. IEEE Standard 81.entitled Testing of Soil, Soil Resistivity and Electrode Resistance. IEEE/ANSI Standard 665 entitled Standard for Generating Station Grounding.

E1.4.6 International Standards

(i) BS EN 60479-1 entitled The Effects of Current on human beings and livestock. This standard is internationally recognised and forms the basis of calculation for estimating safe touch, step and transfer potentials. IEC 909 HD533, Short circuit calculation in three phase a.c. systems. BS EN 61936-1, Power Installations exceeding 1kV AC and 1.5kV DC. System engineering and erection of electrical power installations, particularly concerning safety aspects. Draft being developed. IEV Chapter 195 of International Electrotechnical Vocabulary: Earthing and protection against electric shock.

(ii) (iii)


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CN Earthing Manual Section E5 Scope, References & Definitions

E1.4.7 Relevant Legislative Documents

(i) H.S.E. booklet entitled Memorandum of guidance on the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. The Construction (Design and Management) Regulation 1994.


E1.5 Definitions
E1.5.1 Explanations
The function of earthing and bonding is to: (a) Provide a low impedance path to enable fault current at any point on the electrical network to be returned to the source transformer or generator neutral(s), without thermal or mechanical damage to connected apparatus, and to enable protective equipment to operate correctly. Limit voltage rises, on all metalwork and the surface of the ground to which persons have normal access, to a safe value under all reasonably perceived conditions for faults at each voltage level associated with the substation or equipment. The earthing system should be constructed so as to prevent the establishment of excessive voltage differences between parts of the substation, with which a person may be in simultaneous contact.


When designing earthing systems it is important to recognise that they perform differently at high frequencies (e.g. lightning and switching transients), than at power frequency (50Hz). This manual is concerned mainly with power frequency performance but some specific designs have been included, where appropriate, to cater for high frequency aspects.

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100 A Surface Voltage ( % of EPR)

0 20 0 Distance (m) -20 -10 D 0 10 Distance (m) 20 30 E

Figure E1.1: Voltage on soil around earth rod in 3D

To help understand the definitions, a simple example is used. Assume two earth rods of 2.4m length have been driven into the ground in an open field about 50 metres apart and a current is passed between them. Fig. E1.1 shows the potentials which are established on the surface of the soil above one of the rods. The highest potential is directly above the earth rod (at A) and it falls off towards true earth potential as you moves away from the rod. The current flows through the ground between the two rods, taking a multitude of paths, but the current density is greatest near each rod.

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E1.5.2 Glossary of Abbreviations and Common Terms

E1.5.2.1 Abbreviations ABC ASC Aerial Bundled Conductor used to construct LV overhead networks Arc Suppression Coil also known as a Petersen Coil

CCITT The International Consultative Committee for Telegraphs and Telephones CNE ENA EMC ELCB EPR ER HSOS Combined Neutral and Earth (cable) Energy Networks Association (previously the Electricity Association) Electro-Magnetic Compatibility Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (also known as RCD Residual Current Device) Earth Potential Rise (also known as RoEP and GPR Ground Potential Rise) Engineering Recommendation (produced by ENA). House Service Overhead System also known as undereaves distribution where the service conductors are run above ground, looping from house to house. Where voltages exceed 1000 volts a.c. Inverse Definite Minimum Time protection grading characteristic associated with overcurrent and earth fault protection relays. Institute of Electrical Engineers producers of IEE Wiring Regulations (BS 7671) Where the voltage exceeds 50 volts but is below 1000 volts a.c. Multiple Earthed Neutral Neutral Earthing Resistor Can be wire wound (air cooled) or liquid filled.



PICAS HV Cable - Paper Insulated Corrugated Aluminium Sheath (PVC insulated sheath) PILC Paper Insulated Lead Covered cable (lead sheath in effective contact with the ground which on long lengths of cable provides an effective earth electrode) Protective Multiple Earthing (TN-C-S) - applicable to LV supply systems where the neutral conductor is connected to earth at more than one point and where the earth and neutral conductor are combined (also referred to as TN-C-S in IEE wiring regulations).


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Protective Neutral Bonding. - where the neutral is bonded to earth at one point only on the service line to a single customer (single or three phase) who has a dedicated overhead transformer supplying him alone. Often the earth electrode is positioned at the customers service position. Earth Grid Resistance Rise of Earth Potential Separate Neutral Earth (TN-S) where the cable has separate earth and neutral conductors. These are typically 4c lead sheathed mains cables or split concentric service cables. Steel Tape Armoured (cable) Steel Wire Armoured (cable) A system having Separate neutral and earth conductors throughout the network and installation i.e. traditional 4c lead sheath cable providing a sheath earth to customers.



TN-C-S A system where the supply side of the network has a Combined neutral and earth conductor and where the installation has Separate neutral and earth conductors i.e. a PME network. TT A system where no earth is provided from the supply side of the network. Installations provide their own earth electrode and typically install an ELCB to provide additional protection for earth faults. Same as RoEP Rise of Earth Potential Step Potential (voltage) Touch Potential (voltage) Transfer Potential (voltage) Vulcanised Bitumen an obsolete cable system where the phase conductor is not enclosed in a metallic sheath connected to earth. Often these conductors are laid in horizontal formation in bitumen filled troughs. Cross Linked Polyethylene insulated cable (PVC insulated sheath)



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E1.5.2.2 Glossary of Common Terms Arc Suppression Coil (ASC or Petersen Coil) A high impedance reactor installed in place of an NER at Primary substations. The reactor is tuned to the system capacitance and will limit the earth fault current arc to very low values during a single phase to earth fault on the network. Auxiliary Earth Electrode An earth electrode with certain design or operating constraints. Its primary function may be other than conducting earth fault current to earth. Bentonite Bentonite is a natural clay that is hydroscopic and has low resistivity . It is useful as an electrode backfill material to improve contact in difficult ground condition areas. Bonded Metalwork A protected electrical safety zone within a building created by interconnecting all earth continuity conductors and all exposed metalwork. If the metalwork should become live then all other accessible parts should rise to the same voltage so that a dangerous potential difference should not occur. Chain Impedance The steel foundation of a tower forms an earth electrode. When several towers are connected together via the earthwire, a ladder network is formed. The overall earth impedance of the circuit from a specified point is called the chain impedance. ENA ER S34 usually considers the effect of chain impedances where there are 20 or more towers in a circuit. For example with 20 or more towers, each having a tower footing resistance of 10, this produces a chain impedance of about 1.8. Cold Defines a Grid or Primary substation where the RoEP is below the prescribed voltage limit in ENATS 41-24. Circuits with standard protection (11, 33 & 66kV networks) High reliability circuits with high speed protection. i.e. can clear an earth fault within 200 milliseconds (Usually 132kV networks) 430 volts. 650 volts.

Counterpoise Conductor or system of conductors, buried in the ground and electrically connecting the footings of the supports of an overhead line. Crowsfoot Earth An earth electrode system consisting of a number of earth electrodes radiating from the main earth electrode at 45o or 90o angles. A Crowsfoot Earth is used in high soil resistivity areas to limit the impedance of an earthing system which has lightning protection duties e.g. a pole transformer earth.

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Deep Drive Earth A earth electrode system consisting of a single vertical conductor driven deep into the ground to give a direct path to earth for lightning protection. Often difficult to install in areas of high soil resistivity or rocky ground where it must be augmented by either a Counterpoise or a Crowsfoot earth. Earth Electrode A conductor in direct contact with the soil and provides the conductive part in electrical contact with earth through which the fault current flows to ground. It can be a rod, tape, steel reinforcing bar or the sheath of some types of cable. Earth Electrode Current The maximum value of current which the earth electrode may be expected to pass during fault conditions. Earth Electrode Impedance The impedance to the general mass of earth, or reference earth, at a given frequency, of some or all of the following connected together:- buried electrodes, cable sheaths, tower lines, earthing at adjacent installations and all connected fortuitous electrodes (such as steel reinforcing bars). Earth Electrode Resistance The resistive component of the Earth Electrode Impedance. Earth Grid For large area substations the earth electrode is normally run as a ring surrounding all the plant and equipment within the substation. The outer ring is then supplemented with crossmembers run at 90o to each other, all connected together at crossing points and at the outer ring. This is known as the earth grid. Earthing Conductor The conductor which connects plant, equipment and electrodes of the earth electrode system. Examples include the above ground connections between substation equipment and the earth grid, and the metallic sheath of an underground cable which has an insulated serving. Earthing Conductor Voltage The voltage between the earthing conductor and reference (true) earth. Earth Nests A collection of separate earth electrodes made up of rods and/or conductors specifically installed to make contact with the general mass of earth and connected together by a common metallic connection. The earth nest is to be kept free of any plant earthing connections and should be provided with facilities for isolation for testing purposes. Earth Potential Rise (EPR or UE) See definition for Rise of Earth Potential (RoEP) Earth Return Path The electrically conductive path provided by the general mass of earth between any two independent earth electrode arrangements.
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Earth Surface Voltage The voltage between a specified point on the ground somewhere near the rod and remote reference (true) earth. Equipotential Bonding The provision of electrical connections between conductive parts to minimise the voltage difference between them. Exposed Conductive Part Conductive part of equipment which is not normally live, but which can become live when basic insulation fails. Fibrillation The point at which the hearts pumping action ceases and quivering of the heart muscles results. See Fig. E1.5 which shows the effect of electric current on the human body (taken from IEC 60479-1) Functional Equipotential Bonding Equipotential bonding for purposes other than safety. This is usually associated with telecommunication equipment. Global Earthing System A global earthing system is an extensive electrical distribution network that has sufficient earth electrodes to limit the RoEP to below 430volts. This particularly relevant if the network is fed via overhead lines. As a guide a network that extends for 10km2 can be considered a global system. Hot Substation A hot substation is defined as a substation where the RoEP can exceed the value specified in ENATS 41-24 during earth fault conditions. As a general rule, the 650V value applies to 132kV and higher voltage equipment. It will also apply to 66kV and 33kV equipment if the protection clearance times and dependability are such that it can be classified as high reliability. Equally a 132kV substation may have a 430volt limit applied if the protection takes longer than 200msecs, e.g. where fault throwers are used within the protection scheme. Only substations with an operating voltage 33kV and above are required to be included in the Hot Site register.

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Hot Zone In Fig. E1.2, the voltages on the surface of the soil around the earth rod have been represented as equipotential lines.
30 Rod KEY 5 =1000V 4 = 650V 15 3 = 430V 2 = 200V 1 = 100V 0







Figure E1.2 Voltage profiles around a buried rod (viewed from above)

This is the same effect as would occur for a substation, except that the lines would follow the shape of the electrodes installed, so would not normally be circular. If the RoEP at the substation exceeds the prescribed limit, then the equipotential line coinciding with the appropriate contour would need to be identified. The area enclosed by the appropriate contour line is known as the hot zone. Special precautions are necessary where there are any buried metallic services situated within the hot zone. Independent Earth Electrode An earth electrode located at such a distance from other electrodes that its electrical potential is not significantly affected by electric currents between Earth and other electrodes. Insulated Insert A non conductive insert into other utility services (particularly gas services) to prevent transfer of voltages / currents along the service in question. Lightning Conductor A conductor appropriately placed on a structure to conduct lightning current to an earthing arrangement. Main Switchgear Earth Bar The earth bar to which all the exposed metalwork of equipment within a building or switchroom is connected. In substations with frame leakage protection fitted, there will be two earth bars. Exposed switchgear metalwork will be connected to one bar and the earth grid and incoming cable sheaths to the other. The two bars will be connected at several points, each connection passing through a frame leakage current transformer.

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Marconite (trade name) A conductive aggregate added to cement to form a low resistivity backfill material used to surround earth electrodes in difficult ground condition areas. Mast A structure designed to carry telecommunication equipment. Material Alteration The factors which determine whether attention is required to the earthing of an existing substation. The factors include: Construction activities involving the direct replacement of one or more major plant items. Modification of the substation fencing, particularly if new or extended metal fences are used. The area of the substation is reduced. The earth fault level is increased significantly. The construction of circuits supplying the site is changed and so increases the amount of fault current returning via the soil. For example, if a tower line is replaced with un-earthed trident type construction for environmental reasons. A significant proportion of an existing hessian served cable network is being replaced using plastic sheathed cables.

Multi-earthed neutral conductor system A neutral conductor of an LV distribution line connected to the earthing system of the source transformer and earthed at a number of points. Neutral Conductor The conductor electrically connected to the neutral point and capable of contributing to the distribution of electrical energy (usually associated with LV systems). Neutral Point The common point of a star connected three phase system. Non Uniform Soil Refers to the resistivity of soil where the soil comprises of layers of soil with different resistivities. Knowledge of the soil structure can greatly assist in designing an earth system especially if a lower resistivity soil lies below a high resistivity top layer. Path Any non-metallic material between the bare skin and the earthing system. These can include gloves, shoes, tarmac, stone chippings etc. Parallel grounding conductor. A conductor laid along the cable route to provide a low impedance connection between the earthing arrangements at the ends of the cable route. Perimeter Ring Electrode The outer electrode ring that encompasses the earth grid at a substation. Depending upon the earthing design this may or may not lie within the operational boundary fence.
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Potential A term commonly used in supply industry documents and meaning the same as voltage. Potential Grading The control of the earth potential, especially the earth surface potential, by means of earth electrodes. Power System Earthing Functional earthing and protective earthing of a point or points in an electric power system. Protective Conductor A conductor provided for the purposes of safety (protection against electric shock). Protective Equipotential Bonding Equipotential bonding for the purpose of safety. Primary Earth Electrode An earth electrode specifically designed or adapted for discharging earth fault current to earth, often in a specific discharge pattern, as required by the earthing system design. Reference Earth With respect to each rod, it is the voltage on the surface of the soil a significant distance away, i.e., outside the area of influence of the rod, such as point E in Fig. 1.1. Because it is outside the influence area of the rods, the electrical voltage there is conventionally taken as zero. Resistance Area (of a rod or electrode) That area around an electrode where most of the voltage drop occurs. For a 2.4 metre rod in soil of uniform resistivity, this would be the area within 4 to 6 metres radius of the rod, for a moderate current flow. The radius would increase if the magnitude of the current increased or in a non-uniform soil which has a high resistivity lower layer. Rise of Earth Potential (ROEP) The voltage on exposed metalwork and the earth electrode or conductor during fault conditions, relative to remote earth. Note that this value may differ at various points on a large earthing system Sheath Earth An earth provided from the outer conductive sheath of a LV cable that is independent from the neutral conductor. The earth sheath conductor of the cable is in effective contact with the surrounding ground. Soil Resistivity This is the resistivity of a typical sample of soil. It is the specific electrical resistance across two opposite faces of a homogenous cube with sides of 1m (see Fig. E1.3). Solidly Earthed Refers to the method of earthing transformers on the network. A solidly earthed system is where there is no intentional impedance between the relevant star point and the connection to the earth grid of the substation.
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1m cube

Fig. E1.3 Soil Resistivity

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Standard (Earth) Tape The standard size of copper tape for use within all Grid and Primary substations is 40x4mm and is to be used when installing new or improving existing earthing grids. Main items of plant require two independent connections to the earth grid. Where this can not be achieved the tape size must be increased to 50x6mm. The equivalent size in aluminium tape can be used for above ground conductors. Step Potential (USS) As illustrated in Figs. E1.1, E1.2, E1.4 and E1.6, there will be voltage differences established on the surface of the soil whist fault current is flowing. The magnitude of the voltage difference a person walking in the area would experience depends upon the orientation of the feet with respect to the voltage contours and the distance between feet. Step Potential in a particular direction is defined as the voltage difference between two points a metre apart. It is greatest adjacent to the electrode. Step Potentials are those normally responsible for the death of animals, such as cattle and horses, during fault conditions. Step Potentials can be reduced by using voltage grading electrodes or installing electrodes at a greater depth. Stress Voltage The voltage appearing during earth fault conditions between an earth part or enclosure of equipment or device and any other of its parts and which can affect its normal operation or jeopardises safety. Structural Earth Electrode A metal part which is in conductive contact with the earth directly or via damp concrete, whose original purpose is not earthing, but which fulfils all requirements of an earth electrode without impairment of the original purpose. Examples include pipelines, sheet piling, foundations, reinforcing bars in concrete and the steel structure of buildings. Substation Main Earth Bar This is a central conductor to which all earthing and bonding conductors are connected. It is normally situated above ground but may be within a cable trench. It was a feature of older substation designs, but is not generally used now. Thompson Strap Method of providing an earth on the 11kV side of double secondary transformers (where the secondary is delta connected) using only one earthing transformer (see Figure E2.1 for an example). Tower A structure designed to support HV conductors for the distribution of electricity.

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100% UST1

Voltage (potential) on exposed metalwork



0% -10 0 Distance (m) 10

Figure E1.4 : Potential on soil surface near earth rod, 2D view

Touch Potential (UST) Fig. E1.4 shows the potential on the surface of the soil near rod A, from the side and in two dimensions. If, during the time that fault current flows, a person were to touch the rod (or any exposed metalwork connected to it), then the potential difference experienced between hands and feet is termed the touch voltage. This is illustrated where UST1 is the touch voltage above the rod and UST2 the touch voltage some distance away. It is clear that this voltage decreases rapidly with distance from the rod, before levelling out. In calculating this value it is assumed that the feet are 1m away from the metalwork being touched. Touch with touch voltages highlighted.

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CN Earthing Manual Section E5 Scope, References & Definitions

Transfer Potential (UTST) At position D in Fig. E1.1, the voltage on the soil surface is higher than at true earth, but significantly lower than that at rod A. If the wire of an insulated conductor was connected to rod A and extended to position D, there would be a voltage difference between the end of the wire and the surface of the soil at D. If a person was able to touch the wire, whilst standing at D, an electric shock may be experienced. The voltage difference at D is termed the Transfer Potential. The transfer potential in a.c. systems has a maximum value equal to that of the rise of earth potential, such as at rod A. Where the RoEP exceeds a certain value, then precautions are necessary to prevent transfer potentials in excess of the prescribed limits.
100 A Surface Voltage ( % of EPR)

0 20 0 Distance (m) -20 -10 D 0 10 Distance (m) 20 30 E

Figure E1.1: Voltage on soil around earth rod in 3D

The precise definition is as follows:A potential rise of an earthing system caused by a current flowing to earth, transferred by means of a connected conductor (for example a metallic sheath or pipe) into areas with little or no potential rise relative to reference earth. This results in a voltage difference occurring between the conductor and its surroundings. True Earth See definition for Reference Earth Transformer Circulating Neutral Current The portion of fault current which flows back to the transformer neutral point via the metallic paths and/or the earthing system without ever entering into the soil. Uniform Soil Refers to the soil resistivity where the soil structure is uniform to a significant depth (e.g. greater than 100m). In practice this is very unlikely although many standards assume a uniform soil which can introduce errors in to calculations.

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CN Earthing Manual Section E5 Scope, References & Definitions

Figure E1.5 Graph from IEC 60479-1 Effects Electric Currents on People

Key to IEC 60479-1 graph :Zone 1 - Perception of current passing through body Zone 2 - Considerable discomfort Zone 3 - Muscular contractions occur Zone 4 - High risk of Ventricular Fibrillation i.e. cardiac arrest. Between Zones 3 and 4 there is an area of uncertainty where the risk of fibrillation can occur. Curve c1 where 0% of the population can expect fibrillation to occur Curve c2 where 5% of the population can expect fibrillation to occur Curve c3 where 50% of the population can expect fibrillation to occur

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CN Earthing Manual Section E5 Scope, References & Definitions




Graph representing voltage at the ground surface across the site


Fault Reference Earth (sufficient distance from substation) USS

Earth Electrode Earth Potential Rise Voltage Grading Electrode Touch Voltage Step Voltage Transfer Voltage (Cable earthed at source end only) Transfer Voltage (Cable earthed at both ends)



S2 E S1 S3 E

Voltage gradient at remote end only if cable is earthed here as well at substation

Cables having a continuous insulated metallic sheath exposed at both ends. The sheath is connected to earth at the main substation Figure E1.6 - Touch, Step and Transfer Voltages at an Electricity Substation

Fig. E1.6 (which is taken from European Standard EN 50179) illustrates the potentials for a typical substation arrangement. The European symbols and descriptions are included for reference and the generally accepted UK equivalent term is included. As can be seen from the UTSTE symbol, it is necessary to consider connected earth electrodes at a remote point and this is precisely the arrangement where a remote distribution substation is connected to a primary substation via a plastic sheathed 11kV cable.
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Appendix AE1.1 Sources of Specialist Earthing Advice

In Company
Central Networks Earthing Specialist, Network Standards, Operations & Asset Management

Strategy and Solutions Ltd, Trevor Charlton Management and Engineering Consultants, The Well Suite, Henstaff Court Business Centre, Groesfaen, Cardiff. CF72 8NG Tel: (029) 20 892000 / 20 843518 Fax: (029) 20 892023 / 20 843518 Email: enquiries@earthing-measurements.co.uk Web: www.earthing-measurements.co.uk

Cu Technical Services Ltd Nigel Foster Waverley House 23 Lime Grove Forest Town Mansfield NG19 0HR Tel: 01623 652011 Email: fosterng@btinternet.com

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CN Earthing Manual Section E5 Scope, References & Definitions

Appendix A E1.2 List of Telecomm Companies to be notified of Hot Sites

A schedule must be completed and distributed annually to those companies located within the boundary of the Company, and whose equipment could be subjected to a rise of earth potential from equipment belonging to the Company.
For British Telecomms, all Rise of Earth Potential enquiries to:BRITISH TELECOM

Health & Safety Help Desk Safety Consultant Post Point 4GAQ Alexander Bain House 15 York Street Glasgow G2 8LA Telephone: 0800 780 783 Fax: 0141 221 6194
All other Telecommunication Companies:

AT&T Head Office Highfield House Headless Cross Redditch Worcestershire B97 5EQ Telephone 01527 518181 Fax 01527 402408

BIRMINGHAM CABLE LTD Head Office Cable phone House Small Heath Business Park Talbot Way Small Heath Birmingham B10 0HJ Telephone

0121 628 1234

0121 628 4321

CABLE COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION Head Office The Fifth Floor Artillery House Artillery Row London SW1P 1RT Telephone 0171 222 2900 Fax 0171 799 1471

CABLE & WIRELESS Head Office Caxton Way Watford Business Park Hertfordshire WD1 8XH Telephone: 0207 528 2000 Fax: 0207 528 3444 www.cw.com

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CN Earthing Manual Section E5 Scope, References & Definitions

CABLEVISION LTD Head Office 2-4 William Street Sittingbourne Kent ME10 1HR Telephone Fax 01795 429711 01795 422807

COMTEL The Green Wolverhampton Road Stafford ST17 4BL Telephone Fax 01785 601602 01785 601601

MERCURY COMMUNICATIONS Head Office New Mercury House 26 Red Lion Square London WC1R 4HQ Telephone Fax 0171 528 2000 0171 528 2181

NTL 5th Floor 141 Moorgate London EC2M 6TX Telephone 0207 562 7730 Fax: 0207 562 7731

Other relevant bodies: DEPARTMENT OF TRADE & INDUSTRY Communication & Information Industries Directorate 151 Buckingham Palace Road London SW1W 9SS Telephone: 020 7215 5000 Fax 020 7215 0105 email: dti.enquiries@dti.gsi.gov.uk Web: www.dti.gov.uk OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS (OFCOM) Ofcom Riverside House 2a Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 9HA Telephone: 020 7981 3000 Fax: 020 7981 3333 Web: www.ofcom.gov.uk

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