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Student Data Question Teacher Name

6th Grade Math TAKS Passing Rate

96% 94% 92% 90% 88% 86% 2007 2008 2009 95%

91% 89%

The graph above shows the TAKS passing rate for my 6th grade math students over the past three years. It includes the results of all students tested, including those taking TAKS-M and A. As I have grown and developed as a teacher, my TAKS scores have shown steady improvement every year. When the TAKS were first administered in 2003, my students passing rate was 72%. Since then I have worked to align my instruction to the test and have increased the rigor of my class. I did this by planning the whole year from the test back to the first day of school and scheduling time for each of the standards in between. This allows me to pace my class and still stay on track for teaching all the material and reviewing before the test. I increased the rigor of my class by requiring my students to do more writing explaining their process for solving problems. This involves them explaining math concepts in multiple ways and reinforces their understanding of how to do the various operations. The data suggest that my next steps to get 100% passing in future years are to: 1. Identify early in the year which students need remediation so that I can get them in tutorial 2. Identify on which TEKS my students are weakest on so that I can increase practice with those concepts/skills throughout the year 3. Focus in tutorial on the TEKS where struggling students are having the most trouble Why this is an exemplar: 1. It shows three years of end-of-year student data 2. The graph is clearly labeled 3. Both the graph and explanation are in one word document 4. The explanation explains the data and its trend as well as identifies specific next steps for improvement 5. The explanation is less than 250 words NOTE: You may use whatever form of graph or table you feel most comfortable with. You do not need to use a line graph.

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