Breviar Turism - 2010

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TURISMUL ROMNIEI Breviar Statistic

ROMANIAN TOURISM Statistical Abstract


Pagina Page Romnia - prezentare turistic / Romania - touristic presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1. Geografia i organizarea administrativ-teritorial / Geography and administrative-territorial organisation 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Poziia geografic a Romniei / Geographical position of Romania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Lungimea frontierelor Romniei / Length of Romanias borders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Principalele lacuri naturale / Major natural lakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Principalele lacuri antropice / Major anthropic lakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Principalele altitudini muntoase / Major mountain peaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Organizarea administrativ a teritoriului Romniei / Administrative organisation of Romanian territory . . . 16

2. Capacitatea de cazare turistic / Tourists accommodation capacity 2.1 Structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic i capacitatea de cazare turistic, pe tipuri de structuri / Establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation and the tourists accommodation capacity, by type of establishments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.2 Structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic i capacitatea de cazare turistic, pe forme de proprietate i tipuri de structuri, n anul 2009 / Establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation and the tourists accommodation capacity, by type of ownership and establishments, in 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2.3 Structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic i capacitatea de cazare turistic, pe tipuri de structuri i categorii de confort, n anul 2009 / Establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation and the tourists accommodation capacity, by type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2.4 Structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic i capacitatea de cazare turistic, pe tipuri de structuri i destinaii turistice, n anul 2009 / Establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation and the tourists accommodation capacity, by type of establishments and tourist destinations, in 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2.5 Camerele existente n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, n anul 2009 / Existing rooms in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, in 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 3. Activitatea de cazare turistic / The tourists accommodation activity 3.1 Turitii cazai n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, pe tipuri de structuri / Tourists accommodated in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, by type of establishments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 3.2 Sosiri ale turitilor n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, pe principalele destinaii turistice, tipuri de structuri i categorii de confort, n anul 2009 /Tourists arrivals in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 3.3 nnoptrile n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, pe tipuri de structuri / Overnight stays in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, by type of establishments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 3.4 nnoptrile n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, pe principalele destinaii turistice, tipuri de structuri i categorii de confort, n anul 2009 / Overnight stays in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Pagina Page

3.5 Turitii cazai i nnoptrile n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, pe ri de reedin a turitilor, n anul 2009 / Tourists accommodated and overnight stays in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, by tourists countries of residence, in 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 3.6 Indicii de utilizare net a capacitii de cazare turistic n funciune, pe tipuri de structuri de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic i categorii de confort, n anul 2009 / Net use indices of the tourists accommodation capacity in use, by type of establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation and category of comfort, in 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 4. Activitatea ageniilor de turism / Activity of travel agencies 4.1 Numrul turitilor participani la aciunile turistice organizate de ageniile de turism Number of tourists taking part in the tourist actions organized by travel agencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 4.2 Numrul turitilor romni participani la aciunile turistice interne, pe zone turistice Number of Romanian tourists taking part in the domestic tourist actions, by tourist area . . . . . . . . 79 4.3 Numrul turitilor romni participani la aciunile turistice externe Number of Romanian tourists taking part in the external tourist actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 5. Turismul Romniei, pe regiuni de dezvoltare / Romanians tourism, by region of development 5.1 Oferta de cazare turistic / Offer for tourists accommodation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 5.2 Sosirile i nnoptrile turitilor n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic / Tourists arrivals and overnight stays in establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 6. Cltoriile internaionale nregistrate la frontierele Romniei / International trips registered at Romanias borders 6.1 Sosirile vizitatorilor strini n Romnia i plecrile vizitatorilor romni n strintate, dup mijloacele de transport utilizate / Arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania and departures of Romanian visitors abroad, by means of transport used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 6.2 Indicii sosirilor vizitatorilor strini n Romnia i indicii plecrilor vizitatorilor romni n strintate, dup mijloacele de transport utilizate / Indices of arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania and indices of departures of Romanian visitors abroad, by means of transport used . . . 94 7. Cererea turistic a rezidenilor n Romnia / The tourist demand of residents in Romania 7.1 Numrul de turiti, de cltorii i nnoptri, dup motivul principal al cltoriei, n anul 2009 / Number of tourists, trips and overnight stays, by main reason of the trip, in 2009 . 97 7.2 Cltorii interne pentru vacane i afaceri, pe zone turistice, dup durata i organizatorul cltoriei, n anul 2009 / Internal trips for holiday and business, by tourist area, by length of stay and organizer, in 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 7.3 Cltorii n strintate pentru vacane i afaceri, pe ri de destinaie, n anul 2009 Holiday and business trips abroad, by countries of destination, in 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Sursa datelor / Data source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Lista rilor pe continente / List of countries by continents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

Romnia - prezentare turistic Romania - touristic presentation

Romnia este situat n sud-estul Europei Centrale, n interiorul i exteriorul arcului munilor Carpai, pe cursul inferior al Dunrii (1075 km), cu ieire la Marea Neagr, la o distan fa de extremitile continentului, ce variaz ntre 1050 km i 2800 km. Teritoriul Romniei este situat la intersecia paralelei 450 N cu meridianul 250 E. Romnia este o ar carpatic i dunrean, cu ieire la Marea Neagr. Litoralul romnesc al Mrii Negre se desfoar pe 245 km, ntre grla Musura (grania cu Ucraina) i localitatea Vama Veche (grania cu Bulgaria). Capitala: Municipiul Bucureti. Oraele principale: Bucureti, Iai, Constana, Cluj-Napoca, Timioara, Galai, Craiova, Braov, Ploieti, Brila. Porturile principale: - la Marea Neagr: Constana, Mangalia; - la Dunre: Moldova Nou, Orova, Drobeta Turnu-Severin, Calafat, Corabia, Turnu Mgurele, Zimnicea, Giurgiu, Oltenia, Clrai, Cernavod, Hrova, Mcin, Brila, Galai, Tulcea, Sulina. Aeroporturile principale: Bucureti (Otopeni, Bneasa), Constana (Mihail Koglniceanu), Timioara, Cluj-Napoca, Iai, Arad, Oradea, Baia Mare, Trgu Mure, Suceava, Bacu, Deva, Sibiu, Craiova, Tulcea.

Romania is situated in the South Eastern part of Central Europe, inside and outside the Carpathians Arch, on the Danube (1075 km) lower course and on the Black Sea, being placed at a distance ranging between 1050 km and 2800 km from the continent extremities. The Romanian territory is situated at the crossing between the parallel 450 N and the meridian 250 E. Romania is a Carpathian and Danubian country, located on the Black Sea. Romanian seaside stretches for 245 km along the Black Sea coast, between Musura brook (border with Ukraine) and Vama Veche locality (border with Bulgaria). Capital: The Municipality of Bucharest. Main cities: Bucharest, Iai, Constana, ClujNapoca, Timioara, Galai, Craiova, Braov, Ploieti, Brila. Main harbours: - at the Black Sea: Constana, Mangalia; - at the Danube: Moldova Nou, Orova, Drobeta Turnu-Severin, Calafat, Corabia, Turnu Mgurele, Zimnicea, Giurgiu, Oltenia, Clrai, Cernavod, Hrova, Mcin, Brila, Galai, Tulcea, Sulina. Main airports: Bucharest (Otopeni, Bneasa), Constana (Mihail Koglniceanu), Timioara, Cluj-Napoca, Iai, Arad, Oradea, Baia Mare, Trgu Mure, Suceava, Bacu, Deva, Sibiu, Craiova, Tulcea.

Romnia - prezentare turistic Romania - touristic presentation

Potenialul turistic de excepie al Romniei este marcat prin dou componente eseniale: - componenta natural, reprezentat prin peisaje spectaculoase, configuraia variat a reliefului, condiiile climatice favorabile, valoarea terapeutic i abundena unor factori naturali de cur; - componenta antropic, reprezentat prin vestigii ale civilizaiilor ce s-au succedat pe teritoriul Romniei din vremuri imemoriale, monumente i obiective de art laic sau religioase, muzee i colecii muzeale, elemente de etnografie i folclor de mare frumusee i originalitate, realizri actuale de prestigiu. Acestea constituie elementele de mare atractivitate ale ofertei turistice romneti, prezentnd o palet larg de forme de turism: de sejur (de litoral, montan, balnear), vntoare i pescuit sportiv, turism itinerant cu valene culturale, turism profesional etc. Poziia geografic i confer Romniei statutul de ar carpato-danubiano-pontic, datorit celor trei elemente naturale definitorii n structura peisagistic i a teritoriului: Munii Carpai, fluviul Dunrea i Marea Neagr. Fiecare form a cadrului natural deine, dup specificul su, o anumit capacitate de potenial turistic, urmrit pe treptele majore de relief, crete de la cmpie, la dealuri i podiuri pn la unitile montane, excepie fcnd litoralul romnesc al Mrii Negre i Delta Dunrii, care prezint aspecte fizico-geografice originale. Romnia este deintoarea unui tezaur imens de vestigii arheologice, monumente istorice, de arhitectur sau de art, ca i a unui inestimabil patrimoniu care atest evoluia i continuitatea de munc i de via pe aceste meleaguri, dezvoltarea culturii i artei poporului romn. The exceptional tourism potential of Romania has two main components: - the natural component, represented by spectacular landscapes, varied configuration of the relief, favourable climatic conditions and lots of natural therapeutic spas; - the historical component, represented by traces of succeeding civilisations that had lived on Romanian territory since ancient times, monuments and lay or religious art objects, museums and museum collections, beautiful and original ethnographical and folklore elements and actual prestigious achievements. All the above mentioned constitute very attractive elements of the Romanian tourism offer, presenting a wide variety of tourism types: stay (seaside, mountain, spa), hunting and sportive fishing, cultural tourism at large, professional tourism a.s.o. Due to its geographical position and to the three natural elements defining its landscape structure and territory: the Carpathians, the Danube and the Black Sea, Romania has the status of a Pontian-Danubian-Carpathian country. Each natural element, by its specific, has a certain capacity of tourism potential, pursued on major steps of relief, increasing from the plain to the hills and plateaus up to the mountains, with the exception of the Romanian seaside of the Black Sea and the Danube Delta which present physical and geographical original aspects. Romania holds a huge treasury of archaeological traces, historical, architecture and art monuments, as well as a valuable patrimony certifying the continuous labour and life evolution on these lands and the development of the Romanian culture and art .

Romnia - prezentare turistic Romania - touristic presentation

Resursele turistice antropice sunt n principal, urmtoarele: - vestigiile arheologice; - monumentele istorice, de arhitectur i de art cu o valoare de unicat; - muzeele i casele memoriale; - mrturiile civilizaiei i culturii populare; - satele turistice. ntre cele mai reprezentative zone turistice ale Romniei se disting cteva cu caracteristici deosebite: - Bucureti - capitala Romniei cel mai mare centru politic, industrial, administrativ, cultural, tiinific i turistic al rii; The main cultural and historical tourism resources are the following: - archaeological artifacts; - historical, architecture and art monuments of unique value; - museums and memorial houses; - folklore and traditions; - tourist villages. Here are some of the most representative tourism areas of Romania with their special characteristics: - Bucharest - capital of Romania - the largest political, industrial, administrative, cultural, scientific and tourism centre of the country;

- Munii Carpai - prin ntindere, uoar accesibilitate, originalitatea i frumuseea peisajelor montane, bogia de ape minerale i multiple posibiliti de practicare a sporturilor de iarn, constituie cea mai mare i mai complex zon turistic a rii. Aici se gsesc renumitele staiuni montane internaionale Poiana Braov, Sinaia, Predeal, care, alturi de Bora, Stna de Vale, Pltini, Duru, Semenic, Muntele Mic, Blea, dispun de hoteluri moderne i vile cochete, restaurante, numeroase posibiliti de agrement, prtii i instalaii pentru sporturile de iarn i transport pe cablu. Turismul balnear are, de asemenea, puternice baze de tratament, cazare i agrement n frumoasele staiuni din depresiunile sau culoarele de vi carpatine: Bile Herculane, Bile Felix, ClimnetiCciulata, Slnic-Moldova, Bile Tunad, Covasna, Vatra Dornei etc.;

- The Carpathians - due to their width, easy access, original and beautiful mountain landscapes, rich mineral waters and lots of possibilities for winter sports, represent the largest and the most complex tourism area of the country. Here are located the international famous mountain resorts Poiana Braov, Sinaia, Predeal which, besides Bora, Stna de Vale, Pltini, Duru, Semenic, Muntele Mic, Blea, boast modern hotels and smart villas, restaurants, various entertainment facilities, tracks and installations for winter sports and cable transport. Spa tourism also boasts important treatment, accommodation and entertainment centres in beautiful resorts of the Carpathian valleys and plateaus: Bile Herculane, Bile Felix, Climneti-Cciulata, Slnic-Moldova, Bile Tunad, Covasna, Vatra Dornei a.s.o.;

Romnia - prezentare turistic Romania - touristic presentation

- Litoralul romnesc al Mrii Negre - zona respectiv are o alctuire complex care-i mrete valoarea turistic. Ea se desfoar pe o lungime de 245 km, cu Delta Dunrii i complexul de lagune Razim-Sinoe la nord, iar la sud pe circa 70 km se ntinde litoralul turistic propriu-zis. Staiunile de pe litoral, bine cunoscute n turismul internaional: Nvodari, Mamaia, Eforie Nord, Eforie Sud, Techirghiol, Costineti, Olimp, Neptun, Jupiter, Aurora, Venus, Saturn, Mangalia, au moderne baze de cazare i tratament i diverse posibiliti de agrement; - Delta Dunrii, este situat n partea de nord a litoralului romnesc, la 122 km de Constana. Se prezint ca o imens suprafa cu stuf, din care se desprind plauri cu nuferi, plante amfibii i carnivore, pduri de plopi i slcii pletoase. Delta Dunrii este totodat i cel mai bogat parc faunistic din Europa, cu peste 300 specii de psri, 60 specii de peti de mare valoare economic; - Moldova de Nord, Bucovina sau ara de Sus a Moldovei este renumit pe plan internaional prin mnstirile i bisericile sale Vorone, Moldovia, Sucevia, Humor, Arbore, Dragomirna, Putna etc.; - Maramure - Oa - perimetrul respectiv reprezint una dintre cele mai originale zone istorico-etnografice ale rii. Bisericile de lemn, porile masive, au nscrustri originale i ornamente variate, ceramic cu motive decorative dacice (Vama-Oa); - Zona Oltenia se constituie ca o zon turistic important, situat ntre Carpaii Meridionali i Dunre; - Zona Transilvania - sub acest nume este cunoscut, nc din vremea cuceririi romane, regiunea geografic din Romnia cuprins n interiorul arcului carpatic; - Moldova Central - este provincia istoric romneasc situat la est de Carpaii Orientali; - Dunrea - a constituit nc din antichitate o arter de comunicaie, pe apele fluviului sau pe uscat, ntre Europa Central i Peninsula Balcanic; - Banatul - strveche vatr de locuire i de cultur romneasc, este situat n sud-vestul Romniei, ntre Dunre, Mure i lanul Carpailor Meridionali. - The Romanian seaside of the Black Sea - this region is a complex one which increases its tourism value. It lies on 245 km in length, with the Danube Delta and the lagoon complex Razim-Sinoe to the North white to the South, on about 70 km, there the seashore itself. The seaside resorts which are well known at international level: Nvodari, Mamaia, Eforie Nord, Eforie Sud, Techirghiol, Costineti, Olimp, Neptun, Jupiter, Aurora, Venus, Saturn and Mangalia, have all modern accommodation, treatment centres and various entertainment opportunities. - The Danube Delta - is located in the North of the Romanian seaside, 122 km from Constana. It is a very wide area of rush water lilies, carnivorous and amphibious plants, poplar woods and weeping willows. It is also the richest fauna park in Europe, with over 300 bird species and 60 fish species of great economic value; - North Moldavia, Bucovina or Highlands of Moldavia - is famous at international level due to its monasteries and churches Vorone, Moldovia, Sucevia, Humor, Arbore, Dragomirna, Putna a.s.o.; - Maramure - Oa - this area represents one of the most original, historical and ethnographical regions of the country. There are wooden churches and massive gates that have original engravings and various ornaments and Dacian pottery (Vama-Oa); - Oltenia - is a very important tourism area situated between the Southern Carpathians and the Danube; - Transylvania - known as such since the Roman conquest, it is a geographical region of Romania situated inside the Carpathian arch; - Central Moldavia - this is the Romanian historical district situated at East of the Eastern Carpathians; - The Danube - since antiquity, it has been a communication channel, by river or by land, between Central Europe and the Balkan peninsula; - Banat - this ancient habitation area and Romanian culture region, is situated in the SouthEastern part of Romania, between the Danube, the Mure river and the Southern Carpathians chain.




Poziia geografic a Romniei Geographical position of Romania


Punctul extrem (localitatea) Extreme point (locality) Nord North Sud South Est East Vest West

Judeul County Botoani Teleorman Tulcea Timi

Longitudinea estic 1) East longitude 2604205 2502332 2904124 2001544


Latitudinea nordic North latitude 4801506 4303707 4500936 4600727

Satul Horoditea Horoditea village Oraul Zimnicea Zimnicea town Oraul Sulina Sulina town Comuna Beba Veche Beba Veche commune

Dup Greenwich. / According to Greenwich.

Lungimea frontierelor Romniei Length of Romanias borders

km Lungimea frontierelor / Border length Total Total Total granie Total borders Bulgaria Bulgaria Serbia i Muntenegru Serbia and Montenegro Republica Moldova Republic of Moldova Ucraina Ukraine Ungaria Hungary Marea Neagr Black Sea 3149,9 631,3 546,4 681,3 649,4 448,0 193,5 Terestr Land 1085,6 139,1 256,8 273,8 415,9 Fluvial River 1816,9 470,0 289,6 681,3 343,9 32,1 Maritim Sea 247,4 22,2 31,7 193,5


Not: Lungimile frontierelor sunt oficializate numai cu Serbia i Muntenegru, respectiv Ungaria, celelalte frontiere fiind calculate unilateral. / Note: Lengths of borders are official only with Serbia and Montenegro, respectively Hungary, the other borders being unilaterally calculated.



Principalele lacuri naturale Major natural lakes


Judeul County

Suprafaa (ha) Area (ha)

Volum (mil. m3) Volume (mill. m )

Lacuri n circuri glaciare / Glacial circuses lakes Bucura Znoaga Mare Blea Clcescu Hunedoara Hunedoara Sibiu Gorj 10,5 9,0 4,7 3,0 0,5 1,0 0,2 0,1

Lacuri n crater vulcanic / Volcanic crater lakes Sfnta Ana Harghita 22,0 0,6

Lacuri n depresiuni carstice / Karstic depression lakes Zton Iezerul Ighiu Vintileasca Mehedini Alba Vrancea 20,0 5,3 4,7 1,0 0,2 0,1

Lacuri de baraj natural / Natural storage reservoirs Lacul Rou Bltu Harghita Bacu 12,6 6,0 0,7 0,1

Lacuri n crovuri (depresiune de tasare) / Clasto-karstic lakes Ianca Movila Miresii Lacul Srat Brila Brila Brila Brila Limane fluviatile / River banks Oltina Iezerul Mostitei Balta Alb Jirlu Amara-Buzu Snagov Cldruani Hazarlc Amara-Ialomia

322,0 180,0 39,0

1,6 4,5 0,2

Constana Clrai Buzu, Brila Brila Buzu Ilfov Ilfov Constana Ialomia

2509,0 1860,0 1012,0 890,0 600,0 575,0 224,0 168,0 132,0

60,0 1) 160,0 5,1 5,6 3,6 17,3 4,5 0,8 2,6

Volum rezultat din lucrrile de amenajare pentru irigaii. Volume resulted from planning works for irrigations.


Principalele lacuri naturale Major natural lakes

continuare / continued Judeul County Suprafaa (ha) Area (ha) Volum (mil. m3) Volume (mill. m )


Limane fluvio-maritime / River-maritime banks Taaul Techirghiol Mangalia Tatlageac Constana Constana Constana Constana Lagune marine / Sea lagoons Razim Sinoie Zmeica Siutghiol Tulcea Constana Tulcea Constana 41500,0 17150,0 5460,0 1900,0 909,0 210,7 45,6 88,7 2335,0 1161,0 261,0 178,0 57,0 41,8 15,7 14,0

Lacuri de lunc / River meadow lakes Brate Bistre Suhaia Lacul Rotund Galai Dolj Teleorman Tulcea 2111,0 1867,0 1094,0 219,0 30,0 28,0 18,0 2,0

Lacuri din Delta Dunrii / The Danube Delta lakes Dranov Lacul Rou Gorgova Lumina Merhei Furtuna Matia Tulcea Tulcea Tulcea Tulcea Tulcea Tulcea Tulcea 2170,0 1445,0 1377,5 1367,5 1057,5 977,5 652,5 21,7 21,7 13,8 20,5 15,9 9,8 9,8



Principalele lacuri antropice Major anthropic lakes

Denumirea lacului antropic Name of anthropic lake Porile de Fier Ostrovu Mare Stnca-Costeti Izvorul Muntelui-Bicaz Strejeti Ipoteti Frunzaru Izbiceni Drgneti Mihileti Vidra Fntnele Vidraru Soleti Oaa Gura Apelor Siriu Iovan Lacul Morii Vcreti Brdior Pucai Pecineagu Drcani

Judeul County

Suprafaa la nivel normal de retenie (ha) Area at normal level of afflux (ha) 70000 7920 5900 3100 2204 1692 1280 1095 1080 1013 950 884 870 452 447 420 360 290 256 234 230 230 182 500

Volumul la nivel normal de 3 retenie (mil. m ) Volume at normal level 3 of afflux (mill. m ) 2400,0 800,0 735,0 1130,0 202,7 110,0 96,0 74,0 76,0 76,3 340,0 212,9 469,0 15,8 131,0 210,0 126,0 120,0 14,2 14,1 38,0 8,0 63,0 6,1

Categoria de folosin Category of use

Mehedini Mehedini Botoani Neam Olt Olt Olt Olt Olt llfov Vlcea Cluj Arge Vaslui Alba Hunedoara Buzu Gorj 1) Municipiul Bucureti Dmbovia Vlcea Vaslui Dmbovia Botoani

energie / energy energie / energy complex / complex energie / energy energie / energy energie / energy energie / energy energie / energy energie / energy complex / complex energie / energy energie / energy complex / complex complex / complex energie / energy energie / energy complex / complex complex / complex complex / complex complex / complex energie / energy complex / complex complex / complex piscicultur / pisciculture

Bucharest Municipality.


Principalele altitudini muntoase Major mountain peaks


Denumirea vrfului muntos Name of peak Moldoveanu Negoiu Parngu Mare Peleaga Omu Retezat Iezeru Mare Ppua Pietrosu Gugu Suru Ineu Cindrel tefleti La Om (Piscul Baciului) Godeanu Cleanu arcu Leaota Vrfu lui Ptru Pietrosu ureanu Ciuca

Denumirea masivului muntos Name of massif Fgra Fgra Parng Retezat Bucegi Retezat Iezer Iezer Rodna Godeanu Fgra Rodna Cindrel Lotru Piatra Craiului Godeanu arcu arcu Leaota ureanu Climan ureanu Ciuca

Judeul County

Altitudinea vrfului (m) Height (m) 2544 2535 2519 2509 2505 2482 2462 2391 2303 2291 2283 2279 2244 2242 2238 2229 2190 2190 2133 2130 2100 2059 1954

Arge Arge, Braov, Sibiu Gorj, Hunedoara Hunedoara Prahova, Braov, Dmbovia Hunedoara Arge Arge Maramure Cara-Severin, Hunedoara Sibiu, Vlcea Bistria-Nsud Sibiu Sibiu, Vlcea Braov Cara-Severin, Gorj Cara-Severin Cara-Severin Dmbovia, Arge Hunedoara Suceava, Mure Hunedoara Braov, Prahova



Organizarea administrativ a teritoriului 1) Romniei Administrative organisation of Romanian territory 1)

Suprafaa total 2 (km ) Total area 2 km ) ROMNIA Judeul / County Alba Arad Arge Bacu Bihor Bistria-Nsud Botoani Braov Brila Buzu Cara-Severin Clrai Cluj Constana Covasna Dmbovia Dolj Galai Giurgiu Gorj Harghita Hunedoara Ialomia Iai Ilfov Maramure Mehedini Mure Neam Olt Prahova Satu Mare Slaj Sibiu Suceava Teleorman Timi Tulcea Vaslui Vlcea Vrancea Municipiul Bucureti Bucharest Municipality

Numrul oraelor i municipiilor Number of towns and municipalities 320 11 10 7 8 10 4 7 10 4 5 8 5 6 12 5 7 7 4 3 9 9 14 7 5 8 13 5 11 5 8 14 6 4 11 16 5 10 5 5 11 5 1

din care: municipii of which: municipalities 103 4 1 3 3 4 1 2 4 1 2 2 2 5 3 2 2 3 2 1 2 4 7 3 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 1 2 5 3 2 1 3 2 2 1

238391 6242 7754 6826 6621 7544 5355 4986 5363 4766 6103 8520 5088 6674 7071 3710 4054 7414 4466 3526 5602 6639 7063 4453 5476 1583 6304 4933 6714 5896 5498 4716 4418 3864 5432 8553 5790 8697 8499 5318 5765 4857 238

La 31 decembrie 2009. / On December 31, 2009.






Prin structur de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic se nelege orice construcie sau amenajare, care furnizeaz n mod permanent sau sezonier serviciul de cazare i alte servicii specifice pentru turiti. Nu se cuprind n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic: structurile de primire folosite n exclusivitate de posesori sau chiriai, pe o durat mai mare de un an, indiferent de clasificarea acestora; locuinele secundare ale populaiei, utilizate n scopuri turistice n mod exclusiv de posesorii acestora; cminele, internatele colare pe perioada anului colar, unitile spitaliceti (cu excepia sanatoriilor i altor spaii similare ce practic n mod exclusiv activiti turistice); vagoanele dormitor; adposturile i refugiile montane i similare; barcile i dormitoarele pentru muncitori, cminele de btrni i casele de copii. Establishment of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation means any construction or arrangement which provides permanently or seasonally accommodation and other specific services to the tourists. Establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation do no include: establishments of accomodation used exclusively by owners or tenants for over one year, irrespective of their classification; secondary dwellings of the population used for tourism purposes, exclusively by their owners; hostels and boarding schools during school year, hospital units (excepting sanatoria and other similar spaces which exclusively have tourism activities); sleeping cars; mountain shelters and refuges and similar; workers, huts and bedrooms, refirement homes for old people and children hostels.

Structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic i capacitatea de cazare turistic Establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation and the tourists accomodation capacity
111 108 105 102 99 96 104,8 102,8 101,1 99,7 98,8 102,5 % 108,2 108,1 105,7 2006 = 100




Structuri de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic Establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation Capacitatea de cazare existent Existing accommodation capacity Capacitatea de cazare n funciune Accommodation capacity in use



Indicii de utilizare net a capacitii de cazare n funciune, pe categorii de confort, n anul 2009 Net use indices of tourists accommodation capacity in use, by category of comfort, in 2009
% 33,2 28,2 25,1 24,4 21,4 28,3

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5

5 stele 5 stars

4 stele 4 stars

3 stele 3 stars

2 stele 2 stars

1 stea 1 star

Neclasificat Not classified



n numrul structurilor de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic sunt cuprinse structurile de primire turistic existente la 31 iulie din anul respectiv, fiind excluse cele a cror activitate a fost ntrerupt pentru o perioad mai mare de timp, n vederea realizrii unor reparaii capitale sau pentru modificri importante ale capacitii de cazare sau/i a categoriei de ncadrare. Capacitatea de cazare turistic existent (instalat) reprezint numrul de locuri de cazare de folosin turistic nscrise n ultimul act de recepie, omologare sau clasificare al structurii de primire turistic, exclusiv paturile suplimentare care se pot instala n caz de necesitate. Numrul de locuri a fost determinat pentru structurile existente la 31 iulie din anul respectiv. The number of establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation includes establishments of tourists reception existing on July 31 of the respective year, excluding those whose activity was interrupted for a long period of time in order to carry out capital repairs or important changes of their accommodation capacity or/and category. Existing (provided) tourists accommodation capacity represents the number of beds used for the tourists accommodation and registered in the last reception document, homologation or classification of tourists accommodation establishment, the extra-beds which can be provided, if necessary, excluded. The number of beds was determined for the existing establishments on July 31 of the respective year.



Cercetrile statistice cuprind structuri de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic cu o capacitate de cazare instalat de cel puin 5 locuri-pat. Capacitatea de cazare turistic n funciune (exprimat n locuri-zile) reprezint numrul de locuri de cazare puse la dispoziia turitilor de ctre structurile de primire turistic, innd cont de numrul de zile ct acestea sunt deschise n perioada considerat. Se exclud locurile din camerele sau structurile nchise temporar, din lips de turiti, pentru reparaii capitale sau pentru alte motive. The statistical surveys comprise establishments of tourists reception with tourists accommodation functions having at least 5 beds as capacity of tourists accommodation. The tourists accommodation capacity in use (expressed in places-days) represents the number of accommodation beds put at the disposal of tourists by the establishments of tourists reception, taking into account the number of days they are opened in the respective period. The beds from the rooms or establishments temporarily closed, due to lack of tourists, for capital repairs or for other reasons, are excluded.

Structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, pe forme de proprietate, n anul 2009 Establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, by type of ownership, in 2009
5000 % 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Majoritar de stat Mainly state owned Majoritar privat Mainly private owned 450




Gruparea indicatorilor s-a efectuat dup forma de proprietate asupra capitalului social al unitii i anume: - proprietate majoritar de stat care cuprinde capitalul integral de stat, public de interes naional i local, mixt (unde statul deine peste 50% din capital); - proprietate majoritar privat, care cuprinde capitalul integral privat, mixt (peste 50% capital social privat), integral strin, cooperatist i obtesc. The indicators were grouped according to the ownership type of the unit of the social capital as follows: - mainly state ownership that includes integral state capital, public of national and local interest and mixed (over 50% state owned social capital); - mainly private ownership that includes integral private capital and mixed (over 50% private owned social capital), integral foreign capital and cooperative and community capital.

Structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic i capacitatea de cazare turistic, pe destinaii turistice, n anul 2009 Establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation and the tourists accomodation capacity, by tourists destinations in 2009
Structuri de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic - numr Establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accomodation - number 946 1599 377

980 Capacitatea de cazare existent - locuri Existing accomodation capacity - beds 118835

1052 141 Capacitatea de cazare n funciune - locuri - zile Existing accomodation capacity in use - beds - days 10155080 9113842





35395 4988


9906114 542696

Litoral / Seaside Staiuni balneare / Spas Staiuni montane / Mountain resorts

Delta Dunrii / The Danube Delta Bucureti i oraele reedin Bucharest and county capital cities Alte localiti / Other localities


Structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic i capacitatea de cazare turistic, pe tipuri de structuri Establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation and the tourists accommodation capacity, by type of establishments





Numrul de structuri Number of establishments

TOTAL Hoteluri Moteluri Hanuri turistice 1) Hosteluri Vile turistice Bungalouri 2) Cabane turistice Sate de vacan Campinguri Tabere de elevi i precolari Popasuri turistice 3) Pensiuni turistice 4) Pensiuni agroturistice Csue turistice Spaii de cazare pe nave 4694 1081 150 6 79 708 266 108 3 62 115 30 736 1292 49 9 4840 1111 153 5 81 718 264 116 3 59 111 31 783 1348 50 7 5095 1170 146 5 97 747 265 123 4 55 111 30 878 1412 46 6 TOTAL Hotels Motels Tourist inns 1) Hostels Tourist villas Bungalows 2) Tourist chalets Holiday villages Camping sites School and pre-school camps Tourist halting places 3) Tourist boarding houses 4) Agro-tourist boarding houses Houselet-type units Ship accommodation places

Capacitatea de cazare existent (numr de locuri) Existing accommodation capacity (number of beds)
TOTAL Hoteluri Moteluri Hanuri turistice 1) Hosteluri Vile turistice Bungalouri 2) Cabane turistice Sate de vacan Campinguri Tabere de elevi i precolari Popasuri turistice 3) Pensiuni turistice 4) Pensiuni agroturistice Csue turistice Spaii de cazare pe nave 283701 168857 5614 186 3522 15333 4461 5574 160 25006 20320 1152 13429 15448 4120 519 294210 175573 5939 136 3612 15826 4119 5207 180 26838 19426 1211 14538 16906 4223 476 303486 179479 5836 136 4396 15772 4553 5887 215 25475 18875 2025 16653 19783 3945 456 TOTAL Hotels Motels Tourist inns 1) Hostels Tourist villas Bungalows 2) Tourist chalets Holiday villages Camping sites School and pre-school camps Tourist halting places 3) Tourist boarding houses 4) Agro-tourist boarding houses Houselet-type units Ship accommodation spaces

ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice. / Since 2009, the urban tourist boarding houses have been defined tourist boarding houses. ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile rurale au fost definite ca pensiuni agroturistice. / Since 2009, the rural tourist boarding houses have been defined agro-tourist boarding houses. Not: Numrul de structuri i capacitatea de cazare existent sunt la 31 iulie din anul respectiv. Note: Number of establishments and existing accommodation capacity on July 31 of respective year.

1) Inclusiv hotelurile pentru tineret. / The hotels for youth included. 2) Inclusiv cabanele de vntoare i de pescuit. / The hunting and fishing chalets included. 3)



Structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic i capacitatea de cazare turistic, pe tipuri de structuri Establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation and the tourists accommodation capacity, by type of establishments
continuare / continued 2007 2008 2009

Capacitatea de cazare n funciune (numr de locuri - zile) Accommodation capacity in use (number of beds - days)
TOTAL Hoteluri Moteluri Hanuri turistice 1) Hosteluri Vile turistice Bungalouri 2) Cabane turistice Sate de vacan Campinguri Tabere de elevi i precolari Popasuri turistice 3) Pensiuni turistice 4) Pensiuni agroturistice Csue turistice Spaii de cazare pe nave 57137649 38479457 1767001 36468 951563 2622088 278940 1389062 47480 1107911 2277054 175591 4152362 3625647 151167 75858 59187968 39947674 1783799 19216 1012158 2631049 290828 1382449 46710 1309169 1930919 188327 4390719 4038887 124142 91922 61104435 40712728 1719302 17020 1162555 2835143 330771 1425688 39093 971902 1854677 173857 4903077 4735468 133238 89916 TOTAL Hotels Motels Tourist inns 1) Hostels Tourist villas Bungalows 2) Tourist chalets Holiday villages Camping sites School and pre-school camps Tourist halting places 3) Tourist boarding houses 4) Agro-tourist boarding houses Houselet-type units Ship accommodation places

ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice. / Since 2009, the urban tourist boarding houses have been defined tourist boarding houses. ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile rurale au fost definite ca pensiuni agroturistice. / Since 2009, the rural tourist boarding houses have been defined agro-tourist boarding houses. Not: Numrul de structuri i capacitatea de cazare existent sunt la 31 iulie din anul respectiv. Note: Number of establishments and existing accommodation capacity on July 31 of respective year.

1) Inclusiv hotelurile pentru tineret. / The hotels for youth included. 2) Inclusiv cabanele de vntoare i de pescuit. / The hunting and fishing chalets included. 3)


Structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic i capacitatea de cazare turistic, pe forme de proprietate i tipuri de structuri, n anul 2009 Establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation and the tourists accommodation capacity, by type of ownership and type of establishments, in 2009



Majoritar Majoritar de stat privat Mainly Mainly state owned private owned

Numrul de structuri Number of establishments TOTAL Hoteluri Moteluri Hanuri turistice 1) Hosteluri Vile turistice Bungalouri 2) Cabane turistice Sate de vacan Campinguri Tabere de elevi i precolari Popasuri turistice 3) Pensiuni turistice 4) Pensiuni agroturistice Csue turistice Spaii de cazare pe nave 5095 1170 146 5 97 747 265 123 4 55 111 30 878 1412 46 6 450 115 5 9 136 12 9 4 105 1 13 35 6 4645 1055 141 5 88 611 253 114 4 51 6 29 865 1377 40 6 TOTAL Hotels Motels Tourist inns 1) Hostels Tourist villas Bungalows 2) Tourist chalets Holiday villages Camping sites School and pre-school camps Tourist halting places 3) Tourist boarding houses 4) Agro-tourist boarding houses Houselet-type units Ship accommodation places

Capacitatea de cazare existent (numr de locuri) Existing accommodation capacity (number of beds) TOTAL Hoteluri Moteluri Hanuri turistice 1) Hosteluri Vile turistice Bungalouri 2) Cabane turistice Sate de vacan Campinguri Tabere de elevi i precolari Popasuri turistice 3) Pensiuni turistice 4) Pensiuni agroturistice Csue turistice Spaii de cazare pe nave 303486 179479 5836 136 4396 15772 4553 5887 215 25475 18875 2025 16653 19783 3945 456 43525 22460 106 665 3269 116 657 2612 12647 56 250 237 450 259961 157019 5730 136 3731 12503 4437 5230 215 22863 6228 1969 16403 19546 3495 456 TOTAL Hotels Motels Tourist inns 1) Hostels Tourist villas Bungalows 2) Tourist chalets Holiday villages Camping sites School and pre-school camps Tourist halting places 3) Tourist boarding houses 4) Agro-tourist boarding houses Houselet-type units Ship accommodation places

1) Inclusiv hotelurile pentru tineret. / The hotels for youth included. 2) Inclusiv cabanele de vntoare i de pescuit. / The hunting and fishing chalets included. 3) 4)

ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice. / Since 2009, the urban tourist boarding houses have been defined tourist boarding houses. ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile rurale au fost definite ca pensiuni agroturistice. / Since 2009, the rural tourist boarding houses have been defined agro-tourist boarding houses.



Structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic i capacitatea de cazare turistic, pe forme de proprietate i tipuri de structuri, n anul 2009 Establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation and the tourists accommodation capacity, by type of ownership and type of establishments, in 2009
continuare / continued
Total Majoritar Majoritar de stat privat Mainly Mainly state owned private owned

Capacitatea de cazare n funciune (numr de locuri - zile) Accommodation capacity in use (number of beds - days) TOTAL Hoteluri Moteluri Hanuri turistice 1) Hosteluri Vile turistice Bungalouri 2) Cabane turistice Sate de vacan Campinguri Tabere de elevi i precolari Popasuri turistice 3) Pensiuni turistice 4) Pensiuni agroturistice Csue turistice Spaii de cazare pe nave 61104435 40712728 1719302 17020 1162555 2835143 330771 1425688 39093 971902 1854677 173857 4903077 4735468 133238 89916 6939746 5026126 13140 162815 714745 9372 59973 128526 1672511 10248 34030 53943 7440 54164689 35686602 1706162 17020 999740 2120398 321399 1365715 39093 843376 182166 163609 4869047 4681525 125798 89916 TOTAL Hotels Motels Tourist inns 1) Hostels Tourist villas Bungalows 2) Tourist chalets Holiday villages Camping sites School and pre-school camps Tourist halting places 3) Tourist boarding houses 4) Agro-tourist boarding houses Houselet-type units Ship accommodation places

1) Inclusiv hotelurile pentru tineret. / The hotels for youth included. 2) Inclusiv cabanele de vntoare i de pescuit. / The hunting and fishing chalets included. 3) 4)

ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice. / Since 2009, the urban tourist boarding houses have been defined tourist boarding houses. ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile rurale au fost definite ca pensiuni agroturistice. / Since 2009, the rural tourist boarding houses have been defined agro-tourist boarding houses.


Structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic i capacitatea de cazare turistic,pe tipuri de structuri i categorii de confort, n anul 2009 Establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation and the tourists accommodation capacity, by type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2009



5 stele 5 stars

4 stele 4 stars

3 stele 3 stars

2 stele 2 stars

1 stea Neclasificate 1 star Not classified

Numrul de structuri Number of establishments TOTAL 5095 69 16 35 367 122 94 1 1487 399 39 44 208 20 32 2 3 2072 456 70 43 201 15 33 2 10 850 161 35 8 166 217 33 32 250 16 2 5 2 43 13 25 9

Hoteluri 1170 Hotels Moteluri 146 Motels Hanuri turistice 5 Tourist inns 1) Hosteluri 97 1) Hostels Vile turistice 747 Tourist villas Bungalouri 265 Bungalows 2) Cabane turistice 123 2) Tourist chalets Sate de vacan 4 Holiday villages Campinguri 55 Camping sites Tabere de elevi i precolari 111 School and pre-school camps Popasuri turistice 30 Tourist halting places 3) Pensiuni turistice 878 3) Tourist boarding houses 4) Pensiuni agroturistice 1412 Agro-tourist boarding 4) houses Csue turistice 46 Houselet-type units Spaii de cazare pe nave 6 Ship accommodation places


6 12

81 66

2 343 389

16 387 835

12 59 110

2 -

3 3

4 -

17 -

22 -

1) Inclusiv hotelurile pentru tineret. / The hotels for youth included. 2) Inclusiv cabanele de vntoare i de pescuit. / The hunting and fishing chalets included. 3) 4)

ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice. / Since 2009, the urban tourist boarding houses have been defined tourist boarding houses. ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile rurale au fost definite ca pensiuni agroturistice. / Since 2009, the rural tourist boarding houses have been defined agro-tourist boarding houses.



Structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic i capacitatea de cazare turistic,pe tipuri de structuri i categorii de confort, n anul 2009 Establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation and the tourists accommodation capacity, by type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2009
continuare / continued
Total 5 stele 5 stars 4 stele 4 stars 3 stele 3 stars 2 stele 2 stars 1 stea Neclasificate 1 star Not classified

Capacitatea de cazare existent (numr de locuri) Existing accommodation capacity (number of beds) TOTAL 303486 5509 5008 128 26983 21585 1355 730 64224 40538 1522 1963 3468 349 1009 109 476 124736 88449 3042 1879 5842 602 1533 106 5914 54233 21397 1236 410 3560 3498 1820 17047 27801 2502 36 136 144 1419 104 1525 1308

Hoteluri 179479 Hotels Moteluri 5836 Motels Hanuri turistice 136 Tourist inns 1) Hosteluri 4396 1) Hostels Vile turistice 15772 Tourist villas Bungalouri 4553 Bungalows 2) Cabane turistice 5887 2) Tourist chalets Sate de vacan 215 Holiday villages Campinguri 25475 Camping sites Tabere de elevi i precolari 18875 School and pre-school camps Popasuri turistice 2025 Tourist halting places 3) Pensiuni turistice 16653 3) Tourist boarding houses 4) Pensiuni agroturistice 19783 Agro-tourist boarding 4) houses Csue turistice 3945 Houselet-type units Spaii de cazare pe nave 456 Ship accommodation places


115 258

1797 1320

854 7010 6500

656 6536 10047

515 1163 1658

32 -


166 260

130 -

1929 -

1720 -

1) Inclusiv hotelurile pentru tineret. / The hotels for youth included. 2) Inclusiv cabanele de vntoare i de pescuit. / The hunting and fishing chalets included. 3) 4)

ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice. / Since 2009, the urban tourist boarding houses have been defined tourist boarding houses. ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile rurale au fost definite ca pensiuni agroturistice. / Since 2009, the rural tourist boarding houses have been defined agro-tourist boarding houses.


Structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic i capacitatea de cazare turistic,pe tipuri de structuri i categorii de confort, n anul 2009 Establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation and the tourists accommodation capacity, by type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2009
continuare / continued
Total 5 stele 5 stars 4 stele 4 stars 3 stele 3 stars 2 stele 2 stars 1 stea Neclasificate 1 star Not classified


Capacitatea de cazare n funciune (numr de locuri - zile) Accommodation capacity in use (number of beds - days) TOTAL 61104435 2028704 1902256 24248 8726417 17702788 24524595 7405876 11524318 16828424 247986 92920 505978 569387 749931 75281 231104 403 52918 919132 492369 1367954 41002 417991 38690 205816 5359816 2665939 285084 3348 48427 413586 204920 523751 557256 2762115 385915 9108 13672 52372 31438 9568 252842 62992

Hoteluri 40712728 Hotels Moteluri 1719302 Motels Hanuri turistice 17020 Tourist inns 1) Hosteluri 1162555 1) Hostels Vile turistice 2835143 Tourist villas Bungalouri 330771 Bungalows 2) Cabane turistice 1425688 2) Tourist chalets Sate de vacan 39093 Holiday villages Campinguri 971902 Camping sites Tabere de elevi i precolari 1854677 School and pre-school camps Popasuri turistice 173857 Tourist halting places 3) Pensiuni turistice 4903077 3) Tourist boarding houses 4) Pensiuni agroturistice 4735468 Agro-tourist boarding 4) houses Csue turistice 133238 Houselet-type units Spaii de cazare pe nave 89916 Ship accommodation places


38035 64165

562202 380871

4648 2166428 1766712

112563 1810744 2276309

56646 313807 247411

11861 -


2936 52744

13601 -

39031 610

77670 -

1) Inclusiv hotelurile pentru tineret. / The hotels for youth included. 2) Inclusiv cabanele de vntoare i de pescuit. / The hunting and fishing chalets included. 3) 4)

ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice. / Since 2009, the urban tourist boarding houses have been defined tourist boarding houses. ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile rurale au fost definite ca pensiuni agroturistice. / Since 2009, the rural tourist boarding houses have been defined agro-tourist boarding houses.



Structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic i capacitatea de cazare turistic, pe tipuri de structuri i destinaii turistice, n anul 2009 Establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation and the tourists accommodation capacity, by type of establishments and tourist destinations, in 2009


Litoral1) Seaside


Staiuni balneare Spas

Staiuni montane Mountain resorts

Numrul de structuri TOTAL Hoteluri Moteluri Hanuri turistice 4) Hosteluri Vile turistice Bungalouri 5) Cabane turistice Sate de vacan Campinguri Tabere de elevi i precolari Popasuri turistice 6) Pensiuni turistice 7) Pensiuni agroturistice Csue turistice Spaii de cazare pe nave 5095 1170 146 5 97 747 265 123 4 55 111 30 878 1412 46 6 946 309 2 17 306 206 3 18 12 30 20 23 377 118 7 5 83 12 4 15 9 5 79 34 6 1052 118 10 8 133 11 70 2 6 22 8 198 463 2 1

Capacitatea de cazare existent (numr de locuri) TOTAL Hoteluri Moteluri Hanuri turistice 4) Hosteluri Vile turistice Bungalouri 5) Cabane turistice Sate de vacan Campinguri Tabere de elevi i precolari Popasuri turistice 6) Pensiuni turistice 7) Pensiuni agroturistice Csue turistice Spaii de cazare pe nave 303486 179479 5836 136 4396 15772 4553 5887 215 25475 18875 2025 16653 19783 3945 456 118835 76667 68 981 6605 3792 60 18894 7600 810 586 2772 37419 27569 255 203 3184 100 178 2073 1202 355 1452 511 337 35395 12441 607 472 2922 160 4053 106 1286 2427 320 3679 6778 68 76

1) Exclusiv municipiul Constana. / The Municipality of Constana excluded. 2) Inclusiv municipiul Tulcea. / The Municipality of Tulcea included. 3) Exclusiv municipiul Tulcea. / The Municipality of Tulcea excluded. 4) Inclusiv hotelurile pentru tineret. / The hotels for youth included. 5) Inclusiv cabanele de vntoare i de pescuit. / The hunting and fishing chalets included. 6) 7)

ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice. / Since 2009, the urban tourist boarding houses have been defined tourist boarding houses. ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile rurale au fost definite ca pensiuni agroturistice. / Since 2009, the rural tourist boarding houses have been defined agro-tourist boarding houses.


Delta2) Dunrii Danube 2) Delta Number of establishments 141 18 1 1 1 83 1 2 1 2 1 6 19 2 3

Bucureti i3) oraele reedin Bucharest and county3) capital cities

Alte localiti Other localities

980 443 30 1 44 71 27 1 5 13 330 9 4 2

1599 164 96 3 22 71 9 44 10 53 16 235 867 9 -

TOTAL Hotels Motels Tourist inns 4) Hostels Tourist villas Bungalows 5) Tourist chalets Holiday villages Camping sites School and pre-school camps Tourist halting places 6) Tourist boarding houses 7) Agro-tourist boarding houses Houselet-type units Ship accommodation places

Existing accommodation capacity (number of beds) 4988 1571 24 20 170 436 8 109 730 260 840 164 462 148 46 64599 50151 1464 20 1876 1376 84 331 761 1460 6335 135 272 334 42250 11080 3418 96 694 1249 417 1257 1731 5926 510 4213 11311 348 TOTAL Hotels Motels Tourist inns 4) Hostels Tourist villas Bungalows 5) Tourist chalets Holiday villages Camping sites School and pre-school camps Tourist halting places 6) Tourist boarding houses 7) Agro-tourist boarding houses Houselet-type units Ship accommodation places



Structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic i capacitatea de cazare turistic, pe tipuri de structuri i destinaii turistice, n anul 2009 Establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation and the tourists accommodation capacity, by type of establishments and tourist destinations, in 2009
continuare / continued
Total Litoral1) Seaside

Staiuni balneare Spas

Staiuni montane Mountain resorts

Capacitatea de cazare n funciune (numr de locuri - zile) TOTAL Hoteluri Moteluri Hanuri turistice 4) Hosteluri Vile turistice Bungalouri 5) Cabane turistice Sate de vacan Campinguri Tabere de elevi i precolari Popasuri turistice 6) Pensiuni turistice 7) Pensiuni agroturistice Csue turistice Spaii de cazare pe nave 61104435 40712728 1719302 17020 1162555 2835143 330771 1425688 39093 971902 1854677 173857 4903077 4735468 133238 89916 9113842 7559707 8684 72459 348638 199586 2460 509526 257491 38245 44988 72058 9371165 7643289 80517 63419 723003 9240 21862 130768 187671 42624 332007 132517 4248 9906114 3882541 162071 162412 970345 39534 1078239 38690 47472 386320 19520 1255930 1836636 9184 17220

1) Exclusiv municipiul Constana. / The Municipality of Constana excluded. 2) Inclusiv municipiul Tulcea. / The Municipality of Tulcea included. 3) Exclusiv municipiul Tulcea. / The Municipality of Tulcea excluded. 4) Inclusiv hotelurile pentru tineret. / The hotels for youth included. 5) Inclusiv cabanele de vntoare i de pescuit. / The hunting and fishing chalets included. 6) 7)

ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice. / Since 2009, the urban tourist boarding houses have been defined tourist boarding houses. ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile rurale au fost definite ca pensiuni agroturistice. / Since 2009, the rural tourist boarding houses have been defined agro-tourist boarding houses.


Delta 2) Dunrii Danube 2) Delta

Bucureti i 3) oraele reedin Bucharest and county3) capital cities

Alte localiti Other localities

Accommodation capacity in use (number of beds - days) 542696 363402 532 34688 403 92920 5270 19788 22326 2147 1220 22015538 17736416 454134 7300 670161 417750 22420 44705 159752 371594 2030687 29143 71476 10155080 3527373 1013896 9188 194104 340719 59991 278422 31464 646331 111713 1226420 2669858 45601 TOTAL Hotels Motels Tourist inns 4) Hostels Tourist villas Bungalows 5) Tourist chalets Holiday villages Camping sites School and pre-school camps Tourist halting places 6) Tourist boarding houses 7) Agro-tourist boarding houses Houselet-type units Ship accommodation places



Camerele existente n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, n anul 2009 Existing rooms in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, in 2009

Dup dotarea cu instalaii sanitare: By endowment with sanitary installations: Total Cu baie sau du With bath or shower TOTAL Hoteluri Moteluri Hanuri turistice 1) Hosteluri Vile turistice Bungalouri 2) Cabane turistice Sate de vacan Campinguri Tabere de elevi i precolari Popasuri turistice 3) Pensiuni turistice 4) Pensiuni agroturistice Spaii de cazare pe nave 127250 90305 2668 57 1899 7073 2026 1762 109 203 3590 152 7959 9240 207 115579 87926 2532 42 1705 5403 1300 1252 93 94 755 96 7182 6992 207 Fr baie sau du Without bath or shower 11671 2379 136 15 194 1670 726 510 16 109 2835 56 777 2248 -

Dup numrul de By number of beds Cu un pat de un loc Single 5253 4000 146 2 92 277 12 19 4 33 3 384 277 4 Cu un pat de 2 locuri Double 30447 19627 652 32 517 1473 196 490 23 29 24 37 3194 4138 15

1) Inclusiv hotelurile pentru tineret. / The hotels for youth included. 2) Inclusiv cabanele de vntoare i de pescuit. / The hunting and fishing chalets included. 3) 4)

ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice. / Since 2009, the urban tourist boarding houses have been defined tourist boarding houses. ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile rurale au fost definite ca pensiuni agroturistice. / Since 2009, the rural tourist boarding houses have been defined agro-tourist boarding houses.


locuri n camere: places in rooms: Cu 2 paturi de un loc Twin 78194 60834 1541 21 876 3873 1552 759 61 140 1164 83 3384 3726 180

Dup modul de funcionare: By type of use:

Cu mai mult Camere n de 2 paturi apartamente Permanente 2 beds + Rooms in Permanent apartments 7680 1793 223 2 280 922 185 452 1 28 2367 26 565 834 2 5676 4051 106 134 528 81 42 20 6 2 3 432 265 6 83684 56794 2607 48 1438 3632 227 1678 54 11 1333 138 7366 8329 29

Sezoniere Seasonal 43566 33511 61 9 461 3441 1799 84 55 192 2257 14 593 911 178 TOTAL Hotels Motels Tourist inns 1) Hostels Tourist villas Bungalows 2) Tourist chalets Holiday villages Camping sites School and pre-school camps Tourist halting places 3) Tourist boarding houses 4) Agro-tourist boarding houses Ship accommodation places






Numrul turitilor cazai n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic cuprinde toate persoanele (romni i strini) care cltoresc n afara localitilor n care i au domiciliul stabil, pentru o perioad mai mic de 12 luni i stau cel puin o noapte ntr-o structur de primire turistic n zone vizitate din ar; motivul principal al cltoriei este altul dect acela de a desfura o activitate remunerat n locurile vizitate. The number of tourists accommodated in the establishments of tourists reception with function of tourists accommodation includes all persons (Romanians and foreigners) who travel outside the localities of residence, for less than 12 months and who stay at least one night into an establishment of tourists reception in the visited areas of that country; the main reason of the trip is other than carrying out a paid activity in the visited places.

Turitii cazai n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic Tourists accommodated in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation

120 % 115 110 105 100 95 90

112,4 112,2 112,1

2006 = 100 117,0 114,6 106,2

100,6 98,8 92,4 2007 Total 2008 Romni Romanians 2009 Strini Foreigners



nnoptarea reprezint fiecare noapte pentru care o persoan este nregistrat ntr-o structur de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, indiferent dac fizic este prezent sau nu n camer. nregistrarea turistului strin care este cazat ntr-o structur de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic se face dup ara sau zona geografic de reedin a acestuia. The overnight stay represents every night for which one person is registered into an establishment of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, no matter if this person is present or absent from the room. The accommodations of the foreign tourist is done in an establishment of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation and he/she, is registered by his/her country of residence or geographical residence area.

nnoptrile n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic Overnight stays in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation

120 % 115 110 105 100 95 90 85 80

2007 Total 2008 Romni Romanians 110,6 108,4 108,0 110,3 109,1 103,6

2006 = 100

93,1 91,2

82,3 2009 Strini Foreigners



Turitii cazai n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, pe destinaii turistice, n anul 2009 Tourists accommodated in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, by tourist destinations, in 2009
3150000 2800000 2450000 2100000 1750000 1400000 1050000 700000 350000 0 Litoral Seaside 788356 639739 830943 70479 Staiuni Staiuni Delta Bucureti i Alte balneare montane Dunrii oraele localiti Spas Mountain The Danube reedin Other resorts Delta Bucharest localities and county capital cities 927497 numr / number 2884121

nnoptrile n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, pe destinaii turistice, n anul 2009 Overnight stays in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, by tourist destinations, in 2009
6000000 5250000 4500000 3750000 3000000 2250000 1500000 750000 0 Litoral Seaside 1858068 1807144 3517860 numr / number 5393310 4624687

124341 Staiuni Staiuni Delta Bucureti i Alte balneare montane Dunrii oraele localiti Spas Mountain The Danube reedin Other resorts Delta Bucharest localities and county capital cities



Indicii de utilizare net a capacitii de cazare turistic n funciune se calculeaz prin raportarea numrului de nnoptri realizate, la capacitatea de cazare turistic n funciune, din perioada respectiv. Net use indices of the capacity of tourists accommodation in use are calculated as the ratio between the number of overnight stays and the capacity of tourists accommodation in use in the respective period.

Indicii de utilizare net a capacitii de cazare turistic n funciune, pe tipuri de structuri de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, n anul 2009 Net use indices of the tourists accomodation capacity in use, by type of establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, in 2009
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Campinguri Camping sites Tabere de elevi i precolari School and pre-school camps Spaii de cazare pe nave Ship accomodation places Bungalouri Bungalows Cabane turistice Tourist chalets Sate de vacan Holiday villages Pensiuni turistice Tourist boarding houses Pensiuni agroturistice Tourist boarding houses Moteluri Motels Hanuri turistice Tourist inns Popasuri turistice Tourist halting places Hoteluri Hotels Hosteluri Hostels Vile turistice Tourist villas Csue turistice Houselet - type units 33,5 18,7 12,5 20,7 23,0 10,8 9,2 26,0 20,7 21,9 16,3 16,6 14,2 21,5 % 68,0



Turitii cazai n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, pe tipuri de structuri Tourists accommodated in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, by type of establishments
numr turiti / number of tourists 2007 2008 Total TOTAL Hoteluri Moteluri Hanuri turistice 1) Hosteluri Vile turistice Bungalouri 2) Cabane turistice Sate de vacan Campinguri Tabere de elevi i precolari Popasuri turistice 3) Pensiuni turistice 4) Pensiuni agroturistice Csue turistice Spaii de cazare pe nave 6971925 5217439 295644 5456 111621 250059 23421 92117 4300 93852 106103 14933 451640 288508 8093 8739 7125307 5250988 272485 1877 125528 261792 22810 107110 3815 113104 98004 12442 478058 357617 10001 9676 Romni Romanians TOTAL Hoteluri Moteluri Hanuri turistice 1) Hosteluri Vile turistice Bungalouri 2) Cabane turistice Sate de vacan Campinguri Tabere de elevi i precolari Popasuri turistice 3) Pensiuni turistice 4) Pensiuni agroturistice Csue turistice Spaii de cazare pe nave 5420968 3836006 273008 5020 98889 224033 20343 88774 3904 86180 105659 13794 388066 268065 7602 1625 5659416 3956473 253047 1703 110347 235645 20935 103861 3563 97728 97578 11803 417639 337761 9822 1511 4865545 3407384 188234 797 92660 213910 25308 83575 1742 74619 84414 9987 368705 306404 6735 1071 TOTAL Hotels Motels Tourist inns 1) Hostels Tourist villas Bungalows 2) Tourist chalets Holiday villages Campings School and pre-school camps Tourist halting places 3) Tourist boarding houses 4) Agro-tourist boarding houses Houselet-type units Ship accommodation places 6141135 4547718 202700 914 107828 233177 26204 86961 1968 84789 84655 10399 412162 325686 6918 9056 TOTAL Hotels Motels Tourist inns 1) Hostels Tourist villas Bungalows 2) Tourist chalets Holiday villages Camping sites School and pre-school camps Tourist halting places 3) Tourist boarding houses 4) Agro-tourist boarding houses Houselet-type units Ship accommodation spaces 2009

1) Inclusiv hotelurile pentru tineret. / The hotels for youth included. 2) Inclusiv cabanele de vntoare i de pescuit. / The hunting and fishing chalets included. 3) 4)

ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice. / Since 2009, the urban tourist boarding houses have been defined tourist boarding houses. ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile rurale au fost definite ca pensiuni agroturistice. / Since 2009, the rural tourist boarding houses have been defined agro-tourist boarding houses.


Turitii cazai n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, pe tipuri de structuri Tourists accommodated in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, by type of establishments
numr turiti - continuare / number of tourists - continued 2007 2008 Strini Foreigners TOTAL Hoteluri Moteluri Hanuri turistice 1) Hosteluri Vile turistice Bungalouri 2) Cabane turistice Sate de vacan Campinguri Tabere de elevi i precolari Popasuri turistice 3) Pensiuni turistice 4) Pensiuni agroturistice Csue turistice Spaii de cazare pe nave 1550957 1381433 22636 436 12732 26026 3078 3343 396 7672 444 1139 63574 20443 491 7114 1465891 1294515 19438 174 15181 26147 1875 3249 252 15376 426 639 60419 19856 179 8165 1275590 1140334 14466 117 15168 19267 896 3386 226 10170 241 412 43457 19282 183 7985 TOTAL Hotels Motels Tourist inns 1) Hosteluri Tourist villas Bungalows 2) Tourist chalets Holiday villages Camping sites School and pre-school camps Tourist halting places 3) Tourist boarding houses 4) Agro-tourist boarding houses Houselet-type units Ship accommodation places 2009


1) Inclusiv hotelurile pentru tineret. / The hotels for youth included. 2) Inclusiv cabanele de vntoare i de pescuit. / The hunting and fishing chalets included 3) 4)

ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice. / Since 2009, the urban tourist boarding houses have been defined tourist boarding houses. ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile rurale au fost definite ca pensiuni agroturistice. / Since 2009, the rural tourist boarding houses have been defined agro-tourist boarding houses.



Sosiri ale turitilor n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, pe principalele destinaii turistice, tipuri de structuri i categorii de confort, n anul 2009 Tourists arrivals in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2009
numr turiti / number of tourists Total 5 stele 5 stars 366774 103457 263317 352914 91961 260953 2839 2384 455 5325 4179 1146 5696 4933 763 4 stele 4 stars 1063051 674993 388058 936647 569100 367547 32088 26642 5446 5663 5210 453 52211 42922 9289 33333 30993 2340 3109 126 2983 3 stele 3 stars Total ar 2015187 1596471 418716 1471535 1104961 366574 58896 52757 6139 46478 42345 4133 79230 73069 6161 9436 9001 435 20688 19953 735 25 25 8422 6319 2103 188281 167093 21188 126297 120021 6276 107 107 5792 820 4972

TOTAL Romni Strini Hoteluri Romni Strini Moteluri Romni Strini Hanuri turistice Romni Strini 1) Hosteluri Romni Strini Vile turistice Romni Strini Bungalouri Romni Strini 2) Cabane turistice Romni Strini Sate de vacan Romni Strini Campinguri Romni Strini Tabere de elevi i precolari Romni Strini Popasuri turistice Romni Strini 3) Pensiuni turistice Romni Strini 4) Pensiuni agroturistice Romni Strini Csue turistice Romani Strini Spaii de cazare pe nave Romni Strini

6141135 4865545 1275590 4547718 3407384 1140334 202700 188234 14466 914 797 117 107828 92660 15168 233177 213910 19267 26204 25308 896 86961 83575 3386 1968 1742 226 84789 74619 10170 84655 84414 241 10399 9987 412 412162 368705 43457 325686 306404 19282 6918 6735 183 9056 1071 7985

1) Inclusiv hotelurile pentru tineret. / The hotels for youth included. 2) Inclusiv cabanele de vntoare i de pescuit. / The hunting and fishing chalets included. 3) 4)

ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice. / Since 2009, the urban tourist boarding houses have been defined tourist boarding houses. ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile rurale au fost definite ca pensiuni agroturistice. / Since 2009, the rural tourist boarding houses have been defined agro-tourist boarding houses.


2 stele 2 stars Total country 2101837 1930561 171276 1496786 1370815 125971 108630 100886 7744 49792 43003 6789 97350 91194 6156 1703 1596 107 31190 30731 459 1943 1717 226 15665 12115 3550 6970 6898 72 147561 137163 10398 143596 133918 9678 651 525 126 -

1 stea 1 star 455385 424119 31266 272294 253687 18607 34805 34230 575 124 124 7658 3465 4193 18540 17855 685 14383 14029 354 17985 17225 760 47931 43867 4064 3429 3089 340 18555 17128 1427 16764 16539 225 2762 2756 6 155 125 30

Neclasificate Not classified 138901 135944 2957 17542 16860 682 369 361 8 790 673 117 3900 3847 53 3130 2766 364 682 682 17098 15666 1432 7108 7108 84655 84414 241 229 220 9 3398 3347 51 TOTAL Romanians Foreigners Hotels Romanians Foreigners Motels Romanians Foreigners Tourist inns Romanians Foreigners 1) Hostels Romanians Foreigners Tourist villas Romanians Foreigners Bungalows Romanians Foreigners 2) Tourist chalets Romanians Foreigners Holiday villages Romanians Foreigners Camping stays Romanians Foreigners School and pre-school camps Romanians Foreigners Tourist halting places Romanians Foreigners 3) Tourist boarding houses Romanians Foreigners 4) Agro-tourist boarding houses Romanians Foreigners Houselet-type units Romanians Foreigners Ship accommodation places Romanians Foreigners



Sosiri ale turitilor n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, pe principalele destinaii turistice, tipuri de structuri i categorii de confort, n anul 2009 Tourists arrivals in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2009
numr turiti - continuare / number of tourists - continued Total din total: / of total: Litoral TOTAL Romni Strini Hoteluri Romni Strini Moteluri Romni Strini 1) Hosteluri Romni Strini Vile turistice Romni Strini Bungalouri Romni Strini 2) Cabane turistice Romni Strini Campinguri Romni Strini Tabere de elevi i precolari Romni Strini 3) Pensiuni turistice Romni Strini 4) Pensiuni agroturistice Romni Strini Csue turistice Romni Strini 788356 756749 31607 681045 652303 28742 1026 1013 13 6669 6484 185 21930 21596 334 12861 12507 354 57 57 43899 42119 1780 11041 10993 48 3069 2989 80 2595 2524 71 4164 4164 11402 9390 2012 11181 9212 1969 221 178 43 92446 83068 9378 90474 81140 9334 1828 1784 44 144 144 5)

5 stele 5 stars

4 stele 4 stars

3 stele 3 stars

135755 129340 6415 123559 117327 6232 1026 1013 13 3613 3458 155 5709 5695 14 78 78 57 57 1562 1562 149 148 1 2 2 -

1) Inclusiv hotelurile pentru tineret. / The hotels for youth included. 2) Inclusiv cabanele de vntoare i de pescuit. / The hunting and fishing chalets included. 3) 4)

ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice. / Since 2009, the urban tourist boarding houses have been defined tourist boarding houses. ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile rurale au fost definite ca pensiuni agroturistice. / Since 2009, the rural tourist boarding houses have been defined agro-tourist boarding houses. 5) Exclusiv municipiul Constana. / The Municipality of Constana excluded.


2 stele 2 stars

1 stea 1 star

Neclasificate Not classified



410513 398917 11596 392354 381976 10378 1706 1676 30 5310 5292 18 170 170 8249 7186 1063 1372 1292 80 1352 1325 27 -

117100 115227 1873 57120 56576 544 1350 1350 9058 8800 258 11931 11577 354 35650 34933 717 135 135 729 729 1127 1127 -

21140 20807 333 6357 6072 285 25 25 682 682 11041 10993 48 3035 3035 -

TOTAL Romanians Foreigners Hotels Romanians Foreigners Motels Romanians Foreigners 1) Hostels Romanians Foreigners Tourist villas Romanians Foreigners Bungalows Romanians Foreigners 2) Tourist chalets Romanians Foreigners Camping sites Romanians Foreigners School and pre-school camps Romanians Foreigners 3) Tourist boarding houses Romanians Foreigners 4) Agro-tourist boarding houses Romanians Foreigners Houselet-type units Romanians Foreigners



Sosiri ale turitilor n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, pe principalele destinaii turistice, tipuri de structuri i categorii de confort, n anul 2009 Tourists arrivals in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2009
numr turiti - continuare / number of tourists - continued Total 5 stele 5 stars 4 stele 4 stars 3 stele 3 stars

Staiuni balneare TOTAL Romni Strini Hoteluri Romni Strini Moteluri Romni Strini 1) Hosteluri Romni Strini Vile turistice Romni Strini Bungalouri Romni Strini 2) Cabane turistice Romni Strini Campinguri Romni Strini Tabere de elevi i precolari Romni Strini Popasuri turistice Romni Strini 3) Pensiuni turistice Romni Strini 4) Pensiuni agroturistice Romni Strini Csue turistice Romni Strini 639739 617015 22724 528869 511609 17260 11520 10934 586 4480 3382 1098 32548 32162 386 824 824 767 765 2 12716 11428 1288 10988 10988 3177 2963 214 21532 20375 1157 11236 10509 727 1082 1076 6 639 513 126 639 513 126 54803 51229 3574 49950 46518 3432 3154 3073 81 1699 1638 61 117633 107188 10445 86605 77896 8709 2390 2157 233 1433 1433 7300 7254 46 792 792 26 26 3302 2653 649 7269 7123 146 8516 7854 662 -

1) Inclusiv hotelurile pentru tineret. / The hotels for youth included. 2) Inclusiv cabanele de vntoare i de pescuit. / The hunting and fishing chalets included. 3) 4)

ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice. / Since 2009, the urban tourist boarding houses have been defined tourist boarding houses. ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile rurale au fost definite ca pensiuni agroturistice. / Since 2009, the rural tourist boarding houses have been defined agro-tourist boarding houses.


2 stele 2 stars Spas 400963 392634 8329 354936 349819 5117 6764 6411 353 3047 1949 1098 21988 21671 317 32 32 1824 1187 637 1454 1454 10268 9465 803 650 646 4 -

1 stea 1 star

Neclasificate Not classified

52574 52332 242 37378 37376 2 2366 2366 2155 2140 15 558 556 2 6739 6737 2 1723 1509 214 202 201 1 371 371 1082 1076 6

13127 13119 8 1105 1097 8 183 183 851 851 10988 10988 -

TOTAL Romanians Foreigners Hotels Romanians Foreigners Motels Romanians Foreigners 1) Hostels Romanians Foreigners Tourist villas Romanians Foreigners Bungalows Romanians Foreigners 2) Tourist chalets Romanians Foreigners Camping sites Romanians Foreigners School and pre-school camps Romanians Foreigners Tourist halting places Romanians Foreigners 3) Tourist boarding houses Romanians Foreigners 4) Agro-tourist boarding houses Romanians Foreigners Houselet-type units Romanians Foreigners



Sosiri ale turitilor n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, pe principalele destinaii turistice, tipuri de structuri i categorii de confort, n anul 2009 Tourists arrivals in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2009
numr turiti - continuare / number of tourists - continued Total 5 stele 5 stars 4 stele 4 stars 3 stele 3 stars

Staiuni montane TOTAL Romni Strini Hoteluri Romni Strini Moteluri Romni Strini 1) Hosteluri Romni Strini Vile turistice Romni Strini Bungalouri Romni Strini 2) Cabane turistice Romni Strini Sate de vacan Romni Strini Campinguri Romni Strini Tabere de elevi i precolari Romni Strini Popasuri turistice Romni Strini 3) Pensiuni turistice Romni Strini 4) Pensiuni agroturistice Romni Strini Csue turistice Romni Strini Spaii de cazare pe nave Romni Strini 830943 749879 81064 462845 403222 59623 18241 16783 1458 8898 8484 414 72297 69488 2809 1834 1669 165 59353 56266 3087 1943 1717 226 3927 808 3119 17378 17340 38 1024 981 43 76146 70231 5915 105872 101827 4045 262 246 16 923 817 106 8809 8223 586 2403 2239 164 1917 1776 141 362 215 147 4127 3993 134 145913 124699 21214 107575 90125 17450 8579 7571 1008 15453 13618 1835 14306 13385 921 311546 277679 33867 203190 175009 28181 2619 2434 185 31770 30270 1500 386 320 66 7308 6715 593 146 146 30308 28125 2183 34800 33747 1053 96 96 923 817 106

1) Inclusiv hotelurile pentru tineret. / The hotels for youth included. 2) Inclusiv cabanele de vntoare i de pescuit. / The hunting and fishing chalets included. 3) 4)

ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice. / Since 2009, the urban tourist boarding houses have been defined tourist boarding houses. ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile rurale au fost definite ca pensiuni agroturistice. / Since 2009, the rural tourist boarding houses have been defined agro-tourist boarding houses.


2 stele 2 stars Mountain resorts 283197 263924 19273 134961 121760 13201 14462 13037 1425 3842 3613 229 25715 25611 104 1448 1349 99 25277 24857 420 1943 1717 226 61 61 375 373 2 27236 25547 1689 47877 45999 1878 -

1 stea 1 star

Neclasificate Not classified

41665 37318 4347 9347 9008 339 3779 3746 33 4316 4260 56 12534 11886 648 3720 601 3119 649 608 41 2558 2506 52 4762 4703 59 -

39813 38036 1777 5369 5081 288 2437 2437 14234 12808 1426 17378 17340 38 229 220 9 166 150 16 -

TOTAL Romanians Foreigners Hotels Romanians Foreigners Motels Romanians Foreigners 1) Hostels Romanians Foreigners Tourist villas Romanians Foreigners Bungalows Romanians Foreigners 2) Tourist chalets Romanians Foreigners Holiday villages Romanians Foreigners Camping sites Romanians Foreigners School and pre-school camps Romanians Foreigners Tourist halting places Romanians Foreigners 3) Tourist boarding houses Romanians Foreigners 4) Agro-tourist boarding houses Romanians Foreigners Houselet-type units Romanians Foreigners Ship accommodation places Romanians Foreigners



Sosiri ale turitilor n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, pe principalele destinaii turistice, tipuri de structuri i categorii de confort, n anul 2009 Tourists arrivals in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2009
numr turiti - continuare / number of tourists - continued Total 5 stele 5 stars 4 stele 4 stars 3 stele 3 stars Delta Dunrii TOTAL Romni Strini Hoteluri Romni Strini Hanuri turistice Romni Strini Vile turistice Romni Strini Campinguri Romni Strini Sate de vacan Romni Strini Tabere de elevi i precolari Romni Strini 3) Pensiuni turistice Romni Strini 4) Pensiuni agroturistice Romni Strini Csue turistice Romni Strini Spaii de cazare pe nave Romni Strini
3) 4) 6)

70479 54591 15888 50894 36087 14807 20 20 6184 6039 145 5663 5210 453 25 25 523 523 3529 3446 83 2926 2621 305 405 370 35 310 250 60

19273 17855 1418 6311 5595 716 3618 3483 135 5663 5210 453 3457 3374 83 69 68 1 155 125 30

47807 34392 13415 42287 29186 13101 2566 2556 10 25 25 72 72 2857 2553 304 -

ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice. / Since 2009, the urban tourist boarding houses have been defined tourist boarding houses. ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile rurale au fost definite ca pensiuni agroturistice. / Since 2009, the rural tourist boarding houses have been defined agro-tourist boarding houses. 6) Inclusiv municipiul Tulcea. / The Municipality of Tulcea included.


2 stele 2 stars Danube Delta


1 stea 1 star

Neclasificate Not classified

2701 1676 1025 2296 1306 990 405 370 35 -

155 125 30 155 125 30

543 543 20 20 523 523 -

TOTAL Romanians Foreigners Hotels Romanians Foreigners Tourist inns Romanians Foreigners Tourist villas Romanians Foreigners Campings Romanians Foreigners Holiday villages Romanians Foreigners School and pre-school camps Romanians Foreigners 3) Tourist boarding houses Romanians Foreigners 4) Agro-tourist boarding houses Romanians Foreigners Houselet-type units Romanians Foreigners Ship accommodation places Romanians Foreigners



Sosiri ale turitilor n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, pe principalele destinaii turistice, tipuri de structuri i categorii de confort, n anul 2009 Tourists arrivals in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2009
numr turiti - continuare / number of tourists - continued Total 5 stele 5 stars 4 stele 4 stars 3 stele 3 stars

Bucureti i oraele reedin de jude TOTAL Romni Strini Hoteluri Romni Strini Moteluri Romni Strini Hanuri turistice Romni Strini 1) Hosteluri Romni Strini Vile turistice Romni Strini Bungalouri Romni Strini 2) Cabane turistice Romni Strini Campinguri Romni Strini Tabere de elevi i precolari Romni Strini 3) Pensiuni turistice Romni Strini 4) Pensiuni agroturistice Romni Strini Spaii de cazare pe nave Romni Strini 2884121 1904263 979858 2429997 1518045 911952 47357 42824 4533 484 446 38 72862 61538 11324 67381 53820 13561 2738 2705 33 2435 2435 13350 9853 3497 16526 16449 77 220711 193711 27000 2457 2433 24 7823 4 7819 343761 84038 259723 338723 80119 258604 922 608 314 4116 3311 805 645927 332829 313098 606587 306037 300550 13650 10323 3327 22736 16468 6268 2954 1 2953

1053400 766307 287093 844123 587859 256264 22378 19086 3292 28616 25984 2632 25601 21831 3770 665 632 33 4974 3520 1454 120805 106047 14758 1369 1345 24 4869 3 4866

1) Inclusiv hotelurile pentru tineret. / The hotels for youth included. 2) Inclusiv cabanele de vntoare i de pescuit. / The hunting and fishing chalets included. 3) 4)

ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice. / Since 2009, the urban tourist boarding houses have been defined tourist boarding houses. ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile rurale au fost definite ca pensiuni agroturistice. / Since 2009, the rural tourist boarding houses have been defined agro-tourist boarding houses. 7) Exclusiv municipiul Tulcea. / The Municipality of Tulcea excluded.


2 stele 2 stars

1 stea 1 star

Neclasificate Not classified

Bucharest and county capital cities 671659 572726 98933 521216 440364 80852 18991 17891 1100 37179 32083 5096 22714 17274 5440 5374 3557 1817 65097 60469 4628 1088 1088 -

141468 120982 20486 115535 99854 15681 5983 5842 141 5604 2061 3543 2494 2140 354 2073 2073 1822 1596 226 7957 7416 541 -

27906 27381 525 3813 3812 1 5 5 484 446 38 1463 1410 53 2000 1644 356 2435 2435 1180 1180 16526 16449 77 -

TOTAL Romanians Foreigners Hotels Romanians Foreigners Motels Romanians Foreigners Tourist inns Romanians Foreigners 1) Hostels Romanians Foreigners Tourist villas Romanians Foreigners Bungalows Romanians Foreigners 2) Tourist chalets Romanians Foreigners Camping sites Romanians Foreigners School and pre-school camps Romanians Foreigners 3) Tourist boarding houses Romanians Foreigners 4) Agro-tourist boarding houses Romanians Foreigners Ship accommodation places Romanians Foreigners



Sosiri ale turitilor n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, pe principalele destinaii turistice, tipuri de structuri i categorii de confort, n anul 2009 Tourists arrivals in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2009
numr turiti - continuare / number of tourists - continued Total 5 stele 5 stars 4 stele 4 stars 3 stele 3 stars

Alte localiti i trasee turistice TOTAL Romni Strini Hoteluri Romni Strini Moteluri Romni Strini Hanuri turistice Romni Strini 1) Hosteluri Romni Strini Vile turistice Romni Strini Bungalouri Romni Strini 2) Cabane turistice Romni Strini Campinguri Romni Strini Tabere de elevi i precolari Romni Strini Popasuri turistice Romni Strini 3) Pensiuni turistice Romni Strini 4) Pensiuni agroturistice Romni Strini Csue turistice Romni Strini 927497 783048 144449 394068 286118 107950 124556 116680 7876 410 331 79 14919 12772 2147 32837 30805 2032 7947 7603 344 24349 24052 297 5234 5201 33 28199 28121 78 6198 6043 155 87175 77953 9222 200600 186490 14110 1005 879 126 2163 1293 870 607 391 216 208 140 68 1348 762 586 104689 65313 39376 75750 39685 36065 4413 3481 932 7411 6389 1022 17115 15758 1357 349046 281565 67481 171771 117684 54087 33102 30501 2601 10197 9036 1161 6284 5463 821 7515 7179 336 13297 13155 142 28265 24164 4101 78606 74374 4232 9 9 -

1) Inclusiv hotelurile pentru tineret. / The hotels for youth included. 2) Inclusiv cabanele de vntoare i de pescuit. / The hunting and fishing chalets included. 3) 4)

ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice. / Since 2009, the urban tourist boarding houses have been defined tourist boarding houses. ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile rurale au fost definite ca pensiuni agroturistice. / Since 2009, the rural tourist boarding houses have been defined agro-tourist boarding houses.


2 stele 2 stars

1 stea 1 star

Neclasificate Not classified

Other localities and tourism routes 332804 300684 32120 91023 75590 15433 68413 63547 4866 4018 3682 336 21623 21346 277 53 45 8 5913 5874 39 157 124 33 5141 5071 70 43588 40390 3198 92629 84860 7769 246 155 91 102423 98135 4288 52914 50873 2041 22677 22276 401 124 124 704 54 650 517 515 2 379 379 4893 4783 110 1057 972 85 7703 6870 833 10902 10736 166 553 553 36372 36058 314 2003 1895 108 364 356 8 286 207 79 246 240 6 5077 5077 28199 28121 78 197 162 35 TOTAL Romanians Foreigners Hotels Romanians Foreigners Motels Romanians Foreigners Tourist inns Romanians Foreigners 1) Hostels Romanians Foreigners Tourist villas Romanians Foreigners Bungalows Romanians Foreigners 2) Tourist chalets Romanians Foreigners Camping sites Romanians Foreigners School and pre-school camps Romanians Foreigners Tourist halting places Romanians Foreigners 3) Tourist boarding houses Romanians Foreigners 4) Agro-tourist boarding houses Romanians Foreigners Houselet-type units Romanians Foreigners



nnoptrile n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, pe tipuri de structuri Overnight stays in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, by type of establishments
numr nnoptri / number of overnight stays 2007 2008 Total TOTAL Hoteluri Moteluri Hanuri turistice 1) Hosteluri Vile turistice Bungalouri 2) Cabane turistice Sate de vacan Campinguri Tabere de elevi i precolari Popasuri turistice 3) Pensiuni turistice 4) Pensiuni agroturistice Csue turistice Spaii de cazare pe nave 20593349 16618523 447579 8751 272125 709604 62055 171560 7805 224495 437284 36319 927604 592327 24874 52444 20725981 16411331 455867 5133 279074 769408 76397 198546 9210 282862 410871 35431 959391 743444 30094 58922 Romni Romanians TOTAL Hoteluri Moteluri Hanuri turistice 1) Hosteluri Vile turistice Bungalouri 2) Cabane turistice Sate de vacan Campinguri Tabere de elevi i precolari Popasuri turistice 3) Pensiuni turistice 4) Pensiuni agroturistice Csue turistice Spaii de cazare pe nave 17006910 13479384 406496 8256 239447 653508 48399 166371 7047 205978 436027 33528 764353 533860 22311 1945 17366737 13527254 402685 4302 243331 710799 63919 191671 8714 248204 409670 33643 801568 689723 29209 2045 14657744 11351553 288555 1831 203461 610979 81763 146833 3250 180788 405784 27311 707993 617767 28250 1626 TOTAL Hotels Motels Tourist inns 1) Hostels Tourist villas Bungalows 2) Tourist chalets Holiday villages Camping sites School and pre-school camps Tourist halting places 3) Tourist boarding houses 4) Agro-tourist boarding houses Houselet-type units Ship accommodation places 17325410 13651485 322365 2132 240834 652994 86144 154227 3577 200742 406428 28255 813281 673188 28659 61099 TOTAL Hotels Motels Tourist inns 1) Hostels Tourist villas Bungalows 2) Tourist chalets Holiday villages Camping sites School and pre-school camps Tourist halting places 3) Tourist boarding houses 4) Agro-tourist boarding houses Houselet-type units Ship accommodation places 2009

1) Inclusiv hotelurile pentru tineret. / The hotels for youth included. 2) Inclusiv cabanele de vntoare i de pescuit. / The hunting and fishing chalets included. 3) 4)

ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice. / Since 2009, the urban tourist boarding houses have been defined tourist boarding houses. ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile rurale au fost definite ca pensiuni agroturistice. / Since 2009, the rural tourist boarding houses have been defined agro-tourist boarding houses.


nnoptrile n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, pe tipuri de structuri Overnight stays in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, by type of establishments
numr nnoptri - continuare / number of overnight stays - continued 2007 2008 Strini Foreigners TOTAL Hoteluri Moteluri Hanuri turistice 1) Hosteluri Vile turistice Bungalouri 2) Cabane turistice Sate de vacan Campinguri Tabere de elevi i precolari Popasuri turistice 3) Pensiuni turistice 4) Pensiuni agroturistice Csue turistice Spaii de cazare pe nave 3586439 3139139 41083 495 32678 56096 13656 5189 758 18517 1257 2791 163251 58467 2563 50499 3359244 2884077 53182 831 35743 58609 12478 6875 496 34658 1201 1788 157823 53721 885 56877 2667666 2299932 33810 301 37373 42015 4381 7394 327 19954 644 944 105288 55421 409 59473 TOTAL Hotels Motels Tourist inns 1) Hostels Tourist villas Bungalows 2) Tourist chalet Holiday villages Camping sites School and pre-school camps Tourist halting places 3) Tourist boarding houses 4) Agro-tourist boarding houses Houselet-type units Ship accommodation places 2009


1) Inclusiv hotelurile pentru tineret. / The hotels for youth included. 2) Inclusiv cabanele de vntoare i de pescuit. / The hunting and fishing chalets included. 3) 4)

ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice. / Since 2009, the urban tourist boarding houses have been defined tourist boarding houses. ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile rurale au fost definite ca pensiuni agroturistice. / Since 2009, the rural tourist boarding houses have been defined agro-tourist boarding houses.



nnoptrile n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, pe principalele destinaii turistice, tipuri de structuri i categorii de confort, n anul 2009 Overnight stays in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2009
numr nnoptri / number of overnight stays Total 5 stele 5 stars 571119 181967 389152 537904 155984 381920 5150 4251 899 11138 8594 2544 16927 13138 3789 4 stele 4 stars 2187882 1394277 793605 1924134 1200113 724021 64984 52891 12093 10040 9460 580 94127 73633 20494 64997 57868 7129 29600 312 29288 3 stele 3 stars Total ar 4323434 3373455 949979 3226538 2426316 800222 89155 75977 13178 120107 104178 15929 171208 156835 14373 13836 13120 716 41264 39959 1305 26 26 16274 13021 3253 368200 313070 55130 245487 229739 15748 205 205 31134 1009 30125

TOTAL Romni Strini Hoteluri Romni Strini Moteluri Romni Strini Hanuri turistice Romni Strini 1) Hosteluri Romni Strini Vile turistice Romni Strini Bungalouri Romni Strini 2) Cabane turistice Romni Strini Sate de vacan Romni Strini Campinguri Romni Strini Tabere de elevi i precolari Romni Strini Popasuri turistice Romni Strini 3) Pensiuni turistice Romni Strini 4) Pensiuni agroturistice Romni Strini Csue turistice Romni Strini Spaii de cazare pe nave Romni Strini

17325410 14657744 2667666 13651485 11351553 2299932 322365 288555 33810 2132 1831 301 240834 203461 37373 652994 610979 42015 86144 81763 4381 154227 146833 7394 3577 3250 327 200742 180788 19954 406428 405784 644 28255 27311 944 813281 707993 105288 673188 617767 55421 28659 28250 409 61099 1626 59473

1) Inclusiv hotelurile pentru tineret. / The hotels for youth included. 2) Inclusiv cabanele de vntoare i de pescuit. / The hunting and fishing chalets included. 3) 4)

ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice. / Since 2009, the urban tourist boarding houses have been defined tourist boarding houses. ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile rurale au fost definite ca pensiuni agroturistice. / Since 2009, the rural tourist boarding houses have been defined agro-tourist boarding houses.


2 stele 2 stars Total country 8133620 7674040 459580 6816612 6467289 349323 174901 155184 19717 94561 78627 15934 325657 314891 10766 3625 3344 281 45514 44518 996 3551 3224 327 38844 29719 9125 16629 16512 117 303552 278533 25019 308874 281176 27698 1300 1023 277 -

1 stea 1 star 1518087 1450818 67269 1056355 1014529 41826 57378 56473 905 330 330 15337 9966 5371 75926 72714 3212 64591 61207 3384 34884 33303 1581 120040 113044 6996 11626 10799 827 35625 33583 2042 36903 35846 1057 8727 8719 8 365 305 60

Neclasificate Not classified 591268 583187 8081 89942 87322 2620 931 921 10 1802 1501 301 10829 10690 139 10069 9397 672 4092 4092 32565 29053 3512 15544 15544 406428 405784 644 639 580 59 18427 18303 124 TOTAL Romanians Foreigners Hotels Romanians Foreigners Motels Romanians Foreigners Tourist inns Romanians Foreigners 1) Hostels Romanians Foreigners Tourist villas Romanians Foreigners Bungalows Romanians Foreigners 2) Tourist chalets Romanians Foreigners Holiday villages Romanians Foreigners Camping sites Romanians Foreigners School and pre-school camps Romanians Foreigners Tourist halting places Romanians Foreigners 3) Tourist boarding houses Romanians Foreigners 4) Agro-tourist boarding houses Romanians Foreigners Houselet-type units Romanians Foreigners Ship accommodation places Romanians Foreigners



nnoptrile n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, pe principalele destinaii turistice, tipuri de structuri i categorii de confort, n anul 2009 Overnight stays in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2009
numr nnoptri - continuare / number of overnight stays - continued Total din total: / of total: Litoral TOTAL Romni Strini Hoteluri Romni Strini 1) Hosteluri Romni Strini Vile turistice Romni Strini Bungalouri Romni Strini 2) Cabane turistice Romni Strini Moteluri Romni Strini Campinguri Romni Strini Tabere de elevi i precolari Romni Strini 3) Pensiuni turistice Romni Strini 4) Pensiuni agroturistice Romni Strini Csue turistice Romni Strini 3517860 3368552 149308 3098234 2963450 134784 23672 23174 498 99518 96727 2791 65634 62250 3384 143 143 1026 1013 13 122993 115801 7192 61309 61229 80 13199 12935 264 9267 8965 302 22865 22865 33604 28219 5385 32668 27485 5183 936 734 202 243788 218675 25113 237587 212583 25004 5574 5465 109 627 627 5)

5 stele 5 stars

4 stele 4 stars

3 stele 3 stars

573842 529923 43919 535393 491938 43455 10705 10327 378 18973 18908 65 147 147 143 143 1026 1013 13 6969 6969 482 474 8 4 4 -

1) Inclusiv hotelurile pentru tineret. / The hotels for youth included. 2) Inclusiv cabanele de vntoare i de pescuit. / The hunting and fishing chalets included. 3) 4)

ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice. / Since 2009, the urban tourist boarding houses have been defined tourist boarding houses. ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile rurale au fost definite ca pensiuni agroturistice. / Since 2009, the rural tourist boarding houses have been defined agro-tourist boarding houses. 5) Exclusiv municipiul Constana. / The Municipality of Constana excluded.


2 stele 2 stars

1 stea 1 star

Neclasificate Not classified



1997434 1935023 62411 1922332 1865668 56664 6067 5947 120 31627 31560 67 368 368 27375 22171 5204 5978 5714 264 3687 3595 92 -

549397 537745 11652 332770 329040 3730 6900 6900 43277 40727 2550 61027 57643 3384 95618 93630 1988 252 252 3535 3535 6018 6018 -

119795 118967 828 37484 36736 748 67 67 4092 4092 61309 61229 80 16843 16843 -

TOTAL Romanians Foreigners Hotels Romanians Foreigners 1) Hostels Romanians Foreigners Tourist villas Romanians Foreigners Bungalows Romanians Foreigners 2) Tourist chalets Romanians Foreigners Motels Romanians Foreigners Camping sites Romanians Foreigners School and pre-school camps Romanians Foreigners 3) Tourist boarding houses Romanians Foreigners 4) Agro-tourist boarding houses Romanians Foreigners Houselet-type units Romanians Foreigners



nnoptrile n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, pe principalele destinaii turistice, tipuri de structuri i categorii de confort, n anul 2009 Overnight stays in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2009
numr nnoptri - continuare / number of overnight stays - continued Total 5 stele 5 stars 4 stele 4 stars 3 stele 3 stars

Staiuni balneare TOTAL Romni Strini Hoteluri Romni Strini 1) Hosteluri Romni Strini Moteluri Romni Strini Vile turistice Romni Strini Bungalouri Romni Strini 2) Cabane turistice Romni Strini Campinguri Romni Strini Tabere de elevi i precolari Romni Strini Popasuri turistice Romni Strini 3) Pensiuni turistice Romni Strini 4) Pensiuni agroturistice Romni Strini Csue turistice Romni Strini 4624687 4532450 92237 4242887 4164013 78874 14720 11487 3233 18375 16742 1633 180997 179994 1003 2113 2113 1515 1513 2 31209 28954 2255 38344 38344 8894 8293 601 59749 56660 3089 24225 22686 1539 1659 1651 8 1869 1449 420 1869 1449 420 164527 145723 18804 155261 136854 18407 6253 6010 243 3013 2859 154 450246 411250 38996 365578 330275 35303 6949 6949 2746 2483 263 21994 21917 77 2047 2047 57 57 9176 7894 1282 22790 22100 690 18909 17528 1381 -

1) Inclusiv hotelurile pentru tineret. / The hotels for youth included. 2) Inclusiv cabanele de vntoare i de pescuit. / The hunting and fishing chalets included. 3) 4)

ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice. / Since 2009, the urban tourist boarding houses have been defined tourist boarding houses. ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile rurale au fost definite ca pensiuni agroturistice. / Since 2009, the rural tourist boarding houses have been defined agro-tourist boarding houses.


2 stele 2 stars Spas 3545876 3512527 33349 3352179 3327017 25162 7771 4538 3233 10851 9481 1370 139196 138316 880 66 66 2630 1659 971 3673 3673 28182 26453 1729 1328 1324 4 -

1 stea 1 star

Neclasificate Not classified

412925 412265 660 369869 369867 2 4778 4778 13151 13113 38 958 956 2 15659 15657 2 5221 4620 601 655 648 7 975 975 1659 1651 8

49244 49236 8 6656 6648 8 500 500 3744 3744 38344 38344 -

TOTAL Romanians Foreigners Hotels Romanians Foreigners 1) Hostels Romanians Foreigners Motels Romanians Foreigners Tourist villas Romanians Foreigners Bungalows Romanians Foreigners 2) Tourist chalets Romanians Foreigners Camping sites Romanians Foreigners School and pre-school camps Romanians Foreigners Tourist halting places Romanians Foreigners 3) Tourist boarding houses Romanians Foreigners 4) Agro-tourist boarding houses Romanians Foreigners Houselet-type units Romanians Foreigners



nnoptrile n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, pe principalele destinaii turistice, tipuri de structuri i categorii de confort, n anul 2009 Overnight stays in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2009
numr nnoptri - continuare / number of overnight stays - continued Total 5 stele 5 stars 4 stele 4 stars 3 stele 3 stars

Staiuni montane TOTAL Romni Strini Hoteluri Romni Strini Moteluri Romni Strini 1) Hosteluri Romni Strini Vile turistice Romni Strini Bungalouri Romni Strini 2) Cabane turistice Romni Strini Sate de vacan Romni Strini Campinguri Romni Strini Tabere de elevi i precolari Romni Strini Popasuri turistice Romni Strini 3) Pensiuni turistice Romni Strini 4) Pensiuni agroturistice Romni Strini Csue turistice Romni Strini Spaii de cazare pe nave Romni Strini 1858068 1671260 186808 1045451 907657 137794 26044 23682 2362 20028 19451 577 174859 167859 7000 3010 2671 339 106469 100022 6447 3551 3224 327 6657 2053 4604 53627 53513 114 1313 1265 48 177033 161559 15474 237345 225899 11446 1509 1423 86 1172 982 190 19010 17772 1238 3907 3455 452 3690 3429 261 635 410 225 10778 10478 300 300893 253918 46975 220101 182457 37644 17624 15203 2421 31077 27200 3877 32091 29058 3033 679132 588704 90428 439035 363942 75093 4431 4193 238 69127 65033 4094 546 480 66 17709 16848 861 990 990 70155 63157 6998 75775 72887 2888 192 192 1172 982 190

1) Inclusiv hotelurile pentru tineret. / The hotels for youth included. 2) Inclusiv cabanele de vntoare i de pescuit. / The hunting and fishing chalets included. 3) 4)

ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice. / Since 2009, the urban tourist boarding houses have been defined tourist boarding houses. ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile rurale au fost definite ca pensiuni agroturistice. / Since 2009, the rural tourist boarding houses have been defined agro-tourist boarding houses.


2 stele 2 stars Mountain resorts 632035 596976 35059 315069 293586 21483 21058 18742 2316 7982 7643 339 69707 69547 160 2464 2191 273 35845 34968 877 3551 3224 327 87 87 487 485 2 65876 61675 4201 109909 104828 5081 -

1 stea 1 star

Neclasificate Not classified

106441 98659 7782 37995 36440 1555 4986 4940 46 14711 14647 64 24900 23691 1209 5580 976 4604 826 780 46 8651 8537 114 8792 8648 144 -

120557 115231 5326 29344 27777 1567 7615 7615 28015 24515 3500 53627 53513 114 639 580 59 1317 1231 86 -

TOTAL Romanians Foreigners Hotels Romanians Foreigners Motels Romanians Foreigners 1) Hostels Romanians Foreigners Tourist villas Romanians Foreigners Bungalows Romanians Foreigners 2) Tourist chalets Romanians Foreigners Holiday villages Romanians Foreigners Campingsites Romanians Foreigners School and pre-school camps Romanians Foreigners Tourist halting places Romanians Foreigners 3) Tourist boarding houses Romanians Foreigners 4) Agro-tourist boarding houses Romanians Foreigners Houselet-type units Romanians Foreigners Ship accommodation places Romanians Foreigners



nnoptrile n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, pe principalele destinaii turistice, tipuri de structuri i categorii de confort, n anul 2009 Overnight stays in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2009
numr nnoptri - continuare / number of overnight stays - continued Total 5 stele 5 stars 4 stele 4 stars 3 stele 3 stars Delta Dunrii TOTAL Romni Strini Hoteluri Romni Strini Hanuri turistice Romni Strini Vile turistice Romni Strini Campinguri Romni Strini Tabere de elevi i precolari Romni Strini 3) Pensiuni turistice Romni Strini 4) Pensiuni agroturistice Romni Strini Sate de vacan Romni Strini Csue turistice Romni Strini Spaii de cazare pe nave Romni Strini
3) 4) 6)

124341 94565 29776 82964 55006 27958 25 25 15763 15391 372 10040 9460 580 3138 3138 4314 4227 87 6436 5905 531 26 26 905 777 128 730 610 120

33456 31268 2188 9810 8692 1118 8987 8645 342 10040 9460 580 4185 4098 87 69 68 1 365 305 60

80879 57191 23688 67581 44453 23128 6776 6746 30 129 129 6367 5837 530 26 26 -

ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice. / Since 2009, the urban tourist boarding houses have been defined tourist boarding houses. ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile rurale au fost definite ca pensiuni agroturistice. / Since 2009, the rural tourist boarding houses have been defined agro-tourist boarding houses. 6) Inclusiv municipiul Tulcea. / The Municipality of Tulcea included.


2 stele 2 stars Danube Delta


1 stea 1 star

Neclasificate Not classified

6478 2638 3840 5573 1861 3712 905 777 128 -

365 305 60 365 305 60

3163 3163 25 25 3138 3138 -

TOTAL Romanians Foreigners Hotels Romanians Foreigners Tourist inns Romanians Foreigners Tourist villas Romanians Foreigners Camping sites Romanians Foreigners School and pre-school camps Romanians Foreigners 3) Tourist boarding houses Romanians Foreigners 4) Agro-tourist boarding houses Romanians Foreigners Holiday villages Romanians Foreigners Houselet-type units Romanians Foreigners Ship accommodation places Romanians Foreigners



nnoptrile n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, pe principalele destinaii turistice, tipuri de structuri i categorii de confort, n anul 2009 Overnight stays in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2009
numr nnoptri - continuare / number of overnight stays - continued Total 5 stele 5 stars 4 stele 4 stars 3 stele 3 stars

Bucureti i oraele reedin de jude TOTAL Romni Strini Hoteluri Romni Strini Moteluri Romni Strini Hanuri turistice Romni Strini 1) Hosteluri Romni Strini Vile turistice Romni Strini Bungalouri Romni Strini 2) Cabane turistice Romni Strini Campinguri Romni Strini Tabere de elevi i precolari Romni Strini 3) Pensiuni turistice Romni Strini 4) Pensiuni agroturistice Romni Strini Spaii de cazare pe nave Romni Strini 5393310 3467085 1926225 4428662 2695853 1732809 80780 69795 10985 630 577 3 156048 130418 25630 111602 85645 25957 3818 3756 62 3775 3775 22129 16940 5189 135309 135133 176 386322 320204 66118 5038 4955 83 59197 34 59163 509822 131529 378293 500186 124294 375892 1460 822 638 8176 6413 1763 1277891 636665 641226 1182517 592683 589834 25473 18109 7364 40666 25866 14800 29235 7 29228

1959367 1331574 627793 1549879 1017363 532516 36028 27097 8931 79433 70225 9208 42821 34516 8305 831 769 62 6108 4137 1971 211441 174659 36782 2864 2781 83 29962 27 29935

1) Inclusiv hotelurile pentru tineret. / The hotels for youth included. 2) Inclusiv cabanele de vntoare i de pescuit. / The hunting and fishing chalets included. 3) 4)

ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice. / Since 2009, the urban tourist boarding houses have been defined tourist boarding houses. ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile rurale au fost definite ca pensiuni agroturistice. / Since 2009, the rural tourist boarding houses have been defined agro-tourist boarding houses. 7) Exclusiv municipiul Tulcea. / The Municipality of Tulcea excluded.


2 stele 2 stars

1 stea 1 star

Neclasificate Not classified

Bucharest and county capital cities 1236915 996722 240193 981284 777644 203640 30515 28722 1793 65915 54168 11747 34612 26184 8428 8462 5646 2816 113953 102184 11769 2174 2174 -

248797 211110 37687 204933 174007 30926 14232 13971 261 7486 2950 4536 3890 3332 558 2987 2987 3183 2781 402 12086 11082 1004 -

160518 159485 1033 9863 9862 1 5 5 630 577 3 3214 3075 139 3346 2682 664 3775 3775 4376 4376 135309 135133 176 -

TOTAL Romanians Foreigners Hotels Romanians Foreigners Motels Romanians Foreigners Tourist inns Romanians Foreigners 1) Hostels Romanians Foreigners Tourist villas Romanians Foreigners Bungalows Romanians Foreigners 2) Tourist chalets Romanians Foreigners Camping sites Romanians Foreigners School and pre-school camps Romanians Foreigners 3) Tourist boarding houses Romanians Foreigners 4) Agro-tourist boarding houses Romanians Foreigners Ship accommodation places Romanians Foreigners



nnoptrile n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, pe principalele destinaii turistice, tipuri de structuri i categorii de confort, n anul 2009 Overnight stays in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2009
numr nnoptri - continuare / number of overnight stays - continued Total 5 stele 5 stars 4 stele 4 stars 3 stele 3 stars

Alte localiti i trasee turistice TOTAL Romni Strini Hoteluri Romni Strini Moteluri Romni Strini Hanuri turistice Romni Strini 1) Hosteluri Romni Strini Vile turistice Romni Strini Bungalouri Romni Strini 2) Cabane turistice Romni Strini Campinguri Romni Strini Tabere de elevi i precolari Romni Strini Popasuri turistice Romni Strini 3) Pensiuni turistice Romni Strini 4) Pensiuni agroturistice Romni Strini Csue turistice Romni Strini 1807144 1523832 283312 753287 565574 187713 196140 177323 18817 1477 1229 248 26366 18931 7435 70255 65363 4892 11569 10973 596 42325 41380 945 7714 7580 134 114701 114427 274 18048 17753 295 172664 152408 20256 390877 349357 41520 1721 1534 187 6814 2998 3816 1143 750 393 458 322 136 5213 1926 3287 167327 108028 59299 118858 66844 52014 7326 5469 1857 11946 10459 1487 29197 25256 3941 579968 454813 125155 269072 178345 90727 49355 45384 3971 18589 12484 6105 11517 9715 1802 10265 9677 588 23355 22911 444 56719 46056 10660 141090 130232 10858 9 9 -

1) Inclusiv hotelurile pentru tineret. / The hotels for youth included. 2) Inclusiv cabanele de vntoare i de pescuit. / The hunting and fishing chalets included. 3) 4)

ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice. / Since 2009, the urban tourist boarding houses have been defined tourist boarding houses. ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile rurale au fost definite ca pensiuni agroturistice. / Since 2009, the rural tourist boarding houses have been defined agro-tourist boarding houses.


2 stele 2 stars

1 stea 1 star

Neclasificate Not classified

Other localities and tourism routes 714882 630154 84728 240175 201513 38662 112477 98239 14238 6826 6331 495 50515 49284 1231 727 719 8 9669 9550 119 290 156 134 12469 12354 115 89563 82507 7056 191776 169255 22521 395 246 149 200162 190734 9428 110788 105175 5613 33382 32784 598 330 330 951 116 835 897 895 2 577 577 9026 8656 370 5579 5399 180 13981 13064 917 23601 22688 913 1050 1050 137991 137105 886 13251 12947 304 926 916 10 1147 899 248 275 263 12 7424 7424 114701 114427 274 267 229 38 TOTAL Romanians Foreigners Hotels Romanians Foreigners Motels Romanians Foreigners Tourist inns Romanians Foreigners 1) Hostels Romanians Foreigners Tourist villas Romanians Foreigners Bungalows Romanians Foreigners 2) Tourist chalets Romanians Foreigners Camping sites Romanians Foreigners School and pre-school camps Romanians Foreigners Tourist halting places Romanians Foreigners 3) Tourist boarding houses Romanians Foreigners 4) Agro-tourist boarding houses Romanians Foreigners Houselet-type units Romanians Foreigners



Turitii cazai i nnoptrile n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, pe ri de reedin a turitilor, n anul 2009 Tourists accommodated and overnight stays in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, by tourists countries of residence, in 2009

Turiti cazai (numr) Accommodated tourists (number) TOTAL 1) Romni 2) Strini EUROPA U.E. / E.U. Austria Belgia Bulgaria Cipru Danemarca Estonia Finlanda Frana Germania Grecia Irlanda Italia Letonia Lituania Luxemburg Malta Olanda Polonia Portugalia Regatul Unit Republica Ceh Slovacia Slovenia Spania Suedia Ungaria Elveia Federaia Rus Serbia Muntenegru Norvegia Republica Moldova Turcia Ucraina 3) Alte ri din Europa
1) Romanians; 2) Foreigners. 3)

nnoptri (numr) Overnight stays (number) 17325410 14657744 2667666 2200535 100275 44527 60040 9400 25002 1950 16142 192790 424532 70512 15043 296735 3252 3047 2212 1380 76684 56975 16553 136973 34118 20060 10365 96010 20206 165613 28479 34968 16775 804 17060 54667 45136 23003 79247

6141135 4865545 1275590 1052501 58401 23197 23820 5230 11162 852 7409 100330 181084 36735 6989 141568 1551 1490 1145 665 37713 31579 7456 71357 18804 7561 5423 53067 10944 76906 15756 13402 7881 543 8037 20094 22008 10657 31685

Other countries of Europe.


Turitii cazai i nnoptrile n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, pe ri de reedin a turitilor, n anul 2009 Tourists accommodated and overnight stays in the establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation, by tourists countries of residence, in 2009
continuare / continued Turiti cazai (numr) Accommodated tourists (number) ASIA China Israel Japonia 4) Alte ri din Asia AMERICA Canada S.U.A. S.U. Mexicane 5) ri din America de Sud AFRICA AUSTRALIA, OCEANIA I ALTE TERITORII ri i teritorii nespecificate
4) Other countries of Asia. 5) Countries of South America. 6) 6)


nnoptri (numr) Overnight stays (number) 227442 21246 135837 20580 49779 171091 21247 135334 3315 11195 18189 14083 36326

93266 6946 53649 11768 20903 93625 10780 75971 1411 5463 7437 7398 21363

Countries and territories not specified.



Indicii de utilizare net a capacitii de cazare turistic n funciune, pe tipuri de structuri de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic i categorii de confort, n anul 2009 Net use indices of the tourists accommodation capacity in use, by type of establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation and category of comfort, in 2009
% Total TOTAL Hoteluri Hotels Moteluri Motels Hanuri turistice Tourist inns 1) Hosteluri 1) Hostels Vile turistice Tourist villas Bungalouri Bungalows 2) Cabane turistice 2) Tourist chalets Sate de vacan Holiday villages Campinguri Camping sites Tabere de elevi i precolari School and pre-school camps Popasuri turistice Tourist halting places 3) Pensiuni turistice 3) Tourist boarding houses 4) Pensiuni agroturistice Agro-tourist boarding 4) houses Csue turistice Houselet-type units Spaii de cazare pe nave Ship accommodation places 28,4 33,5 18,7 12,5 20,7 23,0 26,0 10,8 9,2 20,7 5 stele 5 stars 28,2 28,3 21,2 4 stele 4 stars 25,1 26,0 26,2 10,8 3 stele 3 stars 24,4 28,0 17,6 21,1 22,8 18,4 17,9 6,5 30,8 2 stele 2 stars 33,2 40,5 19,0 19,2 23,8 8,8 10,9 9,2 18,9 1 stea Neclasificate 1 star Not classified 28,3 39,6 20,1 9,9 31,7 18,4 31,5 6,7 21,5 21,4 23,3 10,2 13,2 20,7 32,0 42,8 12,9 24,7



16,3 16,6 14,2

29,3 26,4

16,7 17,1

17,0 13,9

14,8 16,8 13,6

20,5 11,4 14,9

5,4 -

21,5 68,0


7,0 59,0

9,6 -

22,4 59,8

23,7 -

1) Inclusiv hotelurile pentru tineret. / The hotels for youth included. 2) Inclusiv cabanele de vntoare i de pescuit. / The hunting and fishing chalets included. 3) 4)

ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice. / Since 2009, the urban tourist boarding houses have been defined tourist boarding houses. ncepnd cu anul 2009 pensiunile rurale au fost definite ca pensiuni agroturistice. / Since 2009, the rural tourist boarding houses have been defined agro-tourist boarding houses.






Ageniile de turism tour operatoare sunt acele agenii de turism specializate n organizarea de programe i aciuni turistice, pe care le comercializeaz direct sau prin intermediul altor agenii de turism, pe baz de contracte i convenii. Ageniile de turism cu activitate de vnzare sunt acele agenii de turism care vnd programele i aciunile turistice ale tour operatorilor. Aciunea turistic este modalitatea specific de desfurare i condiiile asigurate de agentul economic organizator pe parcursul cltoriei turistice. Turitii participani la o aciune turistic sunt persoanele care beneficiaz de serviciile oferite i vndute de agentul economic care organizeaz activitatea turistic respectiv. The tour operator travel agencies are those travel agencies specialized in organizing tourist programmes and actions that they sell directly or through other travel agencies on the basis of agreements and conventions. The travel agencies with sales activity are those travel agencies that sell the tourist programmes and actions of tour operators. The tourist action is the specific course and the conditions provided by the organizing economic agent during the tourist travel. The tourists participating in a tourism action are the persons who benefit from the services rendered and sold by the economic agent that organizes the respective tourist activity.


Numrul turitilor participani la aciunile turistice organizate de ageniile de turism Number of tourists taking part in the tourist actions organized by travel agencies


Activitatea de 1) incoming Incoming 1) activity 2008 Agenii tour operatoare Tour operator agencies - Numr de turiti total - Number of tourists - total Agenii cu activitate de vnzare Agencies with sale activity - Numr de turiti - total - Number of tourists - total 2009

Activitatea de turism intern Activity of domestic tourism 2008 2009

Activitatea de 2) outgoing Outgoing 2) activity 2008 2009













1) 2) Pentru turitii strini care vin in Romnia. / For the foreign tourists traveling to Romania.

Pentru turitii romni care pleac n strintate. / For the Romanian tourists traveling abroad.

Numrul turitilor romni participani la aciunile turistice interne, pe zone turistice Number of Romanian tourists taking part in the domestic tourist actions, by tourist areas


Agenii tour operatoare Tour operator agencies 2008 Total turiti Zona litoral Croaziere fluviale Croaziere maritime Delta Dunrii Turism cultural Pelerinaj religios Zona montan 1) Zona balnear Alte zone

Agenii cu activitate de vnzare Agencies with sale activity 2008 21103 7237 120 354 8892 4500 2009 98076 61354 64 104 1179 1900 694 14431 16019 2331 Total Seaside area River cruises Maritim cruises The Danube Delta Cultural tourism Religious pilgrimage Mountain area 1) Spas area Other areas

2009 129990 65076 100 63 1958 3319 861 31250 13219 14144

416541 250472 440 363 4449 14414 4732 105921 35750

Pentru anul 2008 datele au fost incluse la alte zone. / For 2008, data have been included in other areas.



Numrul turitilor romni participani la aciunile turistice externe 1) Number of Romanian tourists taking part in the external tourist actions 1)

Agenii tour operatoare Tour operator agencies 2008 TOTAL Europa U.E. / E.U. Austria Belgia Bulgaria Cipru Danemarca Frana Germania Grecia Irlanda Italia Lituania Malta Olanda Polonia Portugalia Regatul Unit Republica Ceh Republica Slovac Slovenia Spania Suedia Ungaria Albania Bosnia i Herzegovina Croaia Elveia Federaia Rus Norvegia Republica Moldova Muntenegru Turcia Alte ri din Europa Other countries of Europe

Agenii cu activitate de vnzare Agencies with sale activity 2009 2008 19942 18824 14811 2096 3 2613 51 1142 2066 2792 934 40 6 250 8 1636 1174 29 12 3972 2009 81729 75085 46605 2036 284 13026 367 3157 1247 12589 40 3732 67 352 1828 653 4883 2344 368 360 80 5 27667 -

603198 535345 380549 39310 2507 74485 3460 127 35225 11135 106260 98 28632 10 189 2405 76 3668 8172 4835 367 47331 195 12062 15 255 7561 2268 154 45 248 144031 219

298540 267855 185958 18247 1985 49611 492 951 8634 1761 60350 3 8190 2223 876 148 319 3844 3196 163 118 20763 954 3130 4639 867 176 150 20 1614 73672 759

Primele 10 destinaii turistice externe din cadrul fiecrei agenii de turism. / The first 10 external destinations of every tourism agency.


Numrul turitilor romni participani la aciunile turistice externe 1) Number of Romanian tourists taking part in the external tourist actions 1)
continuare / continued Agenii tour operatoare Tour operator agencies 2008 Africa Egipt Maroc Tunisia Republica Africa de Sud Alte ri din Africa Other countries of Africa America de Nord Canada S.U.A. America de Sud i Central Central and South America Cuba Mexic Argentina Brazilia Alte ri din America de Sud Other countries of South America Asia China Iordania Iran Israel Japonia Republica Arab Sirian Thailanda Alte ri din Asia Other countries of Asia 43804 21567 293 21891 43 10 2009 27254 17769 161 8942 342 40 Agenii cu activitate de vnzare Agencies with sale activity 2008 958 730 228 2009 4033 2496 20 1438 79


4829 189 4640 7006 61 222 3201 3419 103

820 88 732 206 30 163 3 4 6

48 48 -

306 39 267 178 36 142

11942 3185 108 30 3223 20 533 4843

2291 196 45 615 42 2 430 961

112 14 94 4

1677 250 121 330 976

Australia, Oceania i alte teritorii 244 Australia, Oceania and other territories Australia 120 Noua Zeeland 124 ri i teritorii nespecificate Countries and territories not specified


386 386 64


Primele 10 destinaii turistice externe din cadrul fiecrei agenii de turism. / The first 10 external destinations of every tourism agency.





Satu Mare MARAMURE Baia Mare BISTRIA-NSUD Zalu Oradea BIHOR Cluj-Napoca Trgu Mure HARGHITA Miercurea Ciuc Arad ARAD ALBA Alba Iulia Timioara Deva Sibiu TIMI HUNEDOARA Braov Focani Galai PRAHOVA Reia Trgu Jiu Rmnicu Vlcea



Nord - Vest North - West


Nord - Est North - East


Centru Center

Bistria MURE

NEAM Piatra-Neam




COVASNA Sfntu Gheorghe



Vest West



Drobeta Turnu Severin GORJ

Trgovite Ploieti Piteti DMBOVIA


Legend / Legend:


Orae / Towns

Municipii / Municipalities Reedine de jude / County capital cities Judee / Counties Regiuni de dezvoltare / Development regions
Sud - Vest Oltenia South - West Oltenia

Craiova Alexandria


Clrai Constana

Sud - Est South - East



Sud - Muntenia South - Muntenia

Bucureti - Ilfov Bucharest - Ilfov

Oferta de cazare turistic Offer for tourists accommodation


Regiunea Region

Structuri de primire Capacitatea de cazare 1) turistic n funciune turistic cu funciuni de Locuri existente 1) (numr) (locuri - zile) cazare turistic (numr) 1) Tourists accommodation Establishments of tourists Existing places reception with functions (number) capacity in use 1) (beds - days) of tourists accommodation (number) 2008 2009 5095 1170 548 90 1311 403 457 107 299 75 474 115 645 130 1207 152 154 98 2008 294210 175573 18986 8964 132668 84233 21464 11532 14973 9906 21396 12735 26484 15292 39302 15138 18937 17773 2009 303486 179479 21121 9858 134623 84278 21590 11702 16349 10399 23041 13250 27886 15306 38453 15585 20423 19101 2008 59187968 39947674 5716895 3137590 12515116 10019918 6446479 3692643 4196581 3034162 5658859 3697100 7760485 5083039 10501141 5186341 6392412 6096881 2009 61104435 40712728 6165462 3300864 12764575 10005995 6614196 3892400 4232483 2929680 5810692 3626946 7575096 4747322 10738774 5322629 7203157 6886892

TOTAL din care:- hoteluri of which:- hotels 1. Nord-Est - total North-East - total din care:- hoteluri of which:- hotels 2. Sud-Est - total South-East - total din care:- hoteluri of which:- hotels 3. Sud Muntenia - total South Muntenia - total din care:- hoteluri of which:- hotels 4. Sud-Vest Oltenia - total South-West Oltenia - total din care:- hoteluri of which:- hotels 5. Vest - total West - total din care:- hoteluri of which:- hotels 6. Nord-Vest - total North-West - total din care:- hoteluri of which:- hotels 7. Centru - total Center - total din care:- hoteluri of which:- hotels 8. Bucureti-Ilfov - total Bucharest-Ilfov - total din care:- hoteluri of which:- hotels

4884 1111 463 77 1258 397 449 106 255 69 442 102 585 122 1268 144 164 94

La 31 iulie. / On July 31.



Sosirile i nnoptrile turitilor n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic Tourists arrivals and overnight stays in establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation

Sosiri turiti (numr) Tourists arrivals (number) Regiunea Total TOTAL din care: - hoteluri 1. Nord-Est - total din care: - hoteluri 2. Sud-Est - total din care: - hoteluri 3. Sud Muntenia - total din care: - hoteluri 4. Sud-Vest Oltenia - total din care: - hoteluri 5. Vest - total din care: - hoteluri 6. Nord-Vest - total din care: - hoteluri 7. Centru - total din care: - hoteluri 8. Bucureti-Ilfov - total din care: - hoteluri 7125307 5250988 725646 484147 1308569 1091054 750157 485551 429370 294351 673814 503325 908076 581544 1291514 797599 1038161 1013417 2008 Romni Romanians 5659416 3956473 633674 405489 1201434 993702 646770 402482 404885 274653 527340 375161 764742 462591 1023032 603327 457539 439068 Strini Foreigners 1465891 1294515 91972 78658 107135 97352 103387 83069 24485 19698 146474 128164 143334 118953 268482 194272 580622 574349 Total 6141135 4547718 656501 431408 1157087 955491 591251 387125 366114 246945 575118 418272 732474 477314 1072785 666396 989805 964767 2009 Romni Romanians 4865545 3407384 583491 368199 1070981 876256 512435 326127 347777 232904 455666 312724 617934 380812 859527 512320 417734 398042 Strini Foreigners 1275590 1140334 73010 63209 86106 79235 78816 60998 18337 14041 119452 105548 114540 96502 213258 154076 572071 566725


nnoptri turiti (numr) Tourists overnight stays (number) 2008 Total 20725981 16411331 1676761 1172045 5317647 4672080 2115893 1445425 1730168 1400807 1983650 1569104 2536890 1941621 3152080 2073955 2212892 2136294 Romni Strini Romanians Foreigners 17366737 13527254 1495092 1021899 4904364 4301290 1770979 1202797 1665924 1345595 1685969 1316568 2242353 1694573 2590756 1686897 1011300 957635 3359244 2884077 181669 150146 413283 370790 344914 242628 64244 55212 297681 252536 294537 247048 561324 387058 1201592 1178659 Total 17325410 13651485 1509550 1029576 4423728 3818859 1674366 1204117 1441604 1152039 1676496 1286287 2098589 1624890 2665298 1761225 1835779 1774492 2009 Romni Strini Romanians Foreigners 14657744 11351553 1360098 903432 4134445 3554040 1409413 1030239 1398752 1118366 1412904 1058223 1860596 1421179 2236836 1467914 844700 798160 2667666 TOTAL of which: 2299932 - hotels 149452 1. North-East - total of which: 126144 - hotels 289283 2. South-East - total of which: 264819 - hotels 264953 3. South Muntenia - total of which: 173878 - hotels 42852 4. South-West Oltenia - total of which: 33673 - hotels 263592 5. West - total of which: 228064 - hotels 237993 6. North-West - total of which: 203711 - hotels 428462 7. Center - total of which: 293311 - hotels 991079 8. Bucharest-Ilfov - total of which: 976332 - hotels Region





Vizitator internaional este, din punct de vedere statistic, orice persoan care cltorete ctre o ar, alta dect aceea n care i are reedina, pentru o perioad care s nu depeasc 12 luni, scopul principal al vizitei fiind altul dect exercitarea unei activiti remunerate n ara vizitat. Sosirile cuprind numrul vizitatorilor strini nregistrai la intrarea n ar. Plecrile cuprind numrul vizitatorilor romni care cltoresc n strintate i sunt nregistrai la ieirea din ar. Aceeai persoan din strintate poate realiza, n perioada respectiv, mai multe cltorii n ar, fiind nregistrat de fiecare dat ca o nou sosire. n acelai mod se procedeaz la plecrile vizitatorilor romni n strintate. Urmtoarele categorii de cltori sunt excluse din sosirile i plecrile vizitatorilor internaionali: persoanele care intr sau ies din ar ca migrani; diplomaii, reprezentanii consulari i membrii forelor armate cnd se deplaseaz spre/dinspre locul unde trebuie s-i exercite misiunea, ntr-o alt ar; refugiaii sau nomazii.

From the statistical point of view the international visitor is any person who travels to a country, other than his country of residence, for a period not exceeding 12 months, the main purpose of his visit being other than carrying out a paid activity in the visited country. Arrivals include the number of foreign visitors registered when entering the country. Departures include the number of Romanian visitors who travel abroad and are registered when leaving the country. The same person from abroad can travel several times in the respective period inside the country, every being registered as a new arrival. Departures of Romanian visitors abroad are treated in the same way. The following categories of travellers are excluded from the arrivals and departures of international visitors: persons entering or leaving the country as migrants; diplomats, consular representatives and members of armed forces when going to/coming from the place where their mission should be carried out, to another country; refugees or nomads.


Sosirile vizitatorilor strini n Romnia, dup mijloacele de transport utilizate Arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania, by means of transport used
Sosiri n anul 2007 Arrivals in 2007 234347 1459908 5752901 274585

Sosiri n anul 2008 Arrivals in 2008 1461900 262016 1277523 6884735 253468 207890

Sosiri n anul 2009 Arrivals in 2009 163638 838


Transport rutier / Road transport Transport feroviar / Railway transport Transport aerian / Air transport

Transport naval / Sea transport Cltorii efectuate pe jos / Walks


Plecrile vizitatorilor romni n strintate, dup mijloacele de transport utilizate Departures of Romanian visitors abroad, by means of transport used
Plecri n anul 2007 Departures abroad in 2007 26829 1944067 247307 8761553

Plecri n anul 2008 Departures abroad in 2008 28250 2403628 10381258 259045

Plecri n anul 2009 Departures abroad in 2009 20626 2147276 9335405 213501 5735

Transport rutier / Road transport Transport feroviar / Railway transport Transport aerian / Air transport

Transport naval / Sea transport Cltorii efectuate pe jos / Walks


Sosirile vizitatorilor strini n Romnia i plecrile vizitatorilor romni n strintate, dup mijloacele de transport utilizate Arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania and departures of Romanian visitors abroad, by means of transport used
numr / number 2007 Total sosiri Transport rutier Transport feroviar Transport aerian Transport naval Total plecri Transport rutier Transport feroviar Transport aerian Transport naval


2008 8862119 6884735 253468 1461900 262016 13072181 10381258 259045 2403628 28250

2009 7575298

7721741 5752901 274585 1459908 234347 10979756 8761553 247307 1944067 26829

Total arrivals Road transport Railway transport Air transport Sea transport Total departures Road transport Railway transport Air transport Sea transport

5925409 207890 1277523 163638 11722543


9335405 213501 2147276 20626

Inclusiv cltoriile efectuate pe jos. / Walks included.



Indicii sosirilor vizitatorilor strini n Romnia i indicii plecrilor vizitatorilor romni n strintate, dup mijloacele de transport utilizate Indices of arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania and indices of departures of Romanian visitors abroad, by means of transport used
anul precedent = 100 / previous year = 100 2007 Total sosiri Transport rutier Transport feroviar Transport aerian Transport naval Total plecri Transport rutier Transport feroviar Transport aerian Transport naval 127,9 131,0 86,9 130,2 112,1 123,3 118,1 104,4 158,7 102,7 2008 114,8 119,7 92,3 100,1 111,8 119,1 118,5 104,7 123,6 105,3 2009 85,5 86,1 82,0 87,4 62,5 89,7 89,9 82,4 89,3 73,0 Total arrivals Road transport Railway transport Air transport Sea transport Total departures Road transport Railway transport Air transport Sea transport






Sfera de cuprindere a anchetei o constituie persoanele rezidente n Romnia, cu vrsta de cel puin 15 ani mplinii, din cadrul unui eantion reprezentativ de gospodrii. Unitatea de observare este gospodria, prin care se nelege un grup de dou sau mai multe persoane, care n mod obinuit locuiesc mpreun, au n general legturi de rudenie, se gospodresc (fac menajul) n comun, uneori lucreaz mpreun n gospodrie, consum i valorific n comun produsele obinute, particip integral sau parial la formarea i utilizarea bugetului de venituri i cheltuieli al gospodriei. nregistrarea datelor a fost fcut prin metoda interviului fa n fa, rolul principal revenind anchetatorilor, care s-au deplasat la domiciliul gospodriilor ce au fcut obiectul anchetei. Perioada de referin pentru nregistrarea datelor este trimestrul. Date din Breviar prezint cumulat datele rezultate din anchetele trimestrelor I-IV 2009. The survey coverage comprises residents in Romania, aged 15 at least, from a representative household sample. The observation unit is the household, consisting of a group of two or more persons, who usually live together, are relatives, do the housekeeping together, sometimes work together in the household, consume the obtained products and take part totally or partially in creating and using the income and expenditure budget of the household.

The data registration has been done based on face-to-face interviews, the main role being played by the investigators who visit the households subject to the survey in question. The reference period for data registration is the quarter. The data in The Romanian tourism Statistical Abstract are cumulated based on the 2009 quarterly surveys.


Numrul de turiti, de cltorii i nnoptri, dup motivul principal al cltoriei, n anul 2009 Number of tourists, trips and overnight stays, by main reason of the trip, in 2009


2009 Numr de turiti Number of tourists Total - din care: Total - of which: 1. Vacane 1) Holidays din total vacane: of total holidays: Vizite la prieteni i rude Visits to friends and relatives Vacane de 4 nnoptri i peste Holidays of 4 nights and over 2. Afaceri i motive profesionale Business and professional reasons 3. Alte motive (tratament, pelerinaj) Other reasons (treatment, pilgrimage)
1) 1)

Numr de cltorii Number of trips 13018929

Numr de nnoptri Number of overnights 62225689





6241880 5213364

7476708 5419968

31326921 41678396







Odihn, recreere, vacane, inclusiv vizite la prieteni i rude. / Rest, recreation, holiday, visits to friends and relatives included.



Cltorii interne pentru vacane 1) i afaceri 2), pe zone turistice, dup durata i organizatorul cltoriei, n anul 2009 Internal trips for holidays 1) and business 2), by tourist areas, by length of stay and organizer, in 2009
numr / number Zone turistice / Tourist areas Total Staiuni Delta Litoral Montan balneare Dunrii Seaside Mountain Spas The Danube Delta 2921799 290947 108187 Circuite Round trips 97103 Alte zone Other areas 6763228

TOTAL Durata cltoriei Lenght of stay - 1-3 nnoptri - 1-3 overnight stays - 4-7 nnoptri - 4-7 overnight stays - 8-14 nnoptri - 8-14 overnight stays - 15-28 nnoptri - 15-28 overnight stays - peste 29 nnoptri - over 29 overnight stays

11650634 1469370

6860912 3636865 958744 151284 42829

266324 880279 309615 13152 -

1606671 1014468 239246 51148 10266

93234 155721 40794 1198 -

58921 35408 8023 4260 1575

47252 41457 7660 734 -

4788510 1509532 353406 80792 30988

Organizatorul cltoriei Organizer of trip - pe cont propriu 11063719 - on ones own - alte mijloace (agenii de turism, sindicat, oficii de pensii, Ministerul Muncii, Familiei i Proteciei Sociale asociaii profesionale, culturale, religioase etc.) 586915 - other (travel agencies, trade union, pension fund, Labour Family and Social Protection Ministry and professional, cultural and religious associations)
1) 2)













Odihn, recreere, vacane, inclusiv vizite la prieteni i rude. / Rest, recreation and holiday, visits to friends and relatives includede. Afaceri i motive profesionale. / Business and professional reasons.


Cltorii n strintate pentru vacane 1) i afaceri 2), pe ri de destinaie, n anul 2009 Holidays 1) and business 2) trips abroad, by country of destination, in 2009
numr / number Cltorii pentru vacane Holiday trips Total Total Din care vizite la prieteni i rude Of which visits to friends and relatives 348360 330398 315236 7776 8140 2046 Cltorii pentru afaceri Business trips 74083 73312 53664 771 -


Total Europa U.E. Asia America Africa Australia, Oceania i alte teritorii Australia, Oceania and other territories ri i teritorii nespecificate Countries and territories not specified

876422 844038 725682 8547 10198 9636

802339 770726 672018 7776 10198 9636





1) Odihn, recreere, vacane. / Rest, recreation and holidays. 2)

Afaceri i motive profesionale. / Business and professional reasons.



Capitolul 1: Tabelele 1.1; 1.3 - 1.5: Institutul de Geografie Bucureti. Tabelul 1.2: Inspectoratul General al Poliiei de Frontier din cadrul Ministerului Internelor i Reformei Administrative. Capitolele 2 - 6: Pentru capacitatea i activitatea de cazare turistic, datele provin din cercetri statistice completate de persoanele juridice i fizice care au n proprietate sau administreaz structuri de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic. Pentru activitatea ageniilor de turism privind aciunile turistice organizate, datele provin din cercetri statistice completate de ageniile de turism. Datele privind turismul internaional sunt furnizate de ctre Ministerului Administraiei i Internelor - Inspectoratul General al Poliiei de Frontier. Capitolul 7: Datele provin din cercetri statistice completate de ctre persoanele de cel puin 15 ani mplinii, care aparin unui eantion reprezentativ de gospodrii. Chapter 1: Tables 1.1; 1.3 - 1.5: The Institute of Geography of Bucharest. Table 1.2: The General Inspectorate of Border Police within the Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reform. Chapter 2 - 6: For the capacity and activity of tourists accommodation, data are taken from statistical surveys filled in by legal and natural persons who own or manage establishments of tourists reception with functions of tourists accommodation. For the activity of travel agencies regarding the organised tourist actions, data come from statistical surveys filled in by travel agencies. Data on international tourism are supplied by the Ministry of Interior - General Inspectorate of Border Police.

Chapter 7: Data are obtained from statistical surveys filled in by persons aged 15 years at least, who belong to a representative household sample.


EUROPA U.E. (Uniunea European) Austria Belgia Bulgaria Cipru Danemarca Estonia Finlanda Frana Germania Grecia Irlanda Italia Letonia Lituania Luxemburg Malta Olanda Polonia Portugalia Regatul Unit Republica Ceh Slovacia Slovenia Spania Suedia Ungaria Elveia Federaia Rus Serbia i Muntenegru Norvegia Republica Moldova Turcia Ucraina Alte ri din Europa EUROPE E.U. (European Union) Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal United Kingdom Czech Republic Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Hungary Switzerland Russian Federation Serbia and Montenegro Norway Republic of Moldova Turkey Ukraine Other countries of Europe ASIA China Israel Japonia Alte ri din Asia AMERICA Canada S.U.A. S.U. Mexicane i America Central AMERICA DE SUD AFRICA OCEANIA ASIA China Israel Japan Other countries of Asia AMERICA Canada U.S.A. Mexico, U.S. and Central America SOUTH AMERICA AFRICA OCEANIA


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