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Croissants 1. Milk - 225g 2. Dry yeast - 5g 3. Sugar - 15g 4. Salt - 8g 5. UNSALTED butter - 40g 6. Cake flour - 200g 7.

Bread flour - 200g 8. UNSALTED butter - 225g (yes, separate amount) Method:

Scald milk, cool to lukewarm and dissolve yeast Add remaining ingredients except last quantity of butter (#8) Mix into a smooth dough but do not overmix Proof dough until it doubles in size (set aside in warm area) Incorporate last amount of butter and rest Roll out dough in perfect rectangle shape. Fold 3 times over (like a page). Rest the dough in between folds (in the fridge if butter melts) Slice the dough into triangles Make up and proof the croissants Egg wash and bake at 200 degrees For chocolate croissants roll small amount of dark couverture inside the croissant For almond croissants use frangipan before rolling, proof, egg wash and sprinkle flaked almonds before baking Follow same steps for cheese croissants

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