Social and Cultural Environment

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Social and cultural environment refers to the influence exercised by certain social factor which are beyond the

companies gate

Culture refers to dance, drama, music and festival include Knowledge, belief, art, moral, law, customs & others capability

Following characteristic of culture are

1. Learned : Culture is not inherited or biologically based, it is acquired by learning and experience 2. Shared : People are member of a group, organisation, or society share culture, it is not specific individual. 3. Tran generational : Culture is passed on from one generation to the next. 4. Symbolic: Culture is based on the human capacity to symbolic or use one thing that represent another. 5. Adaptive : Culture is based on the human capacity to change or adapt, as opposed to the more genetically driven driven adaptive process of animanls.

Factors which effect social and cultural environment Attitude of people Attitude of wealth Marriage Religion Education Ethics Social Responsibility

Culture that people create

Culture determines personality. There are sub culture. People have their own idiosyncrasies , blend of heredity Cultural experience, sub culture experience, family experience & unique personal experience (Tatas Vs Birlas)
Organisational Culture Create distinction Sense of identity Commitment

Enhance social system stability

Culture and Globalization

When business goes International work motivation, profit motivation, business goal gift giving, custom, greeting, body gesture, colour and numbers.

U.S. Company Business goal Employees Team in Sport To Win

Japan Family in Village To Survive

Players in team Children in Family Emotional cooperative Group Income

Human Relation Functional Competition Cut throat

Work motivation Individual Income promotion Pay

Acc. To Abilities Length of Service Service & Result Award of patience and sacrifice

Culture determines good and services

Social/Cultural factor Govt./Admn. Japan Emphasis on govt by virtuous and abrogation of coercion, mutual trust EE minimum control, Highly motivated India Prevalence of impersonal bureaucratic social relation, mistrust, assumption of human evil, Highly concentrated admn.. bureaucratic delays Low level of delegation General deep seated Lack of discipline. Poor S-S relationship Assumption of in equality, suspicious environment, self centered General

Attitude towards work and goal Discipline

Highly result oriented Highly disciplined and respect towards superiors Highly based on informal facilitative pattern of behavior Highly emphasized

Group harmony


People attitude towards business: U.K, Saudi Arab, South Korea Attitude towards work: Moral, Motivation, penalty & reward system Collectivism & Individualism : Ambition or complacent ( to get a govt. Job)
Education Family Authority Religion Marriage Cultural resource

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