2009 Family Reunion Poems

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2009 LaMarque Family Reunion Poems

LaMarque Trunk, Branches and Leaves A Free Verse Poem by Kim LaMarque The LaMarque family trunk many beautiful blooming branches. Branches of Squires, Mosleys, Innis, Caseys, Smiths, Batsells and Pollards creating one beautiful family tree. Growing leaves bursting of family strength and family unity. LaMarque L the leaves of LOVE in every family members heart. Squires S the leaves of SINCERITY deep in family words and actions. Mosley M the leaves of MERRIMENT blooming at family reunions. Innis I the leaves of INTELLIGENCE shown in daily choices. Casey C the leaves of CHARM naturally planted in family genes. Smith S the leaves of SUCCESS in all that we do. Batsell B the leaves of BEAUTY beaming from every family member. Pollard P the leaves of PEACE held in every familys heart. LaMarque Leaves: Love, Sincerity, Merriment, Charm, Success, Beauty and Peace run through LaMarque family tree. Trunk grow strong. Branches Continue. Bring forth leaves of true Love and Unity.

Family Reunions by Troy Squires Here Ye! Here Ye! Im here to say, Ive come to win the gift the Blacksmith has made. Its always nice to be with family and friends, a feeling that should never end. From Potosi to St. Lou, Cali to Boston, Every other year we gather no matter what its costing. Each reunion we lose a few and gain a few more. Will we ever have a reunion like 1987 once more? As the old get older and the young get old

There are so many memories that we must hold. From Aunt Lous bread to Jims first ball, Memories captured through pictures on Albertas wall. Its a blessing and pleasure to be here today, I hope we can do the same in 2011, For this I pray.

Aimin & Missin A Poem Just for Dave by Troy Squires Cousin Dave, Cousin Dave. You should give up. You havent been able to shoot since you were a pup. Years of experience can never out do The DNA that runs in my body through and through! Not even a trip to Cabelas could help the old Fella. I shot with your bow and beat you. You shot with mine and I still beat you. Going against me Is an exercise in futility You should never pick up a bow And go against me. Until next time, I give you this You can spend thousands of dollars on arrows but you will still miss! So give up now with your head held high. Walk away gracefully and just tell the arrows GOODBYE!

LaMarque & Obama Families by Joyce Smith LaMarques welcome and love all in our homes. Obamas issue the same practice in The Peoples House!

Family Reunion 2009 by Joe LaMarque Jean and Joyce, I asked for inspiration. They said OBAMA first Black President of the Nation. A surprise to me, an event I thought would never happen

Or that I would ever see! To honor our first Black President was an idea born by my nephew Ed He has all kinds of thoughts coming out of his head. Hes the one dressed in blue, white and red. Rain fell most of the day but didnt keep a lot of family and friends away. Food was plenty and Brother ate until there wasnt any. I think all had fun, although we lacked the sun. If asked who I know wonME! Troy was the Master of the Grill, He cooked until everyone had their fill. Dorothy was the ring master, without her, we might have had a disaster. The horse shoe pitch didnt go well. The ground was muddy as hell. I pitched, won and left with the blues I had mud all over my shoes. This is not a complaint- this is a fact! All in all the day was great. I hope in 2011 I wont be late.

The First Family by Charlie Fry The First Family was Adam, Eve, Abel and Cain. But something happened that brought great pain. Other families followed, but they put man in strife. Enter Noah and his family to offer new life. With a promise from God never again to destroy, Great families have evolved for Earth to enjoy. Today we pause to honor the LaMarque Family Whose ancestral legacy is stitched in Afro-American History. For those the family can never return to glory in the flowers, They grieve not, but tearfully recall many happy hours. Today we also pause to pay respect to Our Nations First Family, For you represent all families of our great country. For all desire Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. To the Obamas we pray, Love, Peace and God Bless!

Family by Todd Johnson They are the ones you are born to, They share your name, They share your blood, They watch you grow. You may not always get along. Bad vibes may sometimes flow. But no matter how grown, or far away you get Or how much trouble you may find along the way, Theyre always there, to take you back and embrace you. Theyre your backbone, theyre family, what else is there to say?

Making the World Better By Mark S. Lane We salute you Mr. and Mrs. President. With great joy our time has come to share the power given by Mr. Lincoln. Martins dream has come true and Obamas struggles will lead us through. But its not just up to them, We all have a stake in this race so lead is what we must all do. The time to lead is now for each and every one of you. So with pride I say let nothing stand in our way. Our time is Now, Our time is Today. LaMarque or Lane, the name does not matter. Its what we do that makes the world better.

Lynns 2009 LaMarque Family Reunion Poem by Lynn Squires Twas the night before Christmas oh wait, thats the wrong poem. Its July - - - 2009 - - - and the weather is warm. There is pride in the air and a feeling of success for the Office of US President has finally been filled with the best! My Obama poem - Ill keep it short & sweet

cause when it comes to the need for Hope & Change in DC You know this girl can speak! Pardon me while I wipe a tear from my eye -Lord knows this isnt my 1st Obama Cry But HOPE is here and has spread cross the nation. Black, White, Red, Yellow and Brown its an Obama sensation! Nominations, primaries, speeches, buttons, tee shirts and missing yard signs. Supporting our candidate sometimes seemed like an all uphill climb. As our family campaigned we tried hard not to be nags, so we just had OBAMA put on our car tags! O8 -BAMA that Grand Mama. 4-OBAMA thats my Mama. OBAMA 1 ya know thats Pops. And as we transform from pants saggin to Intellectual Swaggin and Character to Top Just a reminder B-OBAMA play hard, play fair & winThats Lynn So as we salute Americas 1st family I would like to pay tribute to our family tree. Grandpa Tobe, Uncle Morgan, Aunt Lou, & Lefty LaMarque And all the others who play a part In who we are, what will be and the future of our family history. Obamas & LaMarques, Families like no other. The American Dream - Now in true living color!

Always by Peggy Murry Family and friends are a great source of love, Always there for you with an unending strength from above. Whenever there is good or there is woe, Their presence if felt to welcome you back to the foe. Never forget the importance of family and friends, For each will stick with you until the bitter end.

Family by Dorothy Squires It doesnt much matter what we are called, And the size and the make-up isnt important at all. You might be a Smith, a Jones, or a Davis, A Rockefeller, Clinton, Obama or Avis. Your family could have a father, mother, and kids, Or just you and your grandma may be all that there is. Whatever the name, number or size, Just know, understand and realize, Family will love you and stick by your side. Even when life treats you rough and everything goes wrong, Family will always let you know you belong. So, no matter what we are called, Family is the best name of all.

A Poem for a Great Family by Margaret Batsell Just a little note to say What a wonderful day This has been on this Fourth of July. Thanks a lot for a nice Family and Friends. Above all, thanks again for those who started this family, Mr. & Mrs. James LaMarque. May God bless them who have gone before us.

The Obama Family by William Casey As we live from day to day we are challenged. Many Americans are living through the worst economic times of their lifetime. During these downfalls of high unemployment, home foreclosures and high price inflation, We are asking all individuals and families to unite together in support of each other. Through hope, prosperity and faith we will get there soonWE SHALL OVERCOME! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Food for Thought Submitted by Frank Mosley (Author Unknown) How can you do your part in promoting diversity? Celebrate yourself. You are special and unique. Understand that we all are. Be open to the qualities that make each of us different. Here is a poem for your reflection: The Cold Within Six humans trapped by happenstance In black and bitter cold Each one possessed a stick of wood Or so the storys told. Their dying fire in need of logs, The first woman held hers back For on the faces around the fire she noticed one was black. The next man looking cross the way Saw one not of his church, And couldnt bring himself to give the fire, His stick of birch. The third one sat in tattered clothes He gave his coat a hitch. Why should his log be put to use To warm the idle rich? The rich man just sat back And thought of the wealth he had in store. And how to keep what he had earned From the lazy, shiftless poor. The black mans face bespoke revenge As the fire passed from his sight, For all he say in his stick of wood Was a chance to spite the white. And the last man of this forlorn group Did naught except for gain. Giving only to those who gave Was how he played the game.

The logs held tight in deaths still hands Was proof of human sin. They did not die from the cold without. They died from the cold within.

A Family Prayer 2009 LaMarque Family Reunion (Author Unknown) God made us a family We need one another We love one another We forgive one another We work together We play together We worship together Together we use God's word Together we grow in Christ Together we love all men Together we serve our God Together we hope for Heaven These are our hopes and ideals Help us to attain them, O God, Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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