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Francesca Gugliotta, March 2011

Time Flows The ebbing tide comes and goes And whispers of tomorrows Fade into a memory Tick-tock The rusted springs of a broken clock That time failed and forgot Won t ever stop for me

Cough, choke The billowing grey of smoke The innocence lost from folk Who care for life too much Stay a while The outside world is fragile Still we manage to fake a smile To feel what we must touch

Which way The weathered signpost doesn t say Will I slip, or drift away From what s here to nowhere How long Does the winding road go on Can I stay sure and strong To finally get there

Unclear Have I a reason to fear Is the end drawing near The aged are formed from youth Don t cry I cannot tell a lie Even confidence is shy We are further from the truth

Bang, smash A mirror falls with a crash Scattered shards of splintered glass Distort its reflections Hope yearns In a lock an old key turns In a grate a fire burns And breaks all connections

Mismatch An uncoordinated catch Too confused to grab and snatch I wonder how I ll end this Pensive With every reason to live Only one thing left to give A kiss, a hug, and a kiss

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