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You are on page 1of 5 1. Bone marrow aspiration Local anesthesia 2.

. Administering intramuscular iron Z-track method, upper outer quadrant of the buttock 3. Foods high in iron red meat liver organ meats blackstrap molasses oysters kidney beans whole wheat bread egg yolk spinach kale turnip tops beet greens carrots raisins apricots 4. Client with metabolic alkalosis decreased respiratory rate and depth nausea, vomiting and diarrhea restlessness numbness and tingling in the extremities twitching in the extremities hypokalemia hypocalcemia dysrhythmias 5. Respiratory alkalosis decrease in the respiratory rate and depth headache lightheadedness vertigo mental status changes paresthesias hypokalemia hypocalcemia tetany convulsions 6. Normal magnesium level 1.6 to 2.6 mg/dL 7. Normal serum calcium level 8.6 to 10.0 mg/dL

Nursing Bullets 1 8. Normal serum sodium level 135-145mEq/L 9. IV potassium chloride concentration Peripheral IV line: 20-40mEq/L Central IV line: 60mEq/L 10. Normal serum potassium level 3.5 to 5.1mEq/L 11. Normal serum albumin level 3.4-5.0g/dL 12. Enemas until clear order One to three enemas may be given 13. Identifying blood compatibility Indirect Coombs' test 14. Bradypnea Regular but abnormally slow respirations 15. Kussmauls respirations Abnormally deep, regular, and increased in rate 16. Hyperpnea Labored and increased in depth and rate 17. Apnea Respirations that cease for a number of seconds 18. Arterial Blood Gases (ABGs) specimen Use heparinized syringe 19. Client with ileostomy metabolic acidosis 20. Tetany from acute hypocalcemia Give calcium gluconate and calcium chloride 21. Sickle cell crisis classic symptom Pain 22. Hypokalemia peaked P waves flat T waves depressed ST segment prominent U waves

*information taken from various nursing resources. 23. Hypercalcemia Give Calcitonin (calcimar) Avoid Vitamin D 24. Hypocalcemia Paresthesias hyperactive reflexes (+) Trousseaus or Chvosteks sign decreased heart rate hypotension hyperactive bowel sounds increased neuromuscular excitability muscle cramps tetany seizures insomnia irritability memory impairment anxiety 25. Fat emulsions Provide essential fatty acids and additional calories Assess hypersensitivity to eggs 26. Infiltration pallor coolness swelling 27. Phlebitis remove the IV apply warm moist compresses notify the physician 28. Insensible fluid loss Skin and lungs 29. Sensible fluid loss wound drainage gastrointestinal tract losses urine 30. Shock Hypotension Tachycardia cold, moist, pale, or cyanotic skin increased restlessness and apprehension

Nursing Bullets 1 31. Pseudostrabismus Asian Americans American Indians Alaskan Native infants 32. Lactated Ringers solution Replace fluid from gastrointestinal (GI) tract losses 33. Albumin Shock and protein replacement 34. Scabies Gown and gloves 35. TB patients High intake of protein, iron, and vitamin C 36. Uric acid type of stone High intake of legumes, green vegetables, and fruits (except prunes, grapes, cranberries, and citrus fruits) 37. NGT attached to low suction Metabolic alkalosis 38. Late-stage salicylate poisoning Metabolic acidosis 39. Family history of general anesthesia problems Risk for post-operative malignant hyperthermia 40. Position post-liver biopsy Right side-lying position with a small pillow or folded towel under the puncture site for 2 hours 41. Clients position during enema Left lateral position with the right leg acutely flexed 42. Position post-insertion of Cantor tube Right side 43. Post-supratentorial surgery Semi-fowlers 44. Pre-MRI medication Sedative

*information taken from various nursing resources. 45. Position of client with air embolism Left side with the feet higher than the head. 46. Client with TPN to receive antibiotic Ensure a separate IV access for the antibiotic 47. Priority management of sickle cell crisis Hydration therapy and pain relief 48. Before teaching cane-assisted ambulation Assess clients balance, strength and confidence 49. Normal serum osmolality 285-295mOsm/kg of water 50. Normal Oxygen saturation >95% 51. Hypoxemia Oxygen saturation 88% 52. Normal CSF Protein 15-45mg/dL 53. Function of progesterone Maintains uterine lining for implantation and relaxes all smooth muscle including the uterus 54. Hormones produced by the ovaries Estrogen and progesterone 55. Prior to intralipid infusion checked solution for separation or an oily appearance 56. Continuous tube feeding Check the residual every 4 hours 57. Air Embolism in client with TPN chest pain decreased level of consciousness tachycardia dyspnea anxiety feelings of impending doom cyanosis hypotension hypoxia

Nursing Bullets 1 auscultation over the right ventricle may reveal a churning windmill type of sound

58. Serum sodium level is lower than 125mEq/L IV hypertonic saline 59. Impaired Oral Mucus Membranes Avoid lemon-glycerin swabs 60. Vastus Lateralis muscle Best injection site for all age group especially ages >3 61. Assessing post-hysterectomy client Roll the client to one side after checking the perineal pad and the abdominal dressing 62. Least reliable method for determining accurate placement of the NG tube Placing the end of the tube in water to observe for bubbling 63. Position for thoracentesis Sitting at the edge of the bed leaning over the bedside table with the feet supported on a stool; or Left side-lying with the head of the bed elevated 30 to 45 degrees 64. Tracheostomy tube suctioning Goggles, mask, sterile gloves 65. Correct use of walker Put all four points of the walker 2 feet forward flat on the floor, puts weight on the hand pieces, and then walks into it 66. Post-radical vulvectomy Avoid using warm tap water 67. Hydraulic lift Position client in the center of the sling 68. Confused client with stable gait Alarm-activating bracelet or wandering bracelet. 69. Glass thermometer breakage Notify the Environmental Services Department of the spill

*information taken from various nursing resources. 70. Client with internal radiation implant Long-handled forceps and a lead container (pig) 71. Incident reports Analysis of adverse client events by reviewing the quality of care and determine any potential risks for injury to the client 72. In corneal donors death Eyes are closed and gauze pads wet with saline are placed over them with a small ice pack Elevate head 73. Keeping the living will Medical record at the hospital Physicians office Clients home Lawyers office. 74. Appropriate test for asterexis Ask the client to extend an arm, dorsiflex the wrist, and extend the fingers 75. Primary prevention measures that keep illness, injury, or potential problems from occurring 76. Secondary prevention Measures that seek to detect existing health problems or trends (case finding, screening) 77. Tertiary prevention Measures that prevent occurrence of additional injury 78. Thiamine rich foods Pork products, nuts, whole-grain cereals, and legumes 79. Normal CVP 4 to 11 mm H2O 80. Accurate indicator of fluid status and nutritional management Body weight 81. Excessive use of oral antacids Metabolic alkalosis

Nursing Bullets 1 82. Client with body or leg casts Use fracture pan 83. Isotonic solution 0.9% normal saline 5% dextrose in water 84. Hypotonic solution 0.45% normal saline 85. Hypertonic solution 10% dextrose in water 5% dextrose in 0.9% normal saline 86. Thrombophlebitis Elevate the affected leg 87. Severely anemic persons Hemoglobin >8 g/dL pale exhausted (+) palpitations sensitivity to cold loss of appetite dizziness headaches 88. Site for bone marrow aspiration Iliac crest and the sternum 89. Sickle cell anemia (+)hemoglobin S 90. Malnutrition Low serum transferrin and total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) 91. Iron-Deficiency anemia Decreased iron-binding capacity but increased transferrin levels 92. Schilling test Pernicious anemia 93. Classic signs of Pernicious anemia weakness mild diarrhea smooth, sore red tongue paresthesias difficulty with balance occasional confusion

*information taken from various nursing resources. 94. Chronic venous insufficiency avoid crossing the legs avoid sitting in chairs where the feet dont touch the floor avoid wearing garters or sources of pressure above the legs (such as girdles) avoid prolonged standing or sitting wear elastic hose for 6 to 8 weeks (or perhaps for life) elevate foot of the bed 6during sleep 95. Sclerotherapy injection of a sclerosing agent into a varicosity to damage the vein and close it off 96. Thromboangiitis obliterans (Buergers disease) Smoking cessation program 97. Cause of anginal attacks eating heavy meals straining during bowel movements smoking overexertion emotional upset temperature extremes 98. Characteristic of atrial fibrillation Auscultate apical pulse for irregular rate and palpate the radial pulse for pulse deficit 99. Position for pericardiocentesis Supine with the head of the bed raised to an angle of 45-60 degrees 100. Low cardiac output (+) Crackles

Nursing Bullets 1

*information taken from various nursing resources.

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