Sequence of Service Silk

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SEQUENCE OF SERVICE SILK LUNCH AND DINNER Action of Sequence Greet the guest, ascertain table preference.

Escort guest and assist with seating. Present menu and mark the table. Take beverage order. Post beverage order to point of sale. Pick up and serve beverage as ordered together with condiments. Remove extra place settings. Make recommendations and/or answer questions. WHO Host Host Host Stn Holder Stn Holder Runner Stn Holder Stn Holder Stn Holder Stn Holder Stn Holder Runner Stn Holder Stn Holder Manager Stn Holder All Stn Holder Stn Holder Stn Holder Runner Stn Holder Stn Holder Stn Holder Stn Holder Stn Holder Stn Holder All Runner

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. Take food order. 10. Post order to point of sale and take copy of docket to kitchen indicating position numbers. 11. Prepare table for food selection 12. Pick up and serve food and condiments, inquire about further needs. 13. Detail the table 14. Fire the next course when appropriate (Use WinHms). 15. Quality check by manager. 16. Clear and detail table. 17. Repeat step 12 to 16 if needed. 18. Present dessert menu, take order and offer coffee service (find out when guests would like the coffee served, with or after dessert). 19. Post order to point of sale and take copy of docket to the kitchen indicating position numbers. 20. Prepare table for dessert selection. 21. Pick up dessert and coffee and served as ordered. 22. Print and review check 23. Clear and detail table. 24. Place check when requested. 25. Settle check. 26. Follow up and continue service. 27. Assist with leaving. 28. Bid farewell. 29. Reset tables.

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