Machine Problem 1

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Machine Problem 1:


Machine Problem 2:


CS132L Introduction to Programming (Lab)

Input Output Statement Machine Problem 1: Design java program NetPrice that computes the net amount a customer pays on a particular sale item. Impose a 10% discount on each sale. Sample Input/Output: Enter product: Apple IPad Enter quantity: 3 Enter unit Price: 20000.00 You bought Apple IPad Total Price is 60000.00 Discount is 6000.00 Net Price is 54000.00

Machine Problem 2: Create java program Tuition that displays the amount he is going to pay if he avails different payment mode. 10% discount is imposed if payment made in cash; 5% penalty for payment made in 2 installments; 10% penalty for payment made in 3 installments. Sample Input/Output: Enter name of student: Jerry Esperanza Enter number of units enrolled: 20 Enter price per unit: 300.00 Jerry Esperanza, you could available the following payment mode: Computed Tuition fee: 6000.00 If Cash Payment: 5400.00 If 2-installment: 6300.00If 3-installment: 6600.00

New Era University College of Engineering and Technology

Introduction to Programming CS132L

Professor: Jeremias C. Esperanza Submitted by: Rexiel Kenneth P. Tugano

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