Mastering Teacher Leadership

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Mastering Teacher Leadership

Summary:The case study Mastering Teacher leadership is about the new way of teaching in private & public schools, according to Ohio legislators. According to Ohio in 2002, teachers need to complete master degree before obtaining second licensure renewal. Earlier they just looked only graduate degree to fulfill their professional development requirements. But due to changes in trends the teaching way has been also changed. All plans will be approved & monitored by Local Professional Development Committee(LPDCs). Wittenburg university in Ohio is a comprehensive liberal arts institution with professional programs in education, business management, pre-med, pre-law. Earlier Wittenburg has not offered graduate degrees in education but they offered graduate degrees in its nationality music program & until the mid 1980s, in its theology program. WSU (wright state university) offers continuing education programs which fulfilled the professional development program. Along with that motivating factor in increased turnover played a significant role in contributing increased enrollment in university development programs. With an average 15 years teaching experience , clark county schools have more than 900 certified staff & hire 50-60 new teachers each year. After that WittCPD conducted three focus groups to explore the opportunity for Master of Arts degree in class room Leadership & provided the direction for the desired content & orientation of an effective program in which there were various need which need to fulfill at that time. After that education faculty along with WittCPD drafted a market survey & mailed to 2000 practicing teachers in a four country area.

At last the market survey result shows that those who have expressed a lack of interest in a Master of Arts program at Wittenberg claimed as three obstacles i.e. anticipated high cost, holding a master degree, or family responsibility. Hence with the approval of Wittenburg Board , the program needs to continue the liberal arts tradition & strengthen the under graduate teacher education program as a part of Wittenburgs primary mission.

QUESTIONS:Q.1) Build the management research question hierarchy for this opportunity? Sol.1) The management research question fro this opportunity would be: Will the new implemented teaching way in public as well as primary schools give benefits? Is it relevant or compulsory to have the Master degree for obtaining second licensure renewal? Will this program should be deal with diverse cognitive & social needs of students? Will it provide the emphasize to both the program as well as the classroom assessment for both curriculum & instructions? Will this program provide the direction for the desired content & orientation?

Q.2) Evaluate the appropriateness of the exploratory stage of the research design? Sol.1) Firstly, Ohio implement new standards for those who wish to teach within Ohios public & private schools. Secondly, with an average15 years teaching experience clark county schools have more than 900 certified staff & hired 50-60 new teachers each year. Thirdly, Springfield city schools have more than 800certified staff & hired 119 teachers in 1997 , 99 in 1998, & 118 in 1999. Fourthly, by September 1,1999,763 teachers had returned their surveys(31.8 percent response) of which 53.8 percent of respondents had completed their degree programs beyond the bachelors level. & Lastly, out of 763 teachers , 21.2 percent said to definitely enroll with an additional 57.7 percent might enrolled. In order to that Wittenburg Board approve the offering of new degree program which needs to continue the liberal arts tradition & strengthen the undergraduate teacher education program as a primary mission for them.

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Q.3) Evaluate the sampling strategy? Sol.3) By using systematic sampling technique we have found that in the spring of 1999, Education faculty associated with WittCPD drafted a market survey & mailed it to 2000 practicing teachers in four country area. 1600 teachers in Clark country which is the part of Wittenburgs home country received a questionnaire & remaining 400 delivered to systematic sample teaching in the countries of green , Montgomery & champaign. After doing this survey they received the response from 31.8 percent teachers & 763 teacher would definitely got enrolled which is 21.2 percent . With the help of this survey new academic initiatives proposed to increasingly asked by the boardS to reach break even within their first operating year..

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