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Collection Development Policy Philosophy and Objectives: Sweeny High Schools library is committed to providing a collection of materials to support

the curricular, educational, emotional, and recreational needs of students, faculty and staff. The library seeks to provide a safe and innovative learning environment in which students can learn how to retrieve, interpret, synthesize, and present information from a variety of resources in order to develop the skills needed to succeed in an ever-changing world. 1. Responsibility Statement The districts two full time librarians will select materials for the collection using the districts selection criteria (see criteria listed below). Resources that will be utilized when considering material selections are academic journals such as School Library Journal and Booklist, etc. Recommendations from faculty and students will be taken into consideration. Gifts will also be subjected to the same criteria. 2. Gifts policy Sweeny I.S.D. will accept any gifts offered (including gifts from publishers) for the librarys collection. The Districts librarian will review the material following the districts criteria selection policy. The material will be evaluated for age appropriateness and collection suitability before entering circulation. The material should be new or in excellent condition. All gifts become the unconditional property of Sweeny I.S.D. The district has no obligation to display the materials. Materials not used by Sweeny I.S.D. will be donated to the public library or the Brazoria County W.I.C. center. Monetary gifts will be accepted and can be designated as memorials. Funds donated for materials will be used at the discretion of the librarian.Sweeny I.S.D does not appraise materials and therefore will give receipts only for the number of items, not for their value. 3. Evaluative Criteria Assessing the collection is an ongoing process. Materials that are out of date, in poor condition or irrelevant will be removed from the collection. Inventory and shelf reading will be done on an ongoing basis by the librarian. Collection mapping and seeking the guidance from a vendor will also be considered when evaluating the collection. Criteria to be considered during evaluation: Do students have necessary materials to complete assignments Does the library have adequate supplemental resources for reading in specific courses? Does the library have adequate supplemental resources for reading on general topics? Does the library have adequate professional resources for the faculty? Does the library have adequate resources for reading by the general population?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

4.Sweeny I.S.Ds Criteria for Selection Policy: In the selection of instructional resources other than textbooks, especially library acquisitions and supplemental materials for classroom use, professional staff shall ensure that materials: 1.Support and are consistent with the general educational goals of the state and District and the aims and objectives of individual schools and specific courses consistent with the District and campus improvement plans. 2. Meet high standards in presentation, format, readability, content accuracy, artistic or literary quality, and educational significance. 3. Are appropriate for the subject and for the age, ability level, learning styles, and social and emotional development of the students for whom they are selected. 4. Are designed to provide information that will motivate students to examine their own attitudes and behavior, to understand their rights, duties, and responsibilities as citizens, and to make informed judgments in their daily lives. 5. Materials shall contribute to the collection that reflects diverse interests, abilities, socioeconomic backgrounds, ethnicities, maturity levels and students extracurriular interests.

6. Materials should be free of bias and stereotype. 7. Materials should be current and up-to-date. 8. Materials should be selected to represent differing viewpoints on controversial issues in order to encourage critical analysis of such issues, exploration of personal beliefs and the development of intelligent judgments. 9. The library will follow Copyright and Fair Use Policies and will provide training materials on the proper use of information. 5.Collection Maintenance: Assessment and Weeding In order to ensure that the library collection is current, relevant, and appealing, ongoing evaluation and weeding procedures are implemented. Ongoing weeding procedures help maintain the integrity of the collection and encourage the use of materials. The librarian relies on knowledge of the collection, the curriculum, and the potential for use in the evaluation process, and as a result is the ultimate authority for removal of materials.

Weeding Guidelines Weeding should be done on a periodic basis to ensure the highest quality of materials in the collection. The following guidelines have been developed to help in the weeding process. Weeding by Appearance Materials are: dirty, brittle, yellow pages, missing pages Binding: falling apart, loose Appearance: looks old and discourages use Weeding According to Use Nonfiction: Book has not been checked out within last 10 years Nonfiction: information no longer current Fiction: Book has not been checked out within last 5 years Weeding Based on Poor Content Information is not current Information is not accurate Stereotypes are present Book is poorly written

Assessment of materials occurs informally through daily use and systematically through annual inventory and weeding procedures. The process will rely on the automated inventory system to compute the average age of the collection, determine the weight of each Dewey system category, update circulation figures, and identify duplicate copies of materials. The weeding process will be scheduled so that it does not disrupt the service of the library. 6.Challenged Materials The objective of the media center is to make available to faculty and students a collection of materials that will enrich and support the curriculum and meet the needs of the students and faculty served. In the event of challenged materials, the following procedures should be followed: Librarian: 1. Should hold a conference with the patron making the complaint and notify the administration. 2. If the matter is not resolved, the patron should file a formal, written statement. 3. The librarian should arrange a meeting of the advisory committee. Advisory Committee: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Read, view, or listen to the challenged material in its entirety. Review the selection process. Check reviews and recommendations of experts and critics. Meet to discuss the challenge.

5.) Make a recommendation to the administrator on removal, retention, or replacement. 6.) Notify the complainant of the decision.

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