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Stop Fluoridation

Help us to stop this undemocratic decision by the Strategic Health Authority to fluoridate Southamptons drinking water despite 72% who responded to the consultation by saying NO. The committee of Hampshire Against Fluoridation has written to the SHA calling on them to abandon the plan. The letter states that The SCSHAs insistence on forcing through this scheme will go down in history as one of the worst examples of public health policy implementation. And continues Your arrogance in pursuing this policy for which you have no mandate, no support, no ethical justification and no democratic authority, has strengthened the campaign both locally and nationally against water fluoridation. The Southampton area will be both the first and last place in the UK where water fluoridation is imposed by a strategic health authority and will mark a significant chapter in the UKs eventual abandonment of this obsolete and outdated practice. We need your help by signing the Petition calling upon Southampton Council to reverse its endorsement of the SHAs scheme to fluoridate the water supply and, when it assumes responsibility for public health, to confirm that it will not implement a fluoridation scheme. Hampshire Against Fluoridation.

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