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Joanna Kaye B.


Synthesis of Module 2: Organizational Design

Organizational design focuses on defining how tasks, authority and responsibilities will be organized and integrated across organization units and in individual jobs. It makes use of various strategies to make the design of the organization unique and facilitate optimal productivity in the workplace. Foremost in making an organization is formulating its vision and mission. These serve to guide the employees know what they are working for. Vision is the companys reason for being. Mission represents the specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound actions and strategies to be done to achieve the vision. We had quite a discussion in defining what a vision is, and I found it enlightening when the requisites of a good vision statement were taught. It said that a vision statement must be 1 sentence only, easily understood by a 12 year old child, can be recited by memory at gunpoint, and a bit scary. Next, we learned that there are 2 kinds of organizational chart: tall and flat. Tall is the structure of most traditional or conservative organizations. Hierarchy is emphasized, and bureaucracy can be clearly observed. With the tall design, the top management, middle

management or supervisors, and workers can be pinpointed. In contrast, the flat chart is more radical and contemporary, having only 1 leader with the rest as equals. This kind of structure can be used for teams whose members are highly competent and committed to the company, so that any one of them can be the leader anytime. Relationships can also be seen in the

organizational chart. A straight line represents formal authority, while a broken line could mean advisory only. The corporate color was also discussed. An example given by our professor was about a prominent bank changing its corporate color from its traditional blue to a bolder shade of red. They even advertised it on television in order to capture the attention of the people and make their mark among the many banks existing today. Like the corporate color, the company logo is made with utmost care, since it will represent to the customer the companys vision and values at a single glance. Therefore, the organizational design, from the vision to the company logo, is made carefully so that the design will bring about success to the organization.

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