Greg From Greece: The Complete Story

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Greg From Greece: The Complete Story

Here are the emails from "Greg From

Greece".. hopefully your advice can help him because I want to see him get through this...

If you want to skim through, I highlighted the key points...

[first email]

Hello Mr James!

Thank you very much about your interesting to help me. Thanks a lot!!! [My wife] values more her appearance and the fact that she is much younger than me. After comes her experiences, her accomplishments in life and last her personality. Many times, when she was asking me for something and I could not or I didnt want to do it, she was beginning to compare her age with my age. And because here in Greece fat girls are almost 50% of the girls population, she was pointing to such a fat girl speaking to me that in another case I would get married with a similar girl and that I must be very glad now that I have get married with her (young and beautiful). Also she have understood that she [has a lot of] value in Greece just because of her beauty Also, her divorced mother (46 years old-but beautiful) that she had visited us here in Greece (stayed here for 3 months), had asked me to put her add/profile to a local newspaper (giving my mobile number to newspaper) to find Greek husband for herMany men (and many of them were much younger than her mother) were calling me showing interest about her. I think that my wife knows very good about the power that beauty have over Greek men. Her biggest dream is to take Greek passport and become a Greek citizen. Now she has just license of staying in Greece that will renew every 5 years. Most times she initiated sex with me (especially during the first 5 months of her locating in Greece, even if we had conflict before a little and she had offended me speaking bad and not respecting me), simply asking me: Greg, will we have sex tonight? For me it was difficult to have sex after her bitchy behaviour and when I had asked her how she can have sex with me after our conflict she answered that sex is sex. But [at one time], she didnt want sex after our conflict. Generally, she initiates sex, sometimes just touching my balls as I was passing near her! Also, she liked to begin kissing and touching each other while wearing our clothes and escalating to taking off the clothes and having sex - she didnt like to be naked from the

beginning. Most times she didnt put on something sexy. After putting my finger into her vagina, she was getting very horny, fast. She didnt like oral sex [or] anal sex. [However...] She liked that I was making good sex and I was driving her into orgasm many times. She liked my penis speaking that my penis fits perfectly into her and also three-four times she said Greg, I will cut your dick and having it into me all the time!!! She doesnt like my age. During conflict she spoke me that after some years I could make sex only using my tongue. Also she doesnt like to [hold hands] when we walk out. (I want to mention that in Kiev, before our marriage, she was always [holding] my hand). Every time she complains about something. When she located in my apartment, she was complaining about my apartment: not like the color of walls, not like the inside doors, not like the kitchen, not like the TV, the furniture etc, so that she pressed me to make repair to my apartment and buy new TV, furniture etc. Trying to [make her happy], I made [the changes]. After she complained that she didnt like the Greek women. When she was pregnant she complained about Greek hospitals and doctors She complained about the money I was giving to my big son from my previous marriage. She didnt like when I was going to meet my son. She was complaining when I was training my self 2 times per week, because I was stealing time from family Every time she was finding something to complain about. When she wants sex, she begins to touch me or ask me to have sex.

[email #2 13 days later]

My name is Greg and I am from Greece. On 05/09/2008 I have purchased 5 Spark Plugs,GHH and SSU Mind Control. I am very glad about your products - you are genius!!! I would like to write me your opinion/advice about a matter that is always hot in my mind. I will try to explain my situation briefly: Three and half years ago I got married with an Ukrainian woman, she was 26 and I was 49. I thought that she was the right woman for me, but from the day that she located to Greece after getting married with me, she showed me a bitchy behavior and never respected me. She was conflicting with me almost every day and for no reason. But at the same time she wanted sex almost every day - even if she was bitchy with me an hour before she wanted sex. I think I was very good in sex with her making her orgasm 4-5 time in one session. But after sex - again bitchy behavior. I know it was my mistake that we had a baby too early. Now she is in Ukraine from June of 2007 (almost one year). She speaks me in telephone that she loves me but she has problems in her family in Ukraine and must be there. She had given me promises that she would come back on Christmas 2007, but nothing. After she had given me promises that she would come back on Easter 2008, again nothing. CR, let me know: Can a woman that wants her man to be away from him so long time? And what is she doing with her need for sex??? Because when she was near me, the fighting she had with me never kept her from not having sex with me - she wanted sex very often, and she was glad with my way of making sex to her. May be: am I stupid waiting her come back while she lives her life in Ukraine??? Please, answer me advising what to do.

Regards Greg

Hi Greg I will give you the non-sugar-coated answers. You obviously don't have any trouble getting her turned on. But the respect part is something that you shouldn't ignore... Any time a woman doesn't show a guy respect, he should start pay attention to a lot of things... And as a compulsive complainer (and finding things wrong with everything), she has the ability to reframe things to make 'cheating' justified... On the bright side, I tend to think most women complain too much... And I do believe that most women have a tendency to be loyal... So there are plenty of women who complain about everything, but that doesn't make them 'cheaters'... But you should be concerned for other reasons... Personally, I would be very concerned if I were in your shoes... Let's look at the "formula" (that describes your situation) ...
Bitchy wife that shows little respect + High (emotionless) sex-drive She lives in another country + she's ok with it

I would be concerned (but that's me...)

[email #3]

Now, I want your opinion /advice/help! To remind you, I am 50 y.o. and my wife 27 y.o.. She was in her country Ukraine for 14 months- until August 11, 2008. But why she came? Because on July 2008 I filed for divorce. (The court for deciding my application for divorce will take place on April, 9 , 2009). And when all papers/translations were ready, I called her and made it known to her. She didn't want a divorce. I told her that when she was in Greece she every day made problems in my life with her bitchy behavior, plus now her runaway from me for 14 months - all that prove that she never was into me. She insisted that she don't want divorce, and that our 3 y.o. son must grow up with father and mother together. Also she spoke me that she stayed in Ukraine for so long, because she had serious problems with her family and also because "I had spoken her to stay long to make economy". Yes, I had spoken this statement BUT to stay for 3- 4 months ONLY. She called me after 5 days ( it was August) and she told me that she borrowed 1000 euros from friends and bought plane-tickets to Greece and that I must go to Athens (airport) on August 11 to take her and son from there. I answered: "No, I will not come to pick up you and son from Athens, and if you come here at my city, you must find a place to stay, as my lawyer in cooperation with police advised me to change keys at the door of my apartment- so you cannot stay in my apartment". To make long story short, she came to Athens, take bus from Athens and arrived at my city on August 11 about 9.00 at night. She called to my sister crying, where to stay with the boy...

My mother is 80 y.o and she lives together with my sister's family, but she own a house too- the family-house in which I had grown up with my father, mother and sister. So, my mother [felt sorry for] her and go with her and the boy to stay all together in that family-house. The next day I visited that house to see my son, we eat all together. Gradually, as I was visiting the house every day, there was a connection with my wife, we (with my son and wife) were going to the beach every afternoon, going for walk and we made sex with her 4 times during August. From September she began asking me [if she and my son could move into] my apartment, but I was denying. I was saying to her that I must be sure about her real intentions of her coming back. At the beginning of October, my mother [was tired of living there] with her and the boy, and she came back to live at my sister's house, where she had better help - as old woman she is. My wife was afraid to live alone at my mother's house and she asked me to sleep every night there, but in another room. So I did. I have written that I had sex with her only 4 times on August. But then she denied to have sex with me, but she ensured me that she will have sex with me only when I will take her and the boy to my apartment. Because she said that she is not a prostitute just to fuck her and don't take her to my apartment!!! Also she spoke that not having hot water at my mothers bathroom to make bath before and after sex and that she had to make hot water on gas (where she is cooking) and that is not normal. Ok, I agreed not to have sex, until we will go to my apartment to live. Meanwhile, our lives continued this way... I paid to feed her and the boy, I paid the 1000 Euros that she borrowed to come to Greece in August, I paid all the bills at this house of my mother we lived in, I paid to buy her clothes, etc.

On December my lawyer gave me a statement that she had to sign before me taking her into my apartment. This statement was writing: "Me [Jane Smith] I write that my husband permits me to come and live at his apartment again after my absence of 14 months and I promise that I will never bring troubles into his life, I will never make actions to go away him from his apartment, BUT I will make my right efforts to have a happy and calm family life together with him."

She took that paper and showed it to a lawyer. I have to mention that this lawyer she went to, is 60 y.o., he is married but he likes to fuck young women - he visits Bulgaria (near Greece) every month, where he pays young Bulgarian prostitutes to fuck them. When she informed me that she had visited his office, I became mad, I explained to her "who this man was" and I warned her not to go to his office again! She answered that he is a good lawyer and that he wants to help her and he advised her not to sign the above paper because I can use it to [mess things up] in future. I asked her how is she going to pay him - as she have not any money at all. And she answered: "Greg, you don't want to take me and the boy at your apartment and I also believe that your real intention is to make the court for divorce on April, 9 , 2009. And you want me to sign this paper not for taking me into apartment, but to use it at the court. So, if I sign this paper, [it will work against me in the future]. And I will pay my lawyer when I will go to work - after divorce I have to work to live." I answered her that her belief is fault and I just wanted to sign that statement to be sure about my future life with her. So she continued to go to his office. Her lawyer changed some words-keys of the above statement but my lawyer advised me not to accept anything different from the original statement. I have to mention that from the time that she began to receive advice from that lawyer, her behavior changed, she began putting her nose very up, she stopped asking me to take her back into my apartment, and generally she became more calm and more sure about herself.

Finally, on Thursday 5, (a week ago), I came home from my work at about 2:30 and she was not at my mother's home - [everything was gone, including my] son's personal things, clothes and toys. Also, she took many foods (pasta, rice, milk for son, etc) as well as all food from fridge. I called her a couple of times - she didn't answer and I sent an sms writing that I was right [for not trusting] her to take her into my apartment and that she forgot to take with her the w.c. paper. Three days ago, I went to police, they called her, she answered that boy is ok and that she left, because the house of my mother was not a healthy place to live with a 3 y.o.child (I have grown up in this house and it cannot make any problems to a child's health. Ok, my apartment is much better, but she didn't want to sign the above statement. Also she spoke that now she lives at the apartment of some Russian girlfriend of her. Mr James, as you see it is a difficult situation for me. If you have any free time, write me please your opinion and what to do from now on. I had make patience for 14 months when she was not near me but in Ukraine, and she could not make patience for a little time? Sometimes I [wonder if she] left to be more free -- to meet and get fucked with some other man - maybe with her lawyer. I [can't seem to understand this because] she has not taken any money from me. How does she and boy live? Ok, I wait your answer and your help! Thanks in advance! Regards

[email #4]

Hello Mr James! I have already sent you an email some time ago, asking your opinion. Meanwhile I'm sending it to you again, I am also sending now my latest "bad news". This lawyer I was speaking about in my previous email, [I found out that he] supports her and my son. He pay for housing, food etc for both my son and wife, with exchange to fuck her. He is already married, but as I have written the other time, he likes to fuck young women. His wife is 55 yo and he is 60 yo. I feel very bad... I was supporting her 14 months- the time that she was in Ukraine and also I was supporting her all the time from August 11 until February 5 that she left home of my mother and all this time we made sex only 4 times. And now she is getting fucked by the lawyer who have just begin to pay for her and who (I think) have promised her to support/help her in the court against me making papers asking money from me and asking me to go away from my apartment, so that her and my son to live in it. But according to Greek law, she cannot take my apartment that she had left for 14 months. But I believe that this fucking lawyer have spoken her that all will be good at court blah blah blah... and she has believed him. And now she is under his mercy and under his spell. She lives now in the subuniverse that he created for her. So, Mr James, advise me what to do. I am in a state of confusion. It's very rough time for me. I am waiting for your letter. Regards Greg

Hello Greg

I'm sorry to hear about your situation my friend. I can't imagine what that must be like. Nevertheless, you must see it for it is: Your wife screwed the old greedy lawyer. Period. You can't change that. You must move on... Here's what you need to do. 1. Distance yourself from her. 2. Take care of your son. 3. Put "everything" in perspective. The essence of life is about experiencing "the good" and "the bad" (not just one) - BUT your growth/success will be based on LEARNING from both. And although that may sound fluffy or clich, it's also true - especially for your situation. You let your guard down. I'm sure you were skeptical of the "hand-holding" walks on the beach, but you gave it a shot. That's no big deal. You now realize what you're dealing with... She's not worth it. She puts stress in your life. Aside from being massively unhealthy & unproductive, it's just not a good way to go through life. Regards, CR James

[email #5 | November 23, 2009 ]

Hi Mr James! How are you? Im Greg from Greece- to remind about me:
Im the guy whos wife was not near me, but in her country Ukraine (together with our son, 4 years old now) from June 2007 until August 2008 and she came back to Greece only after I informed her that I had filled for divorce. When she came back my lawyer advised me not to permit her to live in my apartment, but because I was feeling [sorry for] her, I gave the house of my mother to her to live there together with my son. Also, I want to remind you that the time before she had gone to Ukraine, she had [a shitty attitude with me], she was bitchy without respecting me but she wanted sex with me regularly. So, she stayed to my mothers house from August 2008 until February 2009 it was the day that me coming back from the high school where I work as a Mathematician, I didnt find her and my son in my mothers house- she left the house going to the unknown. I was suspicious that a 65 yo married lawyer was supporting her, who obviously did not want me to know where she lived, because he was afraid that if I knew where my wife and son lived, then I would speak to the lawyers wife to catch him.

I hope that you remember my story until this point. So, after collecting information and after days of searching, I was sure about all the above- its useless to speak details of my searching, but March, April and May were the most difficult months of my whole life. On May 20, 2009 court took place, judging who would take custody of my son (and if she would take custody, the court would also speak how much money per month I must give to children and also if I must give money to my wife). She spoke every lie at court similar as: when she lived near me, I was jealous that she was much younger than me, so I was hitting her very often, and that generally I was a bad husband and that me pressed her to go away from me, to Ukraine. Ok, I together with my lawyer were confronting all her lies and happily on September, 11, 2009 the decision of the court was ready, giving me the temporary custody of my son. Here in Greece the word temporary custody have the following meaning:

1) every body who takes the temporary custody, must in a month from the date of the decision about temporary custody, to fill an application at courts offices asking to take place a new court, that will decide if that temporary custody would have value forever. And also 2) every body who takes the temporary custody must at the same time (via his lawyer) to give a copy of this filled application to the other side (to my wife, in my case) and the other side must sign that have been given that copy to, in a month.

These two conditions are necessary for the temporary custody to have value now and until the date that the new court would decide about the forever custody. So, in my case, my lawyer filled the above application on October 9, 2009 -- BUT HE GAVE A COPY OF IT TO MY WIFE ON OCTOBER 15, 2009. So I lost the custody, because of a mistake of my lawyer. But [I'm thinking there's more to it] Its not so simple, just a mistake: that he forgot about it or that he didnt know that he must give a copy of the application in a month but not later. He is a good lawyer and a good lawyer does not make similar fatal mistakes. I dont know maybe something has happened behind my back. The 65 yo lawyer is still supporting my wife and he pays all the expenses about her courts - because my wife does not work - does not have her money. (of course he is not her lawyer at courts. He gives her money to pay some other lawyer.) So I [can't trust] my lawyer now. I begin to think that he is a betrayer - he took money from the 65lawyer to make that mistake. Why do I think so? Because the 65lawyer was probably afraid that if me taking my son from her, then may be she will come back to me, and as a result he would loose his mistress. So he paid my lawyer to make the above mistake. So, Mr James, write me please what do you think about it? What would you do if you were in my shoes?

Also , I want to speak you that all this time my life is held back... I'm not in the right mood, so I [haven't had the time to] read your ebooks (I have purchased many ebooks from you all this time from April 2009 until now, eg "Pirate Seduction", "Instant Seducer", "Super Seduction Power" "Super Lust Buttons" etc --- BUT generally [haven't had the time to tread them] Please write me back! I am waiting for your answer! Regards Greg

(this is what i sent him today << 11/24/09 >>... but i'm not sure if it's good enough advice)

hey greg... i remember your story my friend... shockingly, i don't get too many emails from guys in their 50's talking about how their young "20-something year old" attractive, but bitchy wife (who is only nice to him when she wants to be screwed) had to be reported to the cops as a missing person - only to find out that she was screwing her 65 year old 'greedy' lawyer (who is married)(who has a hobby of fucking young Bulgarian prostitutes)... it's not every day i get that email my friend... in fact, i had a hard time at first believing what you were saying was true... if it weren't for the fact that your emails were so sincere.. and I verified that you own just about all of my products, I would have found your string of "hard luck" difficult to believe... i can't imagine how tough things have been for you.. and i want to help you as best as humanly possible because i know this has to be very frustrating for you... so here you go: if i were in your situation, i would focus on meeting a new woman.. or new women... it's the best way to get over a woman... more specifically, to get your attention off another woman...

you're life is already complicated.. focus more on keeping things simple. Step 1: get yourself a "better woman". Step 2: there is no step 2.. you're done. you see much of your problems in life is because of her... hopefully you're able to see that... i think it's time to shift gears... take care my friend... it would be great if your next email was about a new woman you met... regards, cr james

So what do you think he should do? Should he investigate the lawyer being paid off thing? Have you ever had to deal with anything like this? Let me know what you think.... You can either email me: or reply to the blog post directly

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