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SUBJECT AGENDA No. 1. Month July.

Week from 5 to 8 year 2011 Role: Utilera DESCRIPTION:

*we presented of everyone, of the recovery. *We do eight days a new presentation.
COMMENT: George Villa: I feel that the classes are now better learning more, figuring out words other said and I do not understand. Andres Gomez: each student can be expressed as you want and what he wants in English and feed is a way of feel safer. Jhonny Perez: I like to appreciate by the same partners of works that the other made. Andrea Marin: the class was very fun and is a very good way of learn. Diana Zapata: learning on the errors of the other and not I commit in the next presentation. GOALS: Treat of be more met with the works and leave the stage fright.

GRADE: 9-2 GROUP: #7 NAMES: *Diana Marcela Zapata Mesa *Andrea Marin Chaverra *Andres Felipe Gmez Correa *Jorge Mario Villa Salamanca *Jhonny Andres Perez Vargas

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