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Three ways discipline gets investigated by Louisville Metro Police

Officer arrested or cited for a criminal offense (drunken driving, etc.) Public Integrity Unit (PIU) tracks the case through the court procedure

Sworn complaint made against officer involving allegations of criminal behavior Goes to PIU for investigation Investigation taken to the commonwealths attorney for review

Sworn complaint made against officer involving policy violations PSU investigates case

Once the court case is complete, if the officer has not Either taken to the resigned, the case goes to the Profes- grand jury or presents sional Standards letter clearing officer of criminal Unit (PSU) to investiwrongdoing gate violations of policy or procedure The case goes to the PSU to investigate violations of policy or procedure

PSU officers provide a summary of their findings, including what policies seem to have been violated, to the chief Chief reviews the findings, often along with legal counsel and command staff. He may send the case back for further investigation If termination seems warranted, a pre-termination hearing is scheduled with the officer Based on that hearing, more investigation may occur or a lesser punishment may be considered Officer is served a letter of discipline, issuing the chiefs finding Discipline involving suspension or termination may be appealed to the Police Merit Board Suspensions of one to five days go before a hearing officer Longer suspensions or terminations go before the full board for a hearing

Should the officer or city not like the ruling of the board, it can be appealed to circuit court

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