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Summer Training Report

Part I: The Preliminaries

(It should be in Roman Numerals)

Title Page
-- Institute logo, Name and Place;

-- Students Details: (Name, Batch, Phone No, Email Id and Section)

Abstract: It should contain a brief about the country, the company on which the report
is being prepared and the key learnings.It should not exceed 350 words.

Acknowledgment (optional): It should generally include acknowledgment of

assistance received from various persons.

Table of Contents: List all the text pages with Arabic numerals

Part II: The Content or the Text

Industry Analysis PEST Analysis (Political, Economic, Social and Technology) Introduction to the Organization: Name of the Company, Nature of Business, Vision Statement or Strategic Intent, Mission Statement, Product or Service portfolio, Management summary and Countries where operational.

Report of Data Collection and Analysis: (A)

SWOT Analysis of the Company. Business Model of the Company. Financial Performance of the Company ( Profits and Growth rate) Competitive analysis. Key Success Factors and Competitive advantages or Core Competencies. Strategies Adopted (Present and Future).

Report of Data Collection and Analysis: (B)- Under this section the student must clearly provide the areas in which the training was undergone. This section should contain their findings and observations.

Key Findings, Learnings & Recommendations: This section should include the key learnings in the Organization.. Conclusion :

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