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International Marketing

(A Case Study) Submitted To: Sir Usman Ghauri

Submitted By:

Iqra Khan

Roll No. 3026 M.B.A. (7th Semester)

The subject matter of my case study is a Personnel Manager having difficulty in chosing of which type of people are to be sent for training abroad. The major reason that created confusion in his mind is the gamble of sending out his experienced staff for training and losing performance and quality in current plant output. Hiring newer staff with more capabilities and technical know-how is another option in hand. This gives him chance to be best on his production and yet have staff trained for the newer machine being imported. To my understanding, I would opt the option two which involves hiring more technically sound and qualified staff for training abroad. My recommendation is supported by following grounds; y Losing experienced staff for mere training purpose of newer machine is a pretty big gamble espacially when the experienced staff is getting good business with their current capabilities supported by current inventory of plant and machinery. y Being senior staff, it would be guessed that they might not be fully awared of the technical advancements in their related machinery. This would also mean that they would not bring home a lot of knowlege for the newer machinery. And investing on less result-oriented training seems fruitless. y Old staff is still needed for old machinery and its operations. Why loose one of these both inter-related parts at the sack of training that would simply require new people at all...!? y Though I would not agree on hiring a dozen of people being paid for training. I would rather chose as few people as the better training would require. They can train as required when they reach back.

Basing on the reasons above, I would strongly suggest a few highly qualified people to be sent for training abroad. Losing current staff and their performance is not an option.

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