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LESSON PLAN Subject Class/Semester Meeting Time Day/Date : English :X/1 :1 : 1 x 45 minute : Thursday / 7th October , 2010

A. Standard Competency After the lesson students are expected to be able to use instruction and request in their actual life. B. Basic Competency Make instruction and request by their own. C. Indicator Use instruction and request to command someone else. D. Lesson Objectives Students are able to : 1. Command some else with instruction and request. 2. Respond some else instruction and request correctly. E. Title Instruction and Request F. Productive Language 1. Instruction : peel, take, put, taste, eat, bring. 2. Request : please, don t, let s. G. Method Discuss and practice H. Materials preparation Knife, garlic, onion, sugar, salt, fork, spoon. I. Sources 1. English grade x SMA/MA, Bailmu. 2. Improving English Competencies SMA/MA, Panji Pustaka Activities 1. Opening (2 minutes) Greeting dialog 2. Main activities (10 minutes) a. Teacher remind student about some equipment and ingredients. b. Teacher introducing and shows how to peel, take, put, taste, eat, bring c. Ask one student to make one instruction and other student to do the command. d. Do the role play till all students make and responds all instruction. 3. Closing(3 minutes) Goodbye dialog K. Evaluation Speaking.


Head master


Imam Rosyidin, S.PdT

Mei Hastuti, S.Pt

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