Larson FOIA - May Ernest - OPM 2011-01-21

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Federal Investigative Services

January 2l,20ll

Mr. Erik Larson

DearMr. Larson: This is in reference our October25,2}l},letter to you regarding to your Freedom of Information request informationon Ernest Act for Richardfufuy. WL advised you document 6g contained informationthat requiredadditional consultation beforethe informaiioncouldbe released. Theenclosed document hasbeenreviewed 68 pursuant theprovisions the FOIA. We have to of deleted informationthat is exemptfrom disclosure pursuant section(b)(6). Section(b)(6) to exempts informationthatwould constitute clearlyunwarranted a invasionoipersonalprivacy. Please notethe attached document the bestcopyavailable. is If you wish to appeal thesedeletions, may do soby submittinga request the Office of the you to General Counsel, Office of Personnel Management, 1900E Street, NW, Washington, 20415DC 0001. An appeal shouldincludea copyof yourrequest, copyof this letter,anda statement a explaining why you believe decision in error. Theappeal the is should alsoinclude..FREEDOM OF INFORMATIONACT APPEAL" in capitalletterson tne envelope at the top of the letter and of appeal. If you haveanyquestions regarding response, this please contact Freedom Information the of Privacy office at724-794-5612, Act extension 7000. Please reference tracking #2010-1g767. Sincerely,
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AaronM.Eppy Supervisory FOYPASpecialist Enclosures

Recruit, Retain and Honor a World-Class Workforce to Serve the American people


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