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Chapter 1: Legal Heritage and the Information Age Chapter 2: Court Systems and Jurisdiction Chapter 3: Judicial, Alternative, and Online Dispute Resolution Chapter 4: Constitutional Law for Business and E-Commerce Chapter 5: Intentional Torts and Negligence Chapter 6: Strict Liability and Product Liability Chapter 7: Intellectual Property and Cyber Piracy Chapter 8: Criminal Law and Cyber Crimes Chapter 9: Nature of Traditional and E-Contracts Chapter 10: Agreement Chapter 11: Consideration and Promissory Estoppel Chapter 12: Capacity and Legality Chapter 13: Genuineness of Assent and Undue Influence Chapter 14: Statute of Frauds and Equitable Exceptions Chapter 15: Third-Party Rights and Discharge Chapter 16: Remedies for Breach of Traditional and E-Contracts Chapter 17: Internet Law and E-Commerce Chapter 18: Formation of Sales and Lease Contracts Chapter 19: Title to Goods and Risk of Loss Chapter 20: Remedies for Breach of Sales and Lease Contracts Chapter 21: Sales and Lease Warranties Chapter 22: Creation of Negotiable Instruments Chapter 23: Transferability and Holder in Due Course Chapter 24: Liability, Defenses, and Discharge Chapter 25: Checks, the Banking System, and E-Money Chapter 26: Creditors and Debtors Rights Chapter 27: Secured Transactions and Electronic Filing Chapter 28: Bankruptcy and Reorganization Chapter 29: Agency Formation and Termination 1 21 42 56 76 100 122 145 170 189 213 233 259 287 311 340 364 388 412 435 464 485 501 516 535 559 573 598 626

Chapter 30: Liability of Principals, Agents, and Independent Contractors Chapter 31: Employment, Worker Protection, and Immigration Laws Chapter 32: Labor Law and Collective Bargaining Chapter 33: Equal Opportunity in Employment Chapter 34: Small Businesses, Entrepreneurs, and General Partnerships Chapter 35: Limited Partnerships and Limited Liability Limited Partnerships Chapter 36: Corporate Formation and Financing Chapter 37: Corporate Governance and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Chapter 38: Corporate Acquisitions and Multinational Corporations Chapter 39: Limited Liability Companies and Limited Liability Partnerships Chapter 40: Franchises and Special Forms of Business Chapter 41: Investor Protection and Online Securities Transactions Chapter 42: Ethics and Social Responsibility in Business Chapter 43: Administrative Law and Regulatory Agencies Chapter 44: Consumer Protection and Product Safety Chapter 45: Environmental Protection and Global Warming Chapter 46: Antitrust Laws and Unfair Trade Practices Chapter 47: Personal Property and Bailment Chapter 48: Real Property Chapter 49: LandlordTentant Law and Land Use Regulation Chapter 50: Insurance Chapter 51: Accountants Liability Chapter 52: Wills, Trust, and Elder Law Chapter 53: Family Law Chapter 54: International and World Trade Law

649 674 698 718 742 756 776 802 830 854 876 889 914 936 948 970 993 1020 1046 1071 1092 1113 1136 1157 1175

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