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Benedict Bajala

MWF 0900-1000

March 4, 2010


God Above All Else One of the two greatest commandments of Jesus states, Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength. You are born to glorify God, so you should choose Him as your first priority and let Him control your entire life. However, you may personally hinder yourself from choosing God because of denial and your sins. You may know God but tend to procrastinate. Thinking that you can ask for Him seconds before you die, or you can let other people pray for you. You may also know God but prioritizes Him equally or even lesser than things that offer you more pleasure. Because of these pleasures, you may sometimes feel too comfortable that you tend to forget God. With these and without God in your life, it is just natural for you to live in sin. Living in sin is like living in a prison that provides temporary pleasures, leaving you with nothing when it is all consumed, and trapping you inside forever. Learn to break free, live with God. Your prison is just a small place, while outside is a vast area full of eternal abundance. But why choose Him? First, it's His command. Not fulfilling this leads to disobedience. Second, He loves you and promises to give you eternal life and His own peace. Picture out a bird that sits peacefully in its nest that rests on a branch of a tree amidst a storm, that's the peace of God. Isn't it nice that you can just smile to your worries and you are filled with excitement of how you, with God, can overcome all of those? Reciprocating God's unconditional love towards you by loving Him also shows respect. You just have to live every moment on God's presence and to cast away things that do not lead to His glorification. So why not pray right now, acknowledge your sins, confess them, thank Him for everything He has done to you and ask Him to come and direct your life.

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