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Mike Rigby

Bourne House, High Street, Bishops Lydeard Taunton TA4 3AX

Jeremy Browne MP House of Commons London SW1A0AA

11 July 2011

Dear Mr Browne, NEWSCORP AND BSKYB You may recall our previous correspondence regarding my concerns over News Corps proposed takeover of BSkyB. Well, it does rather appear that my concerns were well-founded, doesnt it? In your last letter you stated ...I have no direct responsibility for this decision, so we will have to see whether the assurances given will end up allaying your fears. Given the acknowledged scale of criminality (proven and alleged) at News Corp together with the Press Complaints Commissions assertion that they were lied to by News Corp staff, I think it is now abundantly clear that we cannot rely on any assurances given by News Corp and/or any of its subsidiaries. As you will be aware, it is believed that the Labour Party will this week be putting forward a motion to delay any takeover of BSkyB by News Corp until the criminal investigation is complete. This seems entirely sensible, indeed it is difficult to envisage reasons why any MP would choose not to support it and I look forward to receiving confirmation that, in principle, you would support such a move. Yours sincerely,

Mike Rigby BA(Hons) BTP CEnv MCIWM

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