T Google Scholar With Pals Connect Linker

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How to connect Google Scholar with PALSconnect Linker

(adapted from the CUFTS Resource Activation Guide at http://researcher.sfu.ca/node/184) By Michael Kirby, DCTC Log into CUFTS Maintenance Tool (http://linker.mnpals.net/CUFTS/MaintTool/login) Click on Site Settings and select Google Scholar Google Scholar on = Yes site keywords = your library name (e.g. DCTC Library) electronic link label = Where Can I Get This? (or some other link resolver phrase) other link label = Where Can I Get This? (or some other link resolver phrase) OpenURL base = http://linker.mnpals.net/GODOT/hold_tab.cgi/XXX Click on Submit Click on Site Settings and select General Click on Edit next to IP networks and enter your librarys IP ranges, including the proxy server Request a free CrossRef Account (http://www.crossref.org/requestaccount/) if your library doesnt already have one. Log into GODOT Configuration Tool (http://linker.mnpals.net/GODOTConfig/config.cgi) Click on Configuration, click on Sites That Use GODOT, and select Citation Enhancement Query Crossref using DOI? = checked Crossref ID = Crossref password = Query PubMed using PMID? = checked Click on Submit Log into EZproxy via FTP and get config.txt Add the following lines to your EZproxy config.txt file and save: Title Google Scholar URL http://scholar.google.com Host scholar.google.com.au Host scholar.google.ca Host scholar.google.fi Host scholar.google.com.hk Host scholar.google.nl Host scholar.google.nz Host scholar.google.co.uk Log into EZproxy via FTP and put config.txt Log into EZproxy Administration (https://login.XXXproxy.mnpals.net/admin) Restart EZproxy Use the proxied Google Scholar link from the EZproxy Database Menu Wait a few days for Google Scholar to display links to your librarys full-text resources

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