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MONDAY, JULY 11, 2011 Haslam plans proactive 2nd session (Associated Press/Schelzig)

Gov. Bill Haslam plans to take a more proactive approach when the General Assembly meets next year af struggling to catch up with the flood of legislative initiatives in his first session. The Republican governor sa during a recent breakfast interview with The Associated Press at a popular Nashville deli that assembling Cabinet and crafting his first annual state spending proposal dominated his agenda after he took office in m January. "For us, we're trying to get people hired, we're trying to get government rolling, and we're trying to ge budget put together," he said. "So that was obviously a major occupier of our time." By the time he turned h attention to the Legislature, it was already plowing ahead at full steam and advancing bills his office wasn't ready handle. "If this was a football game, we were just walking into our locker room and the rest of the team was out the field already, lining up for the kickoff," Haslam said. "They were ready to go."

State looking to honor companies for export growth (Associated Press)

The state is looking to recognize Tennessee companies that have shown strong export growth. Gov. Bill Hasla says such companies help produce high-quality jobs in the state. To honor them, the state is accepting applicatio for the 2011 Governor's Award for Trade Excellence. The awards will be presented in Nashville Sept. 22-2 Information is at Nicole.gagliano(at) The deadline for applications is Aug. 26.

Tennessee releases 2010-2011 TCAP Results (Clarksville Online)

The Tennessee Department of Education today released district-level 2010-2011 Tennessee Comprehensi Assessment Program (TCAP) Achievement Test results. Now available online, the statewide and district-by-distr breakdown shows how each school district performed in advancing student growth in all subject areas and gra levels three through eight. Tennessee educators deserve immense credit for their hard work this year in helpi our students achieve marked improvements and success, Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam said. We want to ma Tennessee the No. 1 location in the Southeast for high quality jobs, and the cornerstone of that effort is a gre education system. Im very encouraged by these latest results, and were all committed to continuing to wo together to improve the classroom experience for every student across the state.

Governor Bill Haslam on pilots' deaths (WVLT-TV Knoxville)

Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam issued the following statement regarding the deaths of two Army National Gua Pilots killed during a training accident on Saturday. We as a state mourn with the families of 1st Lt. Thom Joseph Williams, Jr. and Chief W arrant Officer 4 Daniel Cole and our thoughts and prayers are with them. This is somber reminder of how our troops face life threatening situations in training as well as in combat. The two m died in a helicopter crash in Campbell County Saturday night. New information is expected to be released from t Tennessee National Guard at a 2:00pm Sunday news conference at the base at McGhee Tyson Airport.

Friend talks about fallen Guardsman killed in helicopter crash (WBIR-TV Knoxville)

Driving to Knoxville from Alabama, retired National Guardsman Randy Rivers remembers his friend Chief Warra Officer Daniel Cole. "He's very professional, took his job very seriously, even at the same time, he would chill a be laid back and he could be that way too," Rivers said. WO4 Cole and 1st Lt. Thomas Joseph Williams, Jr. we on a routine military exercise Saturday over Claiborne County when it crashed into power lines. Both guardsm died, military officials said. Tennessee Bill Haslam Gov. issued the following statement regarding the deaths:

"We as a state mourn with the families of 1st Lt. Thomas Joseph Williams, Jr. and Chief Warrant Officer 4 Dan Cole and our thoughts and prayers are with them. This is a somber reminder of how our troops face life threateni situations in training as well as in combat."

Guard helicopter crash is under investigation (Associated Press)

An investigation has begun into a helicopter crash that killed two Tennessee Army National Guard pilo Tennessee National Guard Maj. Gen. Max Haston said in a statement Sunday that 1st Lt. Thomas Joseph W illiam Jr. and Chief Warrant Officer 4 Daniel Cole, both of Knoxville, died Saturday when their OH-58D Kiowa Warr helicopter crashed in Campbell County while they were conducting a routine training flight. Tennessee Milita Department spokesman Randy Harris told The Knoxville News Sentinel that the crash is being investigated by Army aviation safety team from Fort Rucker, Ala. Both pilots were with Troop C of the 1/230th Air Cava Squadron based at McGhee Tyson, Harris said. He said Cole was an instructor pilot, and both men had seve years of service. Haston called the loss of the two pilots incalculable. Words cannot express the sorrow personally feel for these soldiers, their families and their fellow soldiers who knew and served with them peacetime and combat, Haston said. It is a terrible tragedy whenever we lose a soldier, but we can rest assur that these two outstanding pilots lost their lives doing something that they loved and believed in, preparing defend the freedoms we all enjoy. odyssey=tab|topnews|text|News

Army investigating National Guard helicopter crash that killed 2 Knox. pilots (NS)

Army investigators are probing the cause of a National Guard helicopter crash that killed two Knoxville pilots Campbell County over the weekend. Tennessee Army National Guard 1st Lt. Thomas Joseph Williams Jr., 26, a Chief W arrant Officer 4 Daniel Cole, 41, were killed when their OH-58D Kiowa W arrior went down near Exit 141 Interstate 75 about 5:30 p.m. Saturday, said Tennessee Military Department spokesman Randy Harris. The tw pilots - both members of the 1/230th Air Cavalry Squadron, Troop C, based at McGhee Tyson Air National Gua Base - were conducting a routine training flight at the time, he said. The cause of the crash is unknown. An Arm aviation safety team from Fort Rucker, Ala., is investigating, Harris said. A LaFollette Utilities Board spokespers said the aircraft struck power lines at some point in the course of the crash, causing brief outages in t surrounding area. Cole was an instructor pilot with more than 20 years of service, including deployments to Iraq 2009-10 and Kosovo in 2004-05, Harris said.

Bill Haslam: 'Gay rights is a broad topic' (City Paper/Woods)

With his first legislative session behind him, Gov. Bill Haslam has been sitting down with the states politic reporters over lunch to talk about whatevers on their minds. The City Paper took the time to discuss two Nashvi issues the legislatures overturning of the citys anti-gay bias ordinance and the defunding of Plann Parenthood. On neither issue was Haslam the driving force. Conservative Christians were. But the govern acquiesced and eventually played a key role in both matters. Haslam signed the state law invalidating Nashville ordinance, which would have required companies doing business with the city to adopt nondiscrimination policie The governor acted even though the states major corporations and the Tennessee Chamber of Commerce a Industry came out against the state law. And Haslam pressured health departments in Nashville and Memphis deny more than $1 million in federal money to Planned Parenthood after the legislature failed to do so in confusing set of circumstances. (One state budget amendment defunded the nonprofit while another negated t first measure.)

Probation policy may put public at risk (Tennessean/Haas)

The family of Saret Vit knew little about the man she was last seen with before her charred body was found in vacant field. But the moment she went missing, they suspected him. To the Tennessee Board of Probation a Parole, however, Adrian Henry, 27, was well known. The agency was charged with supervising his parole after sexually assaulted a 12-year-old girl and nearly murdered a man. Five months before he was arrested in Vi death, it decided that multiple parole violations, including a failed drug test, werent enough to put him back prison. Its exactly the kind of situation that Vit, 22, would have decried, relatives say. Saret was someone w always advocated for what was right, for justice, said her sister Sarong Vit-Kory, 29. Its definitely irresponsib and a lack of commitment to punish people. A Tennessean investigation previously showed that the Board 2

Probation and Parole had been unable to properly supervise offenders for a decade, partly because of crushi caseloads and high turnover. But the Henry case illustrates policy decisions that could be putting the public at ri by overlooking minor parole violations that could otherwise send dangerous offenders such as Henry back prison before they commit new crimes. Its a policy the agency has called Progressive Intervention.|topnews|text|News

Athens to receive $2 million for clean water (Chattanooga Times Free-Press/Leach

Athens will receive $2 million in federal and state funds to upgrade its drinking water system through Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation. The city is one of eight municipalities recently selected to recei funding through the State Revolving Loan Program, which is administered by TDEC, for drinking water a wastewater construction projects. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency grants fund the program, and the sta adds a 20 percent match. The debt terms only require the repayment of $1.6 million over 20 years at a 3. percent interest rate, while $400,000 of the loan principal does not have to be repaid. Community investments our drinking water and wastewater systems are vital to maintaining environmental and public health, TDE Commissioner Bob Martineau said in a news release. The principal forgiveness provision helps local communiti accomplish this work in difficult economic times. The much-needed upgrades to the citys drinking water syste are global in nature, according to Wayne Scarbrough, assistant general manager for the Athens Utility Board.

Arrest reveals how undocumented students are punished (City Paper/Nix)

Last Thursday, students and supporters of Mercedes Gonzalez showed up at the door to the Davidson Coun Sheriffs Office in a show of support for their fellow grad. Their message: Dont deport our future. Their proble Davidson Countys 287(g) program, an agreement with the federal government under which the sheriffs offi processes foreign-born arrestees, marking those here illegally for possible deportation. On May 15, police stopp Gonzalez in her car near the intersection of Harding Place and Nolensville Pike for speeding 8 miles per ho faster than the 40-mph speed limit. When asked for her license, Gonzalez told the officer she didnt have one. A when he was unable to identify her using her name, date of birth or fingerprints, the officer cuffed Gonzalez a took her to jail for driving without a license. That made me feel like a criminal, Gonzalez said, which Im no Once in jail, an employee there told me I would never go back to my family, Gonzalez recalled. She feared she miss graduation from Overton High School six days later.

Plan could shift Memphis City Council candidates (Commercial Appeal/Callahan)

Proposal to balance districts after 2010 Census reveals migrating population A City Council redistricting propos will change some boundaries, likely causing consternation for candidates who had planned to run for one seat b now find themselves in another district. The plan, crafted by council attorney Allen Wade, goes before the coun for approval July 19, two days before the filing deadline for candidates. All 13 council seats are up for re-electio including District 7, vacant after the resignation of Barbara Swearengen Ware. Downtown's South Main and Sou Bluffs areas, previously in District 7, will be shifted to District 6 under the proposal. Other districts with seve precinct shifts are Districts 1 and 2. "There is that issue, where there are some people who have already start campaigning, that could be districted out of the seat that they're running for," said Steve Ross, a local blogger w follows election issues. "We don't know what's going to happen with them." That's likely the biggest controver facing the plan, which will shift about 30,000 people from Districts 1 and 2 into the remaining five regular districts

Business moves to center of school policy debate (Stateline)

For more than a decade before he entered politics, Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper ran restaurants downtown Denver. And hes always looked for ways to apply lessons from the restaurants to the job of governin One of them, he says, is that some of the worst financial years were the years that we came up with new ideas create whole new lines of business. Hickenlooper hopes that can be done now with K-12 education. School districts in Colorado are reeling from state budget cuts of $400 per student, their biggest hit in rece memory. Thats part of the story. The other part is that the state is moving ahead with an aggressive agenda educational policy change. "If we can find ways to reward great teachers, says Hickenlooper, and take gre teachers and let them take not-so-great teachers and lift them up, that dwarfsdwarfsthe loss of $400 p 3

student." One reason for the states aggressiveness amid educational defunding is that the Colorado busine community is buying into the Democratic governors agenda. Actually, corporations in Colorado have been in school improvement for quite a while now. When Hickenlooper was mayor of Denver, he and scho superintendent Michael Bennet (now a U.S. senator) brought business leaders into discussions that went a st beyond the usual role they had played in supporting education.

TVA offers ways to save energy costs (Associated Press)

The Tennessee Valley Authority and local power companies say residents can save money during the summ heat through TVA's EnergyRight Solutions program. An in-home energy evaluation program is designed encourage the installation of energy efficiency improvements in single-family homes that are at least a year o Additionally, the TVA online and paper Home e-Valuation is a do-it-yourself program allowing residential custome to play an active role in saving energy in their homes. Details are at .

Williamson's growth is glue that holds region together (Tennessean/Cook)

In 1995, Cool Springs Boulevard ended on the east side of its overpass across I-65. There was a large, me ranch gate. People still went dove hunting amid the rolling hills. But the stubbed-out street itself was a clue: Acro the I-65 bridge and all the way to the gate, Cool Springs Boulevard already was built two lanes each side plus turning lane in the middle. The die already was cast for what is there today: Nissan, Healthways, Commun Health Systems, Ford Motor Credit, a Marriott and an Embassy Suites both with convention facilities, and ma more major employers. Maryland Farms in Brentwood already had established itself as a white-collar employme center, with music industry businesses such as EMI Christian, logistics support firms such as Comdata and re headquarters such as Tractor Supply Company. Before all this, Williamson had evolved from rural county bedroom community, with 44 percent of the workforce in 1990 commuting to jobs in Nashville or Murfreesbo That out-commute rate has steadily dropped. That doesnt mean W illiamsons ties with the rest of Midd Tennessee got any looser. In that same time, Williamson became the No. 1 destination for outbound commute from Davidson County, though Davidson still remains the leading employer county for Middle Tennessee. ILLIAMSON0701/307090077/Williamson-s-growth-glue-holdsregion-together?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|News

Cleveland poised for growth (Chattanooga Times Free-Press/Higgins)

It was a year ago that Steve and Arlene Brooks moved into their new loft condominium at the Spring Cre development, part of a thus-far $16 million project and Clevelands only planned mixed-use community. T Brookses have watched The Retreat at Spring Creek, a 199-apartment complex, materialize on the opposite si of 25th Street and fill up with neighbors. The second phase of that development, an additional 130 or apartments, recently began. Meanwhile, in the Spring Creek development, the Brookses have watched sing residential homes being built and land being cleared for cottages. Their growing number of neighbors includ employees coming here to work at Volkswagen, W acker Chemical and other industries, along with locals l themselves. During the summer, there will be more commercial announcements for Spring Creek, said marketi director Sandra Rowland, including a restaurant and a bank. Some businesses and homeowners have be watching the economy for two years and now are taking action, she said.

More hospitals look to nocturnists to enhance patient care at night (TN/Wilemon)

Dr. David Sellers ends his shifts when most physicians have their morning coffee. A nocturnist at Midd Tennessee Medical Center in Murfreesboro, hes on the hospital floor all night, ready to handle patient problem that go beyond the expertise of a nurse. Nights and weekends can be dangerous times for patients, according multiple studies. The most recent one that tracked the outcomes of 30 million patients over a five-year period showed that patients admitted to hospitals on weekends have a 10 percent higher death rate. Sellers works eve night of the week, including weekends. This has been the most exciting thing Ive done in medicine just becau Im able to focus on very sick patients, and I feel like I get them better and get them on their way out of the hospit which is fulfilling, he said. Hospitals are increasingly counting on nocturnists to help them improve patient safe and response times. Dr. John Nelson, a partner with Nelson Flores Hospital Medicine Consultants, coined the te nocturnist. By his estimate, there are probably 1,000 to 1,500 nocturnists working now compared with more th 100 a decade ago. 4|topnews|text|News

Pickler: Memphis City, Shelby Co. schools merger may be years off (CA/McMillin)

Says SCS reserves right to appeal ruling Although outside lawyers hired by Shelby County Schools have declar that consolidation of all county schools is now inevitable, SCS board chairman David Pickler is saying it may "many years" before it happens, if at all. "Any time you deal with something that gets into the legal sector, you ju don't know," Pickler said last week. "Certainly, the path we are on is one that could lead to consolidation." Fin briefs were filed June 30 in a federal lawsuit brought by the currently all-suburban SCS seeking protection from immediate merger and asking for clarification on legal matters that would set forth the path required to take towa a merger. In an interview about a deposition of SCS Supt. John Aitken, Pickler used the qualifying words "cou and "if" to refer to the merger of city and suburban schools. He said SCS reserves the right to appeal any decisi by U.S. Dist. Court Judge Samuel "Hardy" Mays, who will make a ruling on key legal issues without a trial. "Th could be held up in courts with appeals for many years to come," Pickler said. "There's no guarantee once Jud Mays rules in July or August or whenever he does, that it's not going to be appealed and that some higher co issues some kind of stay to stop any action."


OPINION Times Editorial: Tennessees weighty problem (Chattanooga Times Free-Press)

Its not hard to confirm the validity of a new report that Tennessee now ranks fourth in the nation in the percenta of obese adults. A glimpse at the crowd in the stands at a football game, at shoppers in a mall or at any other pla here and across the state where people congregate should quickly validate the finding. The resultant picture is n pretty, but it should serve as a call to action for those concerned about the physical and economic health of t state and its residents. Tennessee, sadly, is not the worst example of excess poundage, though 31.9 percent of adults classified as obese. Mississippi leads all states in the percentage of obese adults with 34.4 percent. It followed by Alabama (32.2 percent) and West Virginia (32.2). The numbers are stark, particularly since the repor authors carefully defined the terms overweight and obese. The difference in terms is more than semantic; it c be life-altering.

Editorial: Anti-smoking program a big boost for TennCare (Knoxville News-Sentine

A new policy that allows TennCare to pay for its patients to quit smoking might have been adopted for sou economic reasons. In approving the policy, however, the Tennessee Legislature took another positive step in t state's drive to curb smoking. As of July 1, the state's health care program for the poor and uninsured beg covering over-the-counter products such as nicotine gum and patches to help patients quit smoking. T treatments will be covered for up to 24 weeks a year - longer for pregnant women. Previously, smoking-cessati therapies were available only for pregnant women and TennCare enrollees under age 21. And, while over-th counter generic treatments are preferred, TennCare recipients can receive coverage for brand-name products a prescription drugs upon special request from a doctor. The Legislature budgeted $3.5 million for the program th year. That figure jumps to $10.5 million with TennCare's matching federal fund. The new policy is intended to sa the state money, but improving Tennesseans' health is not merely a side effect. It is a huge part of the program.

Guest columnist: Hospital disaster preparedness is critical (Tennessean)

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently announced that it has awarded $352 million grants to help hospitals and health-care systems prepare for disasters. This is a significant step toward ensuri that our nations hospitals are ready for the unexpected. When a tornado cut a mile-wide swath through Jop Mo., this spring, one of the biggest casualties was the institution that usually helps lead local emergency respons St. Johns Regional Medical Center. The hospital was leveled by the tornado, which claimed more than 150 live but was quickly able to resume service to the community with a 60-bed mobile medical unit. St. Johns respon demonstrates what hospitals can accomplish in a disaster if they are prepared and assisted by good equipme and technology. And a dual effort by the government and the private sector is bringing that technology to more a more hospitals. The mobile unit at St. Johns, for example, was purchased with the help of the Hospi Preparedness Program (HPP), administered by Health and Human Services. Grants such as these help hospita get ready for unplanned events and the surge of medical activity that often occurs when an emergency strikes. odyssey=mod|newswell|text|News|p

Guest columnist: Boeing-union fight could spill over into Tennessee (Tennessean)

The clash between labor unions and businesses is a deep-rooted skirmish, creating fault lines that have helped shape Americas political landscape. The latest quarrel is that between the National Labor Relations Board a Boeing Corp., and though it is taking place outside of Tennessee, the implications run deep beneath its bedrock. stake in the battle is a $1 billion factory in South Carolina that Boeing hopes will be housing a production line their new 787 Dreamliner passenger jet. The NLRB claims that Boeing is building the facility in South Carolina 6

punish the unions in Washington state for past strikes and high wages. The advantage that South Carolina has luring companies like Boeing is their right-to-work status. Under right-to-work laws, you cannot be forced become a member of, or pay dues to, a union. This incentivizes, as has been seen over the past 40 yea businesses to move or expand some production lines to states with these policies.|newswell|text|Opinion|p ###

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