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Barriers To Communication

Prof. Sunil Bakshi

Changes Affecting the Workplace

Heightened global competition Flattened management hierarchies Expanded team-based management Innovative comm technologies New work environments Increasingly diverse workforce

Success for YOU in the new global and diverse workplace requires excellent communication skills!

Common Problem Areas

Sending: Lack of gestures, tone of voice, ambigious words do not convey the importance of the message. Environment: Noise, physical obstacles, inadequency of the channels, Receiving: Misinterpretion of any word or behaviour, perceptual filter which reflect all our past 4 experinces and learning

Problems in Sending
Using technical words / jargons while communicating with nontechnical people Forgetting that the visual and vocal elements are the most important, words less. Ignoring the interests, situation, and expectencies of the listener according to their expertise.

Barriers To Communication
Barriers arise due to: y Ability of the sender how much the sender understands of the message they are trying to send y Content including technicalities and jargon y Method of communication including style and body language where appropriate! y Skills and attitude of the receiver y Organisational factors complexity of the organisation structure.

Barriers to Communication
Physical Barriers yelling across the hall, communicating from different locations Perceptual Barriers we all see the world differently Emotional Barriers withholding thoughts and feelings Cultural Barriers group behaviors Language Barriers not everyone is familiar with all languages or jargon

Communication Barriers
Physical Barriers
Noise - disturbances like side conversations, equipment sound or environmental, etc. Noise creates distortions of the message and prevents it from being understoood the way was intended Noises may be ringing telephones, honking horns, messy, chaotic surroundings etc.

Barriers Contd.
Environmental - bright lights, unusual sights, attractive person, etc. distract both the sender & receiver of comm. Time, inapropriate time may be an obstacle to give message clearly. Friday afternoon is not proper for a heavy meeting.

Barriers Contd.
Personal Barriers
Emotions, Beliefs & Values Level of trust in the speaker Listening Skills Stress & Anxiety Smothering - we believe that certain information has no value to others or they are already aware of the facts.

Barriers Contd.
Semantic differences
Different meanings could be assigned to different words and symbols due to cultural differences, language, certain pre-set notions and mindset of the receiver.

Message Itself

Ourselves (Defensiveness)

Perception Problems
Listeners ability to understand. Lack of attention, inattentive or bored listeners Emotional state, stress, fear, anxiety, anger, Prejudgements, Assumptions, and Misconceptions Perceptions, Prejudices, and Stereotypes Cultural attitudes y Inappropriate target for the message

Barriers Blocking the Flow of Information in Organizations

Closed communication climate Top-heavy organizational structure Long lines of communication Lack of trust between management and employees Competition for power, status, rewards

Additional Comm Barriers

Fear of reprisal for honest communication Differing frames of reference among communicators Lack of communication skills Ego involvement Turf wars

Barriers Interfering With Effective Communication


sources of noise interpersonal communication. Physical distractions. Semantic problems. Mixed messages. Cultural differences. Absence of feedback. Status effects.



Barriers Interfering With Effective Communication

 Physical distractions. Any aspect of the physical setting

in which communication takes place. Can interfere with communication effectiveness.


Barriers Interfering With Effective Communication

 Semantic problems. Involves a poor choice or use of

words. Use the KISS principle communication. Keep it short and simple.



Barriers Interfering With Effective Communication

 Mixed messages. Occur

when a persons words communicate one thing while body language communicates another. Body language adds important insights in face-to-face meetings.


Barriers Interfering With Effective Communication

 Cultural differences. Ethnocentrism. The tendency to

believe that ones culture and it values are superiors to those of others. Often linked to an unwillingness to understand alternative points of view. Other cross-cultural challenges. Language differences. 19 Use of gestures.

Barriers Interfering With Effective Communication

 Absence of feedback.
As compared to one-way comm, two-way

comm is:
More accurate. More effective. More costly. More time consuming.


Barriers Interfering With Effective Communication

 Status Effects: Status differences

create potential communication barriers. Managers may do more telling than listening. Subordinates may filter information. MUM effect Occurs when people are reluctant to transmit bad news. Management By Walking Around Getting out of the office to directly 21 communicate with others.

Biases Affecting Comm

First impressions Stereotypes Just-like-me Halo or Horns effect Contrast effect Leniency/severity effect


A Classic Case of Miscommunication

In Center Harbor, Maine, local legend recalls the day when Walter Cronkite steered his boat into port. The avid sailor was amused to see in the distance a small crowd on shore waving their arms to greet him. He could barely make out their excited shouts:

Hello Walter, Hello Walter!

As his boat came closer, the crowd grew larger, still yelling. Pleased at the reception, Cronkite tipped his white captain's hat, waved back, even took a bow. But before reaching dockside, Cronkite's boat abruptly jammed aground. The crowd stood silent. The veteran news anchor suddenly realized what the crowd had been shouting:

Low water, low water!

Analysis of Flawed Communication Process

Sender has idea Warn boater Sender encodes message Low water!

Channel carries message Message distorted

Receiver decodes message Hello Walter!

Barriers That Caused Cronkite Miscommunication

Frame of reference Receiver accustomed to acclaim and appreciative crowds. Language skills Maine accent makes "water" and "Walter" sound similar. Receiver accustomed to speaking more than to listening.

Listening skill

Barriers That Caused Cronkite Miscommunication

Emotional interference Ego prompted receiver to believe crowd was responding to his celebrity status.

Physical barriers Noise from boat, distance between senders and receivers. Which of these barriers could be overcome through improved communication skills?


As Marketing Requested It

As Sales Ordered It

As Engineering Designed It

As Production Manufactured It

As Maintenance Installed It

What the Customer Wanted

Message Distortion
Downward Communication Through Five Levels of Management Message Written by B.O.D. Received by V.P. Received by Plant Mgr Received by Supervisor Received by Team Leader Received by Worker Amount of Msg 100% 63% 56% 40% 30% 20%

Overcoming Comm. Barriers

Realize that communication is imperfect. Adapt the message to the receiver. Improve your language and listening skills. Question your preconceptions. Plan for feedback.

Overcoming Comm. Barriers

Avoid Ambiguity
The greatest source of difficulty is that words often have different meanings depending upon context and/or culture. Thus, a "dry" country lacks either water or alcohol; a "funny" meeting is either humorous or disconcerting; a "couple" is either a few or exactly two.

Overcoming Comm. Barriers

Physical barriers: try to use face-toface communication frequently Perceptual barriers: recognize we have different values and try to recognize where the person is speaking from Emotional barriers: try to build trust recognize Cultural barriers: differences in meaning, pacing, volume and gesture, space, and touch

Overcoming The Barriers

Language Barriers: learn more about different cultures, relax, try to find a place where there are not many additional stimuli to take away from the exchange of messages Ask what people need in order to communicate most effectively Solicit feedback

Surmounting Organizational Barriers

Encourage open environment for interaction and feedback. Flatten the organizational structure. Promote horizontal communication. Provide hotline for anonymous feedback. Provide sufficient information through formal channels.

Hearing Vs Listening
Hearing Physical process, natural, passive Listening Physical as well as mental process, active, learned process, a skill

Listening is hard.
You must choose to participate in the process of listening.

Value of Listening
Listening to others is an elegant art. Good listening reflects courtesy and

good manners. Listening to the instructions carefully improves competence and performance. Good listening can eliminate a number of imaginary grievances of employees. Good listening skill can improve social relations and conversation. Listening is a positive activity rather than a passive or negative activity.

How to Improve Existing Level of COMMUNICATION?

Read more Listen more Improve language. Improve pronunciation. Work on body language. Work on voice modulation. Interact with qualitative people. Avoid reading or watching or listening unwanted literature, gossip, media presentation etc.

How to Improve Existing Level of COMMUNICATION?

Think and speak. Do not speak too fast. Use simple vocabulary. Look presentable and confident. Improve on you topic of discussion, Practice meditation & good thoughts. Do not speak only to impress someone.

Communication Essentials - Dos Always think ahead about what you are

going to say. Use simple words and phrases that are understood by every body. Increase your knowledge on all subjects you are required to speak. Speak clearly and audibly. Check twice with the listener whether you have been understood accurately or not

Communication Essentials - Dos In case of an interruption, always do a

little recap of what has been already said. Always pay undivided attention to the speaker while listening. While listening, always make notes of important points. Always ask for clarification if you have failed to grasp others point of view. Repeat what the speaker has said to check whether you have understood accurately.

Communication Essentials - Donts Do

not instantly react and mutter something in anger. Do not use technical terms or terminologies not understood by majority of people. Do not speak too fast or too slow. Do not speak in inaudible surroundings, as you wont be heard. While listening do not glance here and there as it might distract the speaker.

Communication Essentials - Donts Do

not assume that every body understands you. Do not interrupt the speaker. Do not jump to the conclusion that you have understood every thing.

Tips and Tricks

Assess who you are speaking to - peer, professor, co-worker, boss, family If possible- PLAN Check on non-verbal and simple errors In conflict, focus on the problem, not the person Listen and be honest with yourself

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