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Enfield Alliance Against the Cuts

Resisting the Cuts: The Alternative

PubliC MeeTing Enfield Civic Centre, Tuesday 12 July 2011 7.30 pm
Come and hear:

PAul MACkney, VC Coalition of Resistance, Ex UCU General Secretary lARRy ellioTT, Guardian Economics Editor ClARe SoloMonS, President of ULU Student Leader ChRiSTinA MCAneA, UNISON National Secretary for Health Chaired by: ChRiS kAufMAn, EAAC - Ex Unite National Secretary.

Have your say!
The bankers financial crisis is being paid for by cuts to our public and welfare services. Those who caused the crisis continue to feather their nests. Those who are being attacked are the poor and vulnerable, the sick, students, the young and old, the ethnic minorities, the unemployed and benefit claimants.

This meeting will discuss the threat to: n n n n n n

The nhS PenSionS JobS eduCATion WelfARe STATe PubliC SeRviCeS

Join the Enfield Alliance Against the Cuts, established January 2011, 11,000 MeMbeRS And gRoWing

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