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!!!!!DVD status!!!!!!!! emfinfo emfinfo -m emfinfo -o emfinfo -h !!!!!!!!!Copy to DVD(Apend)!!!!!! emfcopy -m CP1 K:\FMS\data\CPF\RELVOLUMSW\RELFSW0 !!!!!!!!!Copy to DVD(OVER WRITE)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

emfcopy -m TODVD -l CP2 -o -f K:\FMS\data\CPF\RELVOLUMSW\RELFSW0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! emfcopy -m TODVD -l RTR_27b -o -f K:\ftpvol\UESKN06_RTR_31MAY11

.............................. .................. .................................... .............................. APG Backup Transfer on DVD cmd .................. ........................................ aploc; emfinfo -m emfinfo -h n. emfinfo -o K: . cd images r. cd nodea r NodeA. To enter in APG. on c drive prompt this cmd use for media information. on c drive prompt this cmd use for backup copying status informatio on c drive prompt this cmd use backup processing information. on c drive prompt this cmd use for to enter in K drive from C drive on K drive prompt this cmd use for to enter in K drive Images folde on K drive prompt this cmd use for to enter in K drive Images folde

dir on K drive prompt this cmd use for to enter in K drive Images folde r NodeA directory. cd .. er NodeA. cd nodeb r NodeB. on K drive prompt this cmd use for to exit from K drive Images fold on K drive prompt this cmd use for to enter in K drive Images folde

dir on K drive prompt this cmd use for to enter in K drive Images folde r NodeB directory. cd .. er NodeB. cd .. er. C: . on K drive prompt this cmd use for to exit from K drive Images fold on K drive prompt this cmd use for to exit from K drive Images fold on K drive prompt this cmd use for to enter in C drive from K drive

emfcopy -m TODVD -l APG2_MAY -o -f k:\images\nodea\AP100531094A_20110507_033631. zip k:\images\nodeb\ This is cmd use to copy APG backup node A & B on DVD.

Backup name define : -l APG2 or -l APG1_12112010 or CP1_12112010 Backup Name copy from Node directory like this : Node-A : Node-A : emfcopy -m TODVD -l RTR_03A_24JAN11 -o -f K:\ftpvol\UESKN06_RTR_24JAN11 emfcopy -m TODVD -l CP2_12JAN11 K:\FMS\data\CPF\RELVOLUMSW\RELFSW0

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