Borris Miles Inviteletter

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October 29, 2010 Ref: Medical Travel Tour in Costa Rica (November 15 18)

On behalf of the Office of the Minister for Tourism for Costa Rica I would like to invite you to join us on an important trade mission that could be a critical tool in helping us control healthcare cost in the U.S. The tour dates are November 15th and returning on the 1gth~ As you may be aware the concept of Medical Tourism/Travel is to provide employers, insurance companies and employees with competitive options for medical treatment by targeting select high value procedures. Many of these procedures are being performed in other locations (Costa Rica being one), by highly trained physicians (many of them educated in the top U.S. medical schools) at hospitals that are JCI certified (the same international accreditation group that certifies US hospitals for international treatment). These procedures are being performed at a 50% 75% reduction in cost. The result of which is, a reduction in claim cost which drive premiums down. While this will results in greater savings for U.S. employers (public and private), the win for the employees is that all deductibles are being waived and they are allowed to take a companion with them for the procedure, in addition to visiting some of the best locations in the world (in this case Costa Rica).

For agreeing to be a part of the tour, the Costa Rican government is sponsoring all travel related expenses (airfare, hotels, ground transport, and meals). All travel arrangements are being coordinated by our office. Please let us know by November 3rd if you will be able to join us. For more information, please contact my office. Regards,

:orris L. Miles

5302 Almeda Road Houston, Texas 77004

Business (713) 355-8331 Fax (713) 355-8318

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