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November 2008, our country elected as its president, a man who not only had no verifiable qualifications for

the job, but was also constitutionally ineligible to hold it. The only proof he offered the public was an image that was thoroughly debunked as a computergenerated abstract that was not what it was purported to be.
What Is the Birther Summit?
In the time since that election, a groundswell of Americans asked for nothing more than an independent investigation into a document that nobody had any empirical evidence even existed, and were stonewalled at each step. On April 27, 2011, Barack Obama released to the nation yet another computer-manipulated image that he proclaimed was the document that, previously, the American people were told could not be obtained, while he also directed a veritable fortune to be spent to keep from revealing it. Once again, forensic document experts weighed in on the authenticity of that image, and handily dismissed it as a forgery as well. The release of that image also produced another valid question. If that were the real birth certificate, why would he have fought so expensively to obfuscate it, since there was little additional information included on it that the first image lacked? Very possibly, the reason that the obvious forgeries were foisted on the American people was to keep public discourse away from the constitutional issue that plagues Barack Obamathat, according to the historic definition of natural born Citizen, he is not constitutionally eligible to be president because his father was never a citizen of the United States, let alone at the time that Obama, Jr. was born. To the repeated demands of the people over this constitutional calamity, and the subsequent crimes committed to veil the truth, our leaders in Washington have responded with outright deception, and continue to provide cover in an attempt designed to prevent any action on their parts to uphold their oaths of office to support and defend the Constitution. LTC Terry Lakin, an 18-year honorable Army flight surgeon who could not, in good conscience, deploy to a foreign war until he had confirmation that Barack Obama was a legitimate Commander-in-Chief (something that the April 27, 2011 document would have purportedly answered), LTC Terry Lakin was stripped of his military career and sentenced to prison in Leavenworth. ( Having been ignored by their leaders for far too long, the American people are demanding to be heard. Out of those demands was born the Birther Summit, an event presently being planned for the voice of the people to be united into a single unavoidable chorus requiring our officials to do the jobs for which they were elected, and fully investigate Barack Obamas eligibility, based upon the sparse documentation he has provided. In the coming weeks, this website will become the gateway to the Birther Summit, providing everything from relevant information to online registration to attend the event. Please bookmark it, and return often! out a unified, cohesive message to issue to Congress and every citizen of this country. That message will be our Declaration of Constitutional Dependence, and will address every facet of Barack Obama's constitutional ineligibility to hold the highest office in the country, and the lengths to which he has gone to hide that fact. DAY 2 will start with a massive rally at which many of the previous days conference attendees will address the huge crowd assembled to make our presence known to Washington and the rest of the country. The rally, with poignant messages from some of our leaders, will culminate in the reading of our Declaration of Constitutional Dependence. We have asked the one individual we all immediately recognize for the vast sacrifice he made on our country's behalfLTC Terry Lakin. Stay tuned. Following the rally, we will take our message to the streets in a unified march, protesting Washington's continued cover up of the fraud that has been perpetrated upon us. DAY 3 will be the day for the Summits attendees to deliver our message in a more personal way, by teaming up and visiting the offices of every member of Congress. When the dates, times, and places are finalized, we will offer online registration for the Birther Summit. Join our email list today, and well keep you informed about this exciting, historic event! Website:

Summit Facts
Countless multitudes of Americans have literally been screaming for nearly three years for our government to properly, and honestly, address what we all know has been the biggest fraud ever perpetrated upon our nation. Our government officials have merely ignored our demands for governmental redress of our grievances, forgetting that government derives every bit of its authority from We the People. We have tried to be heard by our elected officials and by our courts, and so far, not a single plea has actually been heard . . . until NOW! If you are as frustrated about Washingtons stonewalling tactics as we are, then the Birther Summit is your chance to be heard, to be seen, and to be reckoned with. Your letters, your emails, your faxes, and your phone calls have likely never even been seen by those to whom you've written them, for it is apparent that our members of Congress have form letters they have directed their staffers to send in response to anyone asking our legitimate questions. Those unresponsive career politicians now need to be confronted by you by us in person! As long as the complicit media broadcasts its false message that we are just a small group of conspiracy theorist nut cases, the elitists in Washington will continue to ignore us. Those abrogators of our Constitution need to come face to face with the America to whom they are supposed to report . . . the America that has given them their jobs. The Birther Summit is your chance to make a difference! The Birther Summit will be a two-day event, with an optional third day for the Summits foot soldiers to team up into groups, and personally take the Summits Declaration to the battle zone. DAY 1 will be a working conference of the national leaders and spokespeople of the eligibility movement. Their names are all very well known to you, and this group will hammer

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